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Böcker utgivna av Vigmostad & Bjørke AS (VB Import)

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  • av Paulo Coelho

    Boken bygger på en sann historie, og forteller om Maria fra Brasil, som blir knust av kjærlighetssorg etter sine første nølende forhold. Hun er overbevist om at hun aldri vil finne ekte kjærlighet. Et tilfeldig møte i Rio tar henne til Geneve, der hun drømmer om å finne berømmelse og rikdom, men ender opp som gateprostituert. Drømmen om kjærlighet blir fjernere, og hun utvikler en fascinasjon for sex. Men hennes svinnende tro på kjærligheten blir satt på prøve når hun møter en vakker, ung maler. I denne selvoppdagelsens odysse må Maria velge mellom å følge den mørke veien, seksuell tilfredsstillelse i seg selv, eller risikere alt for å finne sitt indre lys og muligheten for hellig sex, sex som en del av kjærligheten.

  • - a song cycle
    av J.R.R. Tolkien

    In this song book the composer Donald Swann gives Tolkien characters Bilbo, Treebeard, Sam Gangee and Tom Bombadil tunes for their ballads of the road. Professor Tolkien approved of this and added a tune of his own, along with a glossary of Elvish terms and lore. Includes CD.

  • av Cormac McCarthy

    Texas, 1949. 16-åringen John Coles forlater familiens ranch i Texas og et samfunn hvor det meste synes å ha gått galt. Han og en venn flykter over grensen til Mexico. Ferden begynner rent idyllisk, men snart blir det blodig alvor. Første frittstående del av Grensetrilogien.

  • av Paulo Coelho

    Pilar og følgesvennen hennes gjennomfører en mystisk reise over Pyreneene. De søker åndelig mening, og i sin søken etter Gud oppdager de også en dyp kjærlighet for hverandre. Sentralt i boka står budskapet om betydningen av å overgi seg betingelsesløst til denne kjærligheten.

  • av Paulo Coelho

    Profeten Elias mottar befaling fra Gud om å forlate Israel. Han kommer til en liten libanesisk landsby der han blir konfrontert med en ny kultur, og et folk som frykter krigen. I en verden av overtro, religiøse konflikter og dype tradisjoner, opplever Elias en rekke hendelser som fører ham til et direkte møte med Gud. Historien gir håp for det moderne mennesket, og den tar opp spørsmålet om skjebnen bestemmes av individet selv.

  • av Wally Lamb

    Wally Lamb, the beloved #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Hour I First Believed, I Know This Much Is True, and She's Come Undone, delivers a holiday treat with Wishin' and Hopin'--an unforgettable novella that captures the warmth and joy of the holiday season. Poignant and hilarious, in a vein similar to Jean Shepherd's A Christmas Story and David Sedaris's The Santaland Diaries, Lamb's Christmas tale focuses on a feisty parochial school fifth grader named Felix Funicello--a distant cousin of the iconic Annette!

  • av Neil Gaiman

  • av Valerio Massimo Manfredi

    As the Western Roman Empire begins to collapse in 470 AD, a small band of British Roman soldiers make a journey to Rome only to find the city not far from destruction. Deciding to return to Britain, they cross the channel in defeat, little knowing the magical destinies that await them.

  • av Valerio Massimo Manfredi

    I denne tredje boka i trilogien om Alexander den store fortsetter han sitt felttog inn til hjertet av Asia og videre mot India. Felttoget fører med seg både opprør og blodbad, men tanken på den vakre dronning Roxane gir Alexander styrke til å oppfylle sin skjebne.

  • av Tom Robbins

  • av Stephenie Meyer

    Five amazing authors. Five unforgettable stories.In this exciting collection of paranormal tales, best-selling authors Stephenie Meyer (Twilight), Kim Harrison (Once Dead, Twice Shy), Meg Cabot (How to Be Popular), Lauren Myracle (ttyl), and Michele Jaffe (Bad Kitty) take prom mishaps to a whole new level--a truly hellish level. Wardrobe malfunctions and two left feet don't hold a candle to discovering your date is the Grim Reaper--and he isn't here to tell you how hot you look.From angels fighting demons to a twisted take on getting what you wish for, these five stories will entertain better than any DJ in a bad tux can. No corsage or limo rental necessary. Just good, creepy fun.

  • av Lauren Conrad

    Sugar and spice . . . not everyone's nice.Fresh from being betrayed by one of her closest friends, new celebrity Jane Roberts has learned a few lessons. Most important: know who to trust. And in Hollywood, that list is short. Determined to get control of her life, Jane swears off boys and all the trouble they bring. But when high school sweetheart Caleb and L.A. crush Braden show up, both acting sweeter than ever, Jane has a hard time remembering her no-boys rule.And for the first time Jane's best friend, Scarlett, has only one guy on her mind: her new boyfriend, Liam. But being on a hit reality show means hanging out with other guys on-camera, and Liam isn't too happy with pretending to play a bit part in her love life.Just when everything feels out of control, Jane makes a discovery that changes everyone's definition of "reality" forever. In television star Lauren Conrad's L.A. Candy series, the drama is pure dishy fun.

  • av Cameron Diaz

  • av Brian Payton

    A stunning tale of love and survival against all odds, for fans of Cold Mountain April 1943. In the bloody turmoil of war, John Easley, a journalist mourning his lost brother, is driven to expose a hidden and growing conflict: the Japanese invasion and occupation of Alaska's Aleutian Islands. But when his plane is shot down he must either surrender or struggle to survive in a harsh wilderness. Three thousand miles to the south, Helen Easley cannot accept her husband's disappearance-an absence that exposes her sheltered, untested life. Desperate to find and be reunited with him, she sets out on a remarkable journey from the safety of her Seattle home to the war in the north. An evocative, richly atmospheric tale of life and death, commitment and sacrifice, The Wind Is Not a River, perfect for fans of Cold Mountain, is a gripping story of survival that illuminates the fragility of life and the fierce power of love. 'Beautifully written, lyrical and elegiac, The Wind Is Not A River is a novel you must read ...John Easley's struggle to survive and his wife Helen's struggle to find him form the most triumphant and heartbreaking love story I've read in years' David Vann, author of LEGEND OF A SUICIDE

  • av Sigrid Undset
    211 - 281

    Kransen skildrer Kristins oppvekst. Hun ble som barn trolovet med sønnen på nabogården, men trasser seg til ekteskap med Erlend som hun venter barn med. Dette fører til konflikt med både familie, slekt og kirke. I Husfrue er Kristin blitt mor og husfrue, men livet med Erlend blir ikke slik hun hadde ventet. Vi følger henne gjennom det vanskelige samlivet og på den tunge botsgangen til Nidaros. Korset handler om Kristin som gammel og sliten blir tatt opp som leksøster i et kloster. Endelig får hun fred med seg selv og med Gud.

  • av Josefine Klougart

    "Klougart has an unusual ability to create phrases, images and a language that you long to stay in and remember forever."-Dagens Nyheter "One can speak of unbearable beauty, but one can also speak of a linguistic beauty that makes it possible to bear the unbearable."-Politiken In this genre-bending apocalyptic novel Josefine Klougart fuses myriad literary styles to breathtaking effect in poetic meditations on life and death interspersed with haunting imagery. Her experimental novel asks readers to reconsider death, asserting sorrow and loss as beautiful and necessary aspects of living. Hailed as "the Virginia Woolf of Scandinavia," Klougart mixes prose, lyric essay, drama, poetry, and images to breathtaking effect in her writing, and Of Darkness marks the arrival of a wholly new literary talent in world literature. Josefine Klougart (b. 1985) made her literary debut in 2010 with the novel Rise and Fall, which was nominated for the prestigious Nordic Council Literature Prize. Her third novel, One of Us is Sleeping, forthcoming from Open Letter Books in summer 2016, was also nominated for a Nordic Council Literature Prize, making her the youngest author ever nominated twice for this prominent prize. Her fourth and most recent novel, Of Darkness, appeared in Denmark in 2014 to universal critical acclaim and became a massive bestseller in Denmark and Norway. Translator Martin Aitken has won numerous awards for his translations of Danish literature, and he is currently working with Karl Ove Knausgaard to translate the final volume of My Struggle and his nonfiction.

  • av Carl Frode Tiller

    The brilliant first novel in The Encircling Trilogy, a searing psychological portrait of a man by his friends David has lost his memory. When he places a newspaper ad to ask his friends and family to share their memories of him, three respond: Jon, his closest friend; Silje, his teenage girlfriend; and Arvid, his estranged stepfather. Their letters reveal David's early life in the small town of Namsos, full of teenage rebellion, the uncertainties of first love, and intense experiments in art and music. As the narrative circles ever closer to David, the letters interweave with scenes from the present day, and it becomes less and less clear what to believe. Jon's and Silje's adult lives have run aground on thwarted ambition and failed intimacy, and Arvid has had a lonely struggle with cancer. Each has suspect motives for writing, and soon a contradictory picture of David emerges. Whose remembrance of him is right? Or do they all hold some fragment of the truth? Carl Frode Tiller's masterful opening novel to The Encircling Trilogy won the European Prize for Literature, the English PEN Award, and the Hunger Prize. Encircling, with David as its brooding central enigma, confronts the relativity of memory in an audacious and daring novel that reveals the shape of a life and leaves us wanting more.

  • av Hannah Kent

    Inspired by a true story, Hannah Kent's Burial Rites was shortlisted for The Baileys Women's Prize for Fiction, The Guardian First Book Award and The International IMPAC Dublin Literary Awards. In northern Iceland, 1829, Agnes Magnusdottir is condemned to death for her part in the brutal murder of her lover. Agnes is sent to wait out her final months on the farm of district officer Jon Jonsson, his wife and their two daughters. Horrified to have a convicted murderer in their midst, the family avoid contact with Agnes. Only Toti, the young assistant priest appointed Agnes's spiritual guardian, is compelled to try to understand her. As the year progresses and the hardships of rural life force the household to work side by side, Agnes's story begins to emerge and with it the family's terrible realization that all is not as they had assumed. Based on actual events, Burial Rites is an astonishing and moving novel about the truths we claim to know and the ways in which we interpret what we're told. In beautiful, cut-glass prose, Hannah Kent portrays Iceland's formidable landscape, in which every day is a battle for survival, and asks, how can one woman hope to endure when her life depends upon the stories told by others? Burial Rites is perfect for fans of Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood and The Lifeboat by Charlotte Rogan.

  • av Jon Fosse

    Ei jente sit på ein sofa, ho veit ikkje kva ho skal finne på. Ho kranglar med mora og er sjalu på den eldre søstra. Ho lengtar også etter den fraverande faren, ein sjømann.

  • av Alice Hoffman

    Søstrene Gillian og Sally Owens tilhører en slekt som har vært stemplet som hekser i 200 år. Alt som har gått galt i småbyen Massachusetts har Owenskvinnene fått skylden for. De to gamle tantene som Gillian og Sally har vokst opp hos, har avfunnet seg med denne skjebnen, og gjort seg nytte av hekserollen. Men den unge generasjonen gjør opprør. Gillian flykter og lever livet hardt og vilt. Sally søker normaliteten i forstadslivets regulerte orden. Inntil Gillian dukker opp igjen, så å si med et lik i kofferten. Da må slektens gamle kunster tas i bruk, og selv gamle tanter hentes inn.

  • av Sigrid Undset

    Det er kveld i Roma i begynnelsen av det 20. århundre da to unge mennesker møtes på gaten: forskeren Helge Gram og billedkunstneren Jenny Winge. De innleder et forhold, og da de møtes igjen i Kristiania, blir Jenny presentert for Helges familie. Helges foreldre lever i et uhyggelig ekteskap som tydelig har preget hans oppvekst. Det blir også en stor belastning i forholdet mellom Helge og Jenny, og de går fra hverandre. Jenny oppdager imidlertid at hun har mye til felles med Helges far. Dermed forlater Gert Gram sin kone.

  • av Larry Smith

    Deceptively simple and suspiciously addictive, "Not Quite What I Was Planning: And Other Six-Word Memoirs by Writers Famous and Obscure" is a thousand little glimpses at humanity - six words at a time. In 2006, "SMITH" Magazine decided to give people the opportunity to answer a Hemingway inspired challenge: What would a six-word memoir look like? Within weeks, submissions were coming in by the thousands and this book is the fruit of this amazing response. Famous contributors range from Joan Rivers to Dave Eggers, Mario Batali to Jonathan Lethem, Deepak Chopra to Moby. Most of the contributions, however, came from amateur writers. Examples; From Aimee Mann: 'Couldn't cope so I wrote songs.'; From Joyce Carol Oates: 'Revenge is living well, without you.'; From Joan Rivers: 'Liars, hysterectomy didn't improve sex life!'; And from unknown writers we have: Never really finished anything, except cake.Found true love, married someone else; Study mathematics. Marry slut. Sum bad; Caring for parents. Life is circular. This title presents a glorious mishmash of these and myriad other voices. It's a thousand little windows into humanity-six words at a time. Whether the results are shocking, strange, silly, or sad, they are always entertaining, often inspiring, and totally addictive.

  • av Francis Crosby

    This title features over 300 aircraft with 1200 wartime and modern identification photographs. It describes all the truly classic aircraft, such as the Spitfire, Messerschmitt Bf109, Heinkel He111, F-14 Tomcat, MiGs, B-52 Stratofortress and B-2 Spirit stealth bomber. It covers the history of fighters and bombers, their technology and role in major conflicts around the world, including the first fighter aces, early bombing raids, Blitzkrieg, the Battle of Britain, the Dambusters, the Cold War, the Falklands and the Gulf Wars. Specification boxes for each aircraft provide at-a-glance information about their country of origin, first flight, power, armament, size, weights and performance. It includes glossaries of aviation terms and abbreviations. These two superb books trace the development of fighter and bomber aircraft from the early pioneering days through to the sophisticated machines of today. Fighters focuses on aircraft designed to attack and destroy other aircraft, and is brimming with information about planes such as the Bristol Fighter, Spitfire, P-51 Mustang, MiG-15, Hunter, Harrier and F-14 Tomcat. Bombers looks at military aircraft that are designed to drop bombs on enemy targets from the air, and includes the atom bomb-carrying Boeing B-29s and stealth bombers. These splendidly illustrated books provide enthusiasts and historians with key information about the world's greatest military aircraft.


    This book brings together a selection of Newton's fashion catalog work from as early as 1962 through 2003 and his last editorial photographs for US and Italian Vogue - all work he made as a "gun for hire." The client list includes: BiBA, Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, Versace, Thierry Mugler, Blumarine, "Italian Vogue", "US Vogue", "German Vogue", Villeroy & Boch, Bikini Calendar for "Sportsmagazine", "Absolute Vodka". His work is so powerful, so striking, that it defies categorization. In refusing to call his work "art," Newton leaves us free to do so, and judging from the amount of museum and gallery shows that have featured his work, it is clear that the option has been widely exercised.

  • av Sam Bourne

    The new, brilliantly high-concept religious conspiracy-theory thriller from the author of 'The Righteous Men', set against the backdrop of the world's bitterest conflict. April 2003: as the Baghdad Museum of Antiquities is looted, a teenage Iraqi boy finds an ancient clay tablet in a long-forgotten vault. He takes it and runs off into the night ! Several years later, at a peace rally in Jerusalem, the Israeli prime minister is about to sign a historic deal with the Palestinians. A man approaches from the crowd and seems to reach for a gun -- bodyguards shoot him dead. But in his hand was a note, one he wanted to hand to the prime minister. The shooting sparks a series of tit-for-tat killings which could derail the peace accord. Washington sends for trouble-shooter and peace negotiator Maggie Costello, after she thought she had quit the job for good. She follows a trail that takes her from Jewish settlements on the West Bank to Palestinian refugee camps, where she discovers the latest deaths are not random but have a distinct pattern. All the dead men are archaeologists and historians -- those who know the buried secrets of the ancient past. Menaced by fanatics and violent extremists on all sides, Costello is soon plunged into high-stakes international politics, the worldwide underground trade in stolen antiquities and a last, unsolved riddle of the Bible.

  • av Margaret Dilloway

    A mother-daughter story about the strong pull of tradition, and the lure and cost of breaking free of it. When Shoko decided to marry an American GI and leave Japan, she had her parents' blessing, her brother's scorn, and a gift from her husband-a book on how to be a proper American housewife. As she crossed the ocean to America, Shoko also brought with her a secret she would need to keep her entire life... Half a century later, Shoko's plans to finally return to Japan and reconcile with her brother are derailed by illness. In her place, she sends her grown American daughter, Sue, a divorced single mother whose own life isn't what she hoped for. As Sue takes in Japan, with all its beauty and contradictions, she discovers another side to her mother and returns to America unexpectedly changed and irrevocably touched.

  • av Kate Lively

    In this title, every project shown in clear stages with more than 2400 photographs, artworks and illustrations and clear information on materials, equipment and techniques. You can experiment with the wonderful range of paper available today, from humble cardboard boxes and newspaper to delicate handmade Japanese paper. It includes papercraft projects for all occasions, such as delightful gifts for family and friends, fun projects to make with children and decorative ideas for around the home. There are projects for special occasions, including coming of age, weddings, Christmas, and Valentine's Day. Sections cover papier-mache, decoupage, paper cutting and collage, decorating paper, paper construction, origami, decorative papercrafts and paper projects of every kind. Beautifully varied, adaptable and inexpensive, paper is the ideal creative medium, offering countless possibilities for original and beautiful gifts and decorations. This book explores all the principal papercraft techniques and then encourages you to try them out in a range of more than 300 projects to suit all skill levels. Here is everything you need to know about paper-making, decoupage, papier-mache and other techniques. The Japanese art of origami is clearly explained, step by step. You can learn how to design your own unique gift-wrap and tags, build collages, and produce bags, boxes, dolls, toys, ornaments, decorations and stationery. This book explores the fun and satisfaction there is to be had in experimenting with this most versatile of materials, and shows you how to produce your own desings to a professional standard.

  • av Kathryn Harrison

  • av Elisabeth Lowell

    Archer, den eldste sønnen i Donovan familien blir dratt tilbake til fortiden når den eneste kvinnen han har elsket, ringer han for å få hjelp. Hannah McGarry er også hans halvbror Len's kone. Len ble lam etter en skade han pådro seg, og etter det bruker han all sin tid på å utvikle et unikt perlekjede med svarte perler, og på å torturere sin kone mentalt. Etter at en syklon treffer deres australske perlefarm, finner Hannah mannen død og perlehalsbåndet er forsvunnet. Archer kommer for å beskytte henne og hevne Len's død. Grådighet og politiske intriger fører dem på en farlig ferd fra Australia til Hong Kong og til Seattle. Archer er tiltrukket av Hannah, men Hannah har problemer med å stole på sin kjærlighet til Archer.


    Explore the cooking of China and Asia in this collection of 200 recipes, photographed throughout.

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