- A Faith Based Memoir of Living with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity.
av Deborah A Hyatt
Can you imagine not being able to use a phone, watch television, prepare a meal using an electric stove, or simply drive under electric power lines without suffering a severe, even debilitating, allergic reaction? This is the reality for some who live among us, including Pluck: A Faith-Based Memoir of Living with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Author Deborah Hyatt who suffers from electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), an up-and-coming environmental illness.EHS, also known as electromagnetic field sensitivities (EMF) and electromagnetic sensitivities (ES), is a growing diagnosis throughout the world. In 2017, 10 percent of the population had already been diagnosed with the illness. What do you do when you can’t live daily life in a technology-dependent culture? You disconnect. In Pluck, Deborah takes you on her journey through sickness, eventual diagnosis, and detox to a simplified life. She writes now to share what she has learned and experienced with this illness, to offer encouragement to sufferers, and to caution everyone against overexposure to electronics, an unnoticed, seemingly innocent potential hazard that we depend on in everyday life. This book is a page turner. Readers will enjoy Deborah’s wisdom gained through experience, positive attitude, and sense of humor as they learn about EHS. Deborah’s story reveals a heart torn apart by life and patched by God. Her strong faith shines through in all the ways it sustains her.A note about the cover photo: “Pluck” swims daily (seasonally) in what she calls the healing waters of Lake Chatuge. This photo taken November 5, 2017 at the base of the dam depicts her happy place. It is symbolic of her diving in deeper, thirsty for more knowledge.Photography credit: R. A. Bond