av Paul Treacy
Ever since the mid-twentieth century, life has generally been better in western nations for the huge majority of the subsequent generations, born thereafter. This, most notably, in terms of better standards of living and healthcare. However, the traditional family unit has also come under great attack, during this same time, with far more divorces, break ups, along with higher rates of single parenthood and loneliness, than ever before, thus creating a domino effect, leading to a whole array of challenging social issues, further down the line. How has this happened? What, if anything, can be done to reverse this tide? The 'manosphere' movement, which regularly comes under huge criticism, seeks to explore these often troubling and complex issues, more often than not, with a 'no holds barred' approach. Numerous bloggers have gained large and growing fanbases from countless men and boys, the entire world over. Is it totally absurd to place much of the blame on modern feminism? Are those involved in the movement, just a bunch of heartless and misogynist thugs? Or are they genuinely concerned men, telling very uncomfortable truths and who, deep down, actually want the best for women, via tough love? And the biggest question of all is - What would Jesus himself, make of all of this?