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  • av Pratul Chandra Das

    "Forever Together: A Guide to Finding Your Perfect Life Partner" is a comprehensive guide that offers not only practical advice but also a deeper understanding of the dynamics of lasting love. It encourages readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery, effective communication, and shared values, ultimately leading to the fulfillment of their desire for a perfect life partner. Whether you're starting a new relationship or seeking to strengthen an existing one, this book provides valuable insights and tools to help you navigate the path to a love that truly lasts forever.

  • av Sabenthung C Ezung

    "Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counsellors, and the most patient of teachers." - Charles W. EliotGliding through life's rhythm as a friend and lover of books, Sabenthung C Ezung is a young author of 23 years hailed from Nagaland. His passion for reading and writing, blended with an adventurous spirit, has paved the way for his innovative thinking and writing. His world revolves around bearing the gospel with great zeal and an aspiration to be a priest, along with an enchantment for the notes of nature.His first book, "Dream Catcher Stories," portrays a series of people's lives at different stages. It tears at the readers' emotion while depicting the reality of today's fragment society: the broken and lonely children due, to parent's irresponsible favouratism, the vanishing rich culture in every modern individual, turning a deaf ear to elders' advice, and consoling oneself through spiritual life when faced with storms in life.The novel of these, "Dream Catcher Stories" is fictional, with legends from his place of Longsa and his ministry place of Tobu, Seyochung and his little angels of the oratory Children.

  • av Niranjani Dwivedi

    The book 'Pradeshik Niyojan' (Regional Planning: The Indian Context) discusses in detail all the facets of the topic of regional planning: it explains the concepts of 'region' and 'planning' and covers the history of development planning in India. The idea of underdevelopment, reasons behind underdevelopment and programmes designed by the Planning Commission and NITI Ayog to fight underdevelopment are highlighted. Details of specific cases and examples make discussions lucid for the reader. Language is kept simple so that complicated issues like sustainable development, development models, applied side of delineation of regions and planning are easy to grasp.Diagrams and maps at appropriate places enhance clarity of explanations.Information and data are obtained from reliable and authentic sources.

  • av Azka Shahzad

    In the book Azka depicts Keira as a very kind and brave girl, who goes through a series of adventures to find a secret passage.Meeting monsters, solving tricky riddles, and making friends with witch and pixies!Explore the island with Keira while doing daring deeds and terrific tasks.But will she manage to do it all? Find out right now!

  • av Vinayak Dutt

    It is of utmost importance for a Punjabi Hindu to preserve his own identity and culture that closely connects with Sikhs and even Punjabi Muslims rather than Hindus in Trans Yamuna plains. In an era of strong nation-states, the distinct identity of a Punjabi Hindu is fast decaying.This book is an attempt to re-establish that identity.The problem with Punjabi Hindu has been that the community failed to present its perspective on numerous issues including history, sociology and economy while it preferred to lease out the task to clergymen and bigots who went unchecked for decades and built a false narrative based on myths and reminiscences to sketch a skewed picture completely different from the reality.Punjabi Hindu has always been secular, progressive and open-minded has been a torchbearer of the culture of cis Yamuna plains enriched by Sufism of Muslim saints and Sikh gurus.Unlike the Hindi belt; Punjab had seen very few communal clashes rupturing the social fabric. BJP got only a handful of votes from the community despite the fact that the Modi wave swept the country not once but twice in the Lok Sabha elections held in 2014 and 2019 respectively.The Author, a Punjabi Saraswat Brahmin, has witnessed that sectarian abyss and trust deficit among the communities, especially in recent years when hardliners from all sides, who were fringe at one stage have come to the mainstream.So, it is high time for the community to shed political correctness and reclaim the Punjabiyat that it has been obliterating as Hindus have contributed as much to the development and progress of the region as much as the other communities.

  • av Ernest Nana Adjei

    Ghana has its eye firmly on the future. But to realise its enormous economic potential, the country's foreign relations must evolve to combine the political with the economic imperative. The Foreign Service has taken a leadership role for the entire gamut of Ghana's economic relations, including trade, investments, energy, climate change, and health diplomacy.In Ghana's Economic Diplomacy: Past, Facts, and the Future (the first-ever book on the country's economic diplomacy), author Ernest Nana Adjei, a Foreign Service Officer of Ghana, presents a roadmap for the future. Expansive in scope, it offers suggestions to governments and policymakers on economic interventions needed at home and abroad to bolster the country's economic development agenda through the strategic pursuit of foreign policy and diplomacy."This book will enhance your knowledge of economic diplomacy...and offer suggestions to governments and policymakers on the economic interventions needed at home and abroad to advance the economic agenda."- Amb Mercy Debrah-Karikari, the secretary to cabinet, the Republic of Ghana and former High Commissioner of Ghana to Australia and New Zealand"...this topical and timely book will have a significant contribution in guiding decision makers of Ghana and other countries, especially developing ones, in reorienting or readjusting their foreign policies and the ensuing engagements."- H. E. Dr. Manoj Nardeosingh, Secretary General of the African-Asian Rural Development Organisation"This is the most comprehensive book I have read on the subject ... it is highly recommended for anyone interested in diplomacy, statecraft, and public policy."- Amb Philbert I.K. Johnson, Ghana's Ambassador to Austria and the United Nations offices

  • av Raj Kumar Sharma

    The episode is about a young youth 'Kumbha' with his early adolescence while moving like vagabond reached a historical city named 'Hampi' nearby Viayanagar, earlier known as Karnataka Kingdom. Kumbha was well versed with past history of India with special reference to the ruin of Hindu civilization. Kumbha lost his entity to understand the down fall of Hindu civilization during 14th -17th centuries under the rule of Moghal Dynasty.Kumbha, in his college carrier was a promising student perusing his study in history. Like other students he used to take part in college curricular activities, but prefer to spend maximum time in book reading. Kumbha used to deeply immerse under the solitary of panoramic view of nature, with few restricted friends. Within a span of short period Kumbha could win the heart of the village people by virtue of his simplicity and helping attitude. People around the village knew him as 'Mumbling man' during half sleep mood. He used to speak the factual story of paradigm of contemporary life enclave with love, agony, and dismay in a highly truth-seeking way.With the passing of time, incidentally he mate a fairy gentle lady Malini who was also interested in understanding the behavioral attitude of people during the then civilization of ancient world. Under the enthralling circumstances of Kumbha's association, she was completely fascinated towards him, and fixed up in her third sense of mind Kumbha as future prospective of her remain life. In this connection her well logical pleading compelled Kumbha to visualize the reality of life which had been under deep self illusion.

  • av Shobha Pillai Coutinho

    Sadhya is a traditional banquet of Kerala, it's a vegetarian delight, Sadhya is always served on festive occasion on a banana leaf, all the recipes in this book is written the way my Ammuma (Grandmother) made it the way hers did. So presenting to you Aaharam the coming together of food items that is guaranteed to take you to gastronomical heaven that only the brave will attempt to partake on a working day.About the Author: Media Professional, CHEF, Author of this book.

  • av Rakesh Kumar Chadda

    The word 'mental' often brings many stray feelings whenever it enters the thought process. The word has often been associated with mental illness and the mental hospitals, or a serious mental illness like schizophrenia. On the contrary, the World Health Organization (WHO), when it came into being, very clearly defined health as not just absence of illness, but a state of physical, mental and social well-being. Mental health is one aspect of health which we often neglect. We, though, may also ignore physical health and indulge in unhealthy habits, mental health gets much lower priority. The recent Covid-19 pandemic has brought a focus on mental health with the recognition of the stress and mental health issues faced by most of the population including those who were infected, their family members and health care professionals, effects of lockdown, quarantine and social distancing. This book is an attempt to familiarize the general population, the community, family members of those with mental illness, social scientists and the health professionals about the basic principles of mental health. It covers mental health issues across different populations, introduces to early signs of mental illness, rights of persons with mental illness and many other issues.About the Editors: Rakesh K Chadda is Professor and Head, Department of Psychiatry & Chief, National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.Pratap Sharan is Professor, Department of Psychiatry, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.Mamta Sood is Professor, Department of Psychiatry, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.Koushik Sinha Deb is Additional Professor, Department of Psychiatry, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.

  • av Shuchi Bhatt

    Glimpse of the Oceanography is providing essential information on the marine biomes which are full of dynamism. It elucidates physical, chemical, and biological Oceanography with special emphasis on ecological aspects. Marine biomes have diversified ecosystems, brimming with enormous biological diversity. Hence, the book provides comprehensive and extensive information along with essential images for oceanography i.e., oceans of the world, Marine life, Habitat, and coral reef. It will be very useful to a wide range of readers including researchers, conservators, students or any person having interest in oceanography or marine biodiversity.About the Author: Shuchi Bhatt holds a Doctorate in Marine Biology and Oceanography, CAS Marine Biology, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India. She is working in Gujarat Ecological Education and Research Foundation, Indroda Nature Park, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. She has expertise in Oceanography, Marine Ecology, and Zoology. She published 13 research papers in International, as well as National journals, are written popular articles on the subject. She also had given short programmed on decorative marine molluscs channel .i.e., ZEE 24kalak. Dr. Shuchi Bhatt is a reviewer of the Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, Asian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research.Devanshi Joshi has contributed towards various research studies pertaining to marine biodiversity, ecology, wetland studies, paleontology and climate change since past 14 years. Her work has been published in the form of 13 research papers, more than10 reports and books as well as several popular articles. She was awarded by Zoological Survey of India for the best research representation, given several environmental programmes on Indian National channel i.e., DD News. She has pursued her Ph.D. from MSU, Baroda on the impact of climate change on corals and coral reefs. Presently, she is serving as a Research Associate at Gujarat Ecological Education and Research (GEER)Foundation, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. As a research guide, she has guided many PGstudents for their research projects.

  • av Jamil Hikmet J

    في هذا الكتاب أستعرض فيه بداية حياتي وكيف تربيت على فهم المواطنة وحب الوطن وعزز ذلك إنضمامي لإتحاد الطلبة العراقي ثم للحزب الشيوعي، إلى أن إقتنعت بتقديم إستقالتي من الحزب عام ١٩٦١، وقررت خدمة بلدي ومواطنيه عن طريق ممارسة الطب. وبعد إنقلاب ٨ شباط المشؤوم أُعتبِر كل من لم يوالِ الإنقلاب، إما شيوعيا أو ديمقراطيا، وهولاء لا يستحقون الحياة. وهكذا إعتبروني شخصا معاديا، ولهذا تعرضت للإضطهاد والملاحقة منذ ٨ شباط، فتم إعتقالي وتعذيبي في سجن رقم واحد، ثم كنت مع الذين رحلوا في قطار الموت إلى مدينة السماوة، ومنها الى سجن نقرة السلمان، والتي هي محور كتابي هذا. الرحلة التي لا يمكن تصديقها ولا حتى وصفها إلا ممن عاشها فعلا دقيقة بدقيقة لساعات طويلة، مبينا المعاناة، والتي إستمرت بعد نقلي إلى سجن الحلة وحتى بعد إطلاق سراحي وإلتحاقي بالعمل في وزارة الصحة. بعد سلسلة من المضايقات والضغوط النفسية التي أدت إلى مرضي، سافرت للمعالجة والتخصص، والعودة للعيش بشكل أفضل، ولكن عودتي لم تغير نظرة المتعصبين البعثيين إلي ما دمت لم أرتبط بالبعث، على عكس ما كان القائمين على السلطة مثمنين لإنجازاتي العلمية. إستمرت معاناتي في كلية طب بغداد إلى أن أضطررت مكرها للسفر والإغتراب بسبب إصابتي ببقعة سوداء في مركز البصر لكلتا العينين.v تخرج المؤلف من كلية الطب / جامعة بغداد (1962) وحصل على الدبلوم والماجستير والدكتوراه في الطب المهني والبيئة من إنكلترا، وعلى لقب أستاذ من جامعة بغداد (1988)، وزميل كلية الطب المهني من إيرلندا، وزميل كلية الصحة العامة من إنكلترا، ولقب أستاذ متمرس من جامعة وين ستيت الامريكية (2015).v نشر 216 بحثا، قام بإعداد 20 كتابا في مجال إختصاصه وتأليف كتابين، ونشرت سيرته العلمية في المعهد الأمريكي للسيرة العلمية (1995) وأيضا في العدد 25 و 26 في موسوعة كامبريدج في إنكلترا. إستفاد من موقعه في الجامعات الأمريكية لخدمة العراقيين في دول الإغتراب، وفي العراق، وتقدم بمشروع متكامل لتأسيس كلية الصحة العامة النموذجية في إحدى الجامعات العراقية. قام بتصميم غلاف هذا الكتاب الدكتور فاضل علي السهلاني متطوعا. تبرع المؤلف بحصته من بيع هذا الكتاب للجمعيات الخيرية في العراق.

  • av Maile Page

    If energy is the core element of all living things, how can we deliberately harness it to enhance our health, wealth, and joy?The Infinite Now: Where Freedom, Clarity, And Peace Await You is the answer to that question. In it you will discover: - How energy healing works;- How to transform repetitive negative self-talk using simple energetic tools;- How to avoid the one common mistake people make when trying to manifest their heart's desire;- A simple technique to optimize your energy field for greater health, wealth, and joy-and much more!In twenty-plus years working with clients, Maile discovered the state of our energy field (scientifically proven to emit from our body's cells), affects not only the body, but all areas of our lives. Through years of trial and error, she discovered ways to strengthen our energy fields when they become depleted and run down from the stresses and pressures of everyday life.Sharing simple explanations, easy to employ techniques, and case studies from her practice, this book will help you learn to optimize your most precious asset-your energy field-so you can become the best version of yourself.

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