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  • av Jason Anspach

    You can run, but you can't hide from U.S. Army RangersWith the armies of the enemy smashed at the final battle for the desert port city, the Rangers return to their primary mission to do what they do best: eliminate a high-value target with extreme violence of action deep inside hostile territory.Failure is not an option-even if that target is a ten-thousand-year-old undead sorcerer of incredible power surrounded by dark, deadly cabals and savage monsters of myth and fable that are all too real.Raids, infiltration, and ambush-and whatever means are necessary-bring the relentless Rangers straight into direct conflict with the dark forces of the Valley of Kings and Priests, where Sût the Undying dreams horrible nightmares of dark magic in a fantastic pyramid more fortress than eternal tomb, intent on conquering the Ruin... and with one final terrible card to play.It's time to breach and clear for all the marbles in a high-stakes game of Hide and Go Kill.Don't Forget Nothin'.

  • av Mark Sibley

    World War III began years ago, and the American government doesn't even know it.For years, while Iran and North Korea kept Western diplomats busy, China and Russia have been quietly seeding the US with spies and soldiers. Now a silent army of occupation lurks inside US borders, and for America, it is already too late.When the assault begins-via an EMP strike that disables the US electrical grid and neutralizes her defenses all in one fell swoop-the US is caught completely unprepared. The nation is lost, and it is up to ordinary citizens to defend their cities, towns, neighborhoods, or even just their families.The Washingtons are no ordinary family. Gale Washington is an analyst at the Operations Center for Joint Intelligence Command. His wife, Joey, is a Navy commander aboard the International Space Station. Or they were. Now, like their neighbors in their Northern Virginia suburb, they're just two people trying to survive.And maybe... find a way to strike back.Mongol Moon is Mark Sibley's acclaimed debut novel about the individual impact of a global war for survival that looks increasingly plausible with each passing day.

  • av Mark Sibley

    ¿¿THE SEQUEL IS REAL!'Twas the night before Christmas...After a Christmas Eve EMP attack blinds America and Europe, triggering a meticulously planned attack on the West's civilian populations, only a ragtag team of neighbors stands in the way of a new Axis invasion.Nuclear attacks wipe out city centers. Russian warships infest the Atlantic. Chinese tanks roll out of Baltimore's ports with their sights set on Mount Weather-the bunker protecting the acting US President and what's left of the tattered military command. Lieutenant Commander Joey Washington has information about the attack that might turn the tide of battle, but can she deliver it to the underground stronghold before the tanks come crashing in?It seems every devil is descending on America to dance on her grave. She's going to need a few devils of her own to survive."It's Band of Brothers meets Red Dawn but set in suburban America." - Mark's editor"Do I really have to read this, sweetie?" - Mark's mom"Many say the sequel doesn't exist." - Mark's publisher"Can I get an extension on that deadline?" - Mark

  • av Jason Anspach

    U.S. Cav Trooper Nephi Bennett's Humvee went from Panama to hell in the blink of an eye. Now he needs to find his way back home... if he can live that long. The year is 1989. America has just invaded Noriega's Panama. And Specialist Bennett's platoon of Cav Scouts are in country... with, frankly, not a whole lot to do. Until the freak rainstorm that somehow transports the entire platoon-Humvees, weapons, and all-to another world. A world controlled by a wicked Aztec god. The Land of the Black Sun. In a heartbeat, the Scouts find themselves fighting for their lives against savage beasts, witches, zombies, subhuman tribes seeking sacrifices... and even themselves. Fuel runs low, ammo grows scarce, and their only allies are a tribe of all-female warriors and a single fledgling sorceress with a death wish. But the fun has only just begun. Things in the Land of the Black Sun are about to become far more dangerous than Specialist Bennett could have ever imagined. For an ancient evil awaits... ... and Bennett and his fellow Cav troopers will meet it with BLOOD and STEEL. Embark on the adventure of a lifetime with Associated Press Bestselling Author Jason Anspach and Ryan Williamson in this brand-new epic military fantasy series. If you're a fan of modern warriors and weapons laying the hate on the armies of ancient evil, this is just the story you've been waiting for.

  • av Nick Cole

    Sprengstoff, Zündung, Start.Der Kampf gegen den Lich-Pharao beginnt, als die Ranger zu einem tödlichen Schlag gegen den von den Sauren kontrollierten Wüstenhafen von Sûstagul im Land des Schwarzen Schlafs ausholen. Brutale Häuserkämpfe und unerbittlich Straßenschlachten brechen aus, während Spezialteams hochkarätige Ziele, wie Zauberer, Kriegshäuptlinge und tödliche Meuchlergilden, angreifen, um den Feind daran zu hindern, sich mit dem mächtigen Netherzauberer zu verbünden. In einem verzweifelten Versuch, die Zivilisation vor den Mächten einer unvorstellbaren Finsternis zu retten, lauert das Scheitern hinter jeder Ecke, und die Verdammnis in jeder dunklen Gasse. Die Ruine ist ein sehr düsterer Ort... ... aber Ranger weisen den Weg.

  • av Nick Cole

    Der Krieg beginnt...Die Ruinenwelt versinkt in den Flammen des Krieges, als sich ein gewaltiges Übel erneut aus den Gräbern der Ewigen Mitternacht erhebt. Werwölfe und Vampire ziehen aus dem Osten heran, die Orks von Umnoth sind auf dem Vormarsch, und ganze Städte verschwinden unter den Stiefeln dieser wilden Horden. Mit verzweifelten zusammengestellten Armeen versuchen die Königreiche, die Flut der Dunkelheit aufzuhalten, aber die Wahrheit ist klar. Die Stunde des endgültigen Untergangs ist gekommen. Doch der Zauberer Vandahar hat noch einen letzten Trumpf in der Hand: Ranger. Gemeinsam mit Elfen und Zwergen machen sie sich auf den Weg, um das Reich des bösen Lich-Pharaos aus einer völlig unerwarteten Richtung anzugreifen. Überleben. Asymmetrische Kriegsführung. Vollkommen unerwartet zuschlagen. Das ist es, was die Ranger am besten können. Aber zuerst müssen sie den EInsatz in der Zitadelle überleben. Was die Mächte des Bösen begonnen haben, werden die Ranger beenden!

  • av Jason Anspach

    Orks. Trolle. Geisterreiter. Dunkle Zauberer. Zusammen bilden sie eine unaufhaltsame Macht. Zumindest dachten sie das.Dunkle Armee, dürfen wir vorstellen: die U.S. Army Ranger.Als eine gemeinsame Task Force von Elitesoldaten in eine bizarre und fantastische Zukunft geschickt wird, in der Wissenschaft und Evolution allerlei Schrecken aus Mythen und Legenden hervorgebracht haben, werden sie alsbald eingekesselt und müssen verzweifelt um ihr Überleben kämpfen - gegen Albträume aus Fleisch und Blut, die zur neuen Normalität geworden sind. Das kann nur eins bedeuten: Es ist an der Zeit für die Ranger, das zu tun, was sie am besten können: ihren Feinden den Garaus zu machen. Die Mächte des Bösen haben keine Ahnung, wie gefährlich ein Ranger wirklich ist, und wenn die Action erst einmal begonnen hat, wird sie so schnell nicht mehr abreißen, in diesem epischen Kampf ums Überleben in der Vergessenen Ruine.

  • av Blaine L. Pardoe

  • av Jason Anspach

  • av Peter Nealen

    Brotherhood. Honor. Duty.>But with MIAs left behind, there is unfinished business back in the Land of Ice and Monsters to the north. Before the Marines can mount a rescue, the king to which they are indebted reminds them that alliances go both ways. An ancient evil has raided the Elven kingdom and carried off a priceless treasure. Only Conor and his team have any hope of recovering it. A brotherhood was forged between the Marines and Elves while in the north. For the sake of that brotherhood, Conor and the other Recon Marines will voyage across the sea, through dark, trackless, and cursed wilderness... To the lair of evil, in the Land of Shadows and Crows!

  • av Peter Nealen

  • av Nick Cole & Jason Anspach

  • av Jason Anspach

  • av Nick Cole & Jason Anspach

  • av Nick Cole & Jason Anspach

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