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  • - Journal for the Study of Romanticisms
    av Gisli Magnusson

    "Romantik. Journal for the Study of Romanticisms" is a multidisciplinary journal dedicated to the study of romantic-era cultural productions and concepts. The journal promotes innovative research across disciplinary borders. It aims to advance new historical discoveries, forward-looking theoretical insights and cutting-edge methodological approaches. The articles range over the full variety of cultural practices, including the written word, visual arts, history, philosophy, religion, and theatre during the romantic period (c. 1780-1840). But contributions to the discussion of pre- or post-romantic representations are also welcome. Since the romantic era was characterized by an emphasis on the vernacular, the title of journal has been chosen to reflect the Germanic root of the word. But the journal is interested in all European romanticisms - and not least the connections and disconnections between them - hence, the use of the plural in the subtitle. Romantik is a peer-reviewed journal supported by the Nordic Board for Periodicals in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOP-HS).

  • - Theoretische Grundlagen - Empirische Analysen - Jugendtheologische Konsequenzen
    av Thomas Weiss
    1 226,-

    Argumentation is one of the cultural key techniques, required to take part in public discourse. This study examined if and how upper secondary school students are able to argue in writing regarding the subject creation and evolution. In cooperation with the Department of Biology Education (IPN Kiel and University of Potsdam) students arguments were levied empitically and identified with quality content analysis. As a result religious education consequences for a youth theology were formulated. Dieser Titel erscheint auch als Open-Access-Publikation. Nach dem Erscheinungstermin werden Sie hier den Titel kostenlos zum Download finden. Argumentieren ist eine der entscheidenden Kulturtechniken zur Teilhabe am offentlichen Diskurs. In der vorliegenden Studie wird untersucht, ob und wie SchulerInnen der gymnasialen Oberstufe zum Thema Schopfung und Evolution schriftlich argumentieren. In Kooperation mit der Didaktik der Biologie (IPN Kiel und Universitat Potsdam) wurde das Argumentationspotential 16-18-Jahriger empirisch erhoben und qualitativ ausgewertet. Nach Auswertung der Daten konnen religionspadagogische Konsequenzen fur eine Jugendtheologie formuliert werden.

  • - An Annotated Bibliography with Essays
    av Rahel Feilchenfeldt
    1 226,-

    The Bruno Cassirer publishing-house has a moving publishing history, due the emigration of the Cassirer family to London in 1938. Despite the adverse conditions resulting from its change of location, the publishing-house is renowned for its high standards of publication. This bibliography deals with the publishing-house from its first publication at its re-establishment to the closing-down of the family business in 1990. Landmarks in the history of the publishers are covered in two languages with several contributions by experts from England and Germany. This volume contains for the first time a fully-illustrated colour bibliography as well as bilingual contributions to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Bruno Cassirer publishers. German description: Die Geschichte des Bruno Cassirer Verlags ist durch die Emigration der Familie Cassirer nach London im Jahr 1938 gepragt. Trotz erschwerter Bedingungen durch den Standortwechsel gelang es dem Verlag, kontinuierlich zu publizieren. Diese durchgehend farbig illustrierte Bibliografie umfasst die Publikationen des Verlags vom ersten Band nach der Neugrundung in England bis zur Schliessung des Familienbetriebs 1990. Mehrere Beitrage von Experten aus England und Deutschland (jeweils auf Deutsch und Englisch) greifen Meilensteine der funfzigjahrigen Verlagsgeschichte auf.

  • - Zur Verfassungsrechtlichen Bedeutung Des Artikels 79 Abs. 3 Gg Fur Die Identitat Des Grundgesetzes
    av Albert Janssen

    According to the so-called eternity clause of the German Constitution (article 79(3)) the protection of the human dignity and the fundamental state structural principles of article 20 of the German Constitution shall not be abolished by any parliamentarian majority. The correct definition of the content of this protected identity of the Constitution can only be realised if the mentioned state structural principles are understood as a clarification of the guarantor's position of the state which is committed to respect and to protect the human's dignity in accordance with article 1 (1) of the German Constitution. In addition, the interpretation of article 79(3) of the German Constitution has to consider the particular historicity which results from the character of this regulation as an expression of the constitutional power of the German people. However, the defined constitutional identity of the Constitution is permanently challenged as demonstrated in the appendix. For this reason, Albert Janssen concludes his thoughts with several reform proposals for the Constitution.

  • - Studien Zu Einer Grundbedingung Der Rechtsfindung
    av Albert Janssen

    English summary: A precondition for every judical decision is an awareness for the correct relationship and differentiation between the law and justice. The art in this process of resolving an arising conflict of interests lies, after due thought, in the resolute conclusion that a just solution is not simply to be found in a preordained idea of justice but must be sought for each case. The lawyers experience of the solutions in similar situations gives him the necessary direction in which he must seek a just decision. This book sets out to develop this thesis in three steps by surveying the thoughts of Otto von Gierke and Wilhelm Henke on law and the thoughts of Gerhard Ebeling about the theological fundamentals of law. German description: Eine gelungene Rechtsfindung setzt die juristische Kunst des Unterscheidens zwischen Recht und Gerechtigkeit voraus, denn die gerechte Losung eines Interessenkonflikts ergibt sich nicht aus einem vorgegebenen Massstab, sondern muss im konkreten Fall gefunden werden. Das nachzuweisen, ist Anliegen dieses Bandes. Zunachst zeigt die Untersuchung des Rechtsdenkens Otto von Gierkes, dass dieser die Denkform der Unterscheidung fur die ontologische Begrundung seiner rechtssystematischen Ausgangspunkte nicht durchhalt. Anders steht es, wie dann zweitens dargelegt wird, mit der primar fur die Grundlegung des Kirchenrechts konstitutiven theologischen Fundamentalunterscheidung zwischen Gesetz und Evangelium von Gerhard Ebeling. Diese gedankliche Alternative ermoglicht es dann auch drittens Wilhelm Henke, mit seiner sakularen Zweireichelehre die bei Gierke vermisste ontologische Rechtfertigung fur die juristische Fundamentalunterscheidung zwischen Recht und Gerechtigkeit ohne Ruckgriff auf die Metaphysik zu liefern.

  • - The Use of a 'Universal' Classification Through the Example of Standing Timber and Other Things Agreed to Be Severed from Land
    av Shaun Charlton

    The vast majority of national law expositions of the rules for determining when something is a part of land, and therefore partakes in its legal nature, or leads a separate existence in the other category of corporeal property, goods, leaves a distinct impression of a naturalistic approach to the categorisation of property. The view advocated in this study is that the accession or severance of things to and from land as a 'natural scientific enquiry' based exclusively on blends of physical attachment to or socially-expressed intention in respect of land is misleading, or, at least, not decisive. National law accounts of the rules governing the distinction of land and goods need recalibrating to take account of the purpose, or the legal reason, why land is being distinguished from goods in a particular situation. This is well illustrated by the straightforward example of standing timber, variously described doctrinally and in the case-law as integral parts of land, (presently-existing or future) goods, or even the object of 'flying freeholds'. Purpose of classification reveals the many nuances of competing policy considerations and, in turn, better reflects the law as it stands.

  • - Asthetische Theorie der historischen Avantgarde
    av Horst Bergmeier

  • - Eine gesprachsanalytische Studie zur kommunikativen Darstellung von Angst
    av Katrin Lindemann

  • - Teaching nazism and the Shoah. A comparative study of European school history textbooks
    av Bertrand Lecureur

  • - Fachdidaktisch-mediale Konzeption, praktische Umsetzung und empirische Evaluation der regionalhistorischen Website
    av Astrid Schwabe
    1 166,-

  • - A comparative analysis of pre-trial precautionary measures in criminal proceedings

  • - Theorie und Praxis der reformatio im 15. Jahrhundert

  • - Deutsche und Franzosen auf der Suche nach einer gemeinsamen Energiepolitik (1973--1980)
    av Sandra Tauer

  • - 57. Deutscher Geographentag 2009 in Wien

  • - Geschichtsbilder zur Belagerung Leningrads in der Sowjetunion 1943--1953
    av Andrea Zemskov-Zuge

  • - Gattungsstrukturen, komparatistische Aspekte, Diskursformen
    1 026,-

  • - Kultur- und sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven
    1 026,-

  • - Untersuchungen zum Hermetismus in literarischen Texten der Fruhen Neuzeit
    av Peter-Andre Alt

  • - Urheber-, persoenlichkeits- und wettbewerbsrechtliche Aspekte
    av Constantin Fahl

  • - Von Religionen der Antike bis zur modernen Esoterik
    1 026,-

  • - Gerhard HAver zum 60. Geburtstag

  • - GrundriA der essentialistischen Ethnologie
    av Klaus E. MA"ller
    1 436,-

  • - Eine neue GesamteinschAtzung der Apokalypse des Johannes von Ephesus
    av RA"diger Beile

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