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  • av Priscella Lewis

  • av Norma Hendrix-Brunson

    Growing up in a missionary home in Argentina and Cuba offered me an array of opportunities, and diverse cultural awareness. I was blessed. But life became complicated and confusing. The desire to please, to be perfect in all things, to succeed at any cost brought me to a breaking point. That's when Grit embraced Grace to bring about new life and freedom.

  • av A Friend

    Higher Truth is the non-fiction result of a forty-year labor of love. It is challenging to finish a book about an eternal subject. Truth must be eternal. What could truly have existed before truth? May Higher Truth make you think a lot, smile frequently, laugh a little, and perhaps even shed a heartfelt tear. May Higher Truth also inspire you to find your highest purpose and your greatest potential. Higher Truth was written to: comfort you, inspire you, assure you, renew you, and encourage you. Enjoy. Try not to skip ahead. It helps to know all the factors before you arrive at the sum. This is the space where most authors might list their degrees which pertain to the subject they have written about. But there are no college truth courses, nor degrees one can earn studying truth. And regardless, I believe sharing what I have learned is of more benefit to you than listing my personal achievements. The only qualification one can truly have for teaching truth is having spent several years seeking and studying truth. I Have been doing so for forty years. If truth were a college course- even though I am not the fastest learner, I believe after forty years I would have some sort of degree. We all find a degree of truth. Life is a constant education. I hope the truths I have found give you an advanced degree.

  • av Joseph Paul Oswald

    Do you want to truly thrive in life instead of merely survive? Do you want a vibrant relationship with God? To not only know about Him, but know Him in a more intimate way? Do you desire to have more purpose, peace, and joy in your life and less anxiety, doubt, and discouragement? Does the Bible seem too difficult to really understand and apply to your life? TAKE FIVE TO THRIVE WILL help you grow in each of these areas, and it will not take much more than around five minutes a day. I am a husband, father of four, and I have six grandchildren. I have coached children ages K-12 in Physical Education for 20 years and have Pastored for over 20 years. I wrote about the inspiration for this book in the introduction part of my manuscript. I enjoy hiking, working out, reading, watching sports and eating pizza!

  • av Angela Draughn

    God is aware of the things that cause us pain and frustration. The moment we answer His call, He equips us with every necessary tool to fulfill our purpose. This memoir addresses the unexpected twists, turns, peaks, and valleys through the lens of brokenness, repentance, forgiveness and restoration. The author uses her testimony to encourage the believer to realign their ambitions and behavior with the character of God. The life stories in the book are relatable as the author realizes that experiencing spiritual regeneration doesn't erase our humanity; it improves it. The opportunities to develop the fruit of the spirit are plentiful as the author navigates the rocky terrains of relationships, work, church, ambition, and financial responsibility. For every dreamer sitting in the pit of depression and the prison of discouragement, this book will remind you that God is not finished with your story, and He will perfect those things concerning you.

  • av Annette Johnson

    In Ephesus 5:1 states, therefore be imitators of God (copy Him and follow His example), as well-beloved children (imitate their father). This book is all about reaching the children ages 0 and up "Spirit, Soul & Body". Letting the children know your Heavenly Father has a plan for your live and it's a good plan. Jesus Loves You and He sent the Holy Spirit to help you while on this earth. He will help you make the right decisions that leads to life and peace. Receive Jesus Christ into your heart today. Trust Him! This is the only way to live your life on this earth. He will never leave you, because His Love is unconditional. Agape Love

  • av Braga Phil Beck Braga

    When it comes to understanding the End Times, there is no want of speculation and sensationalism that often strikes fear and anxiety in many hearts. Yet according to the Holy Scriptures, God desires us to look forward with hope and courage. By explaining his unique perspective in Post-Tribulation theology that reveals details of the end time events, Phil Beck Braga goes in depth on the history of how the Pretribulation Rapture theology started and how it's interpretation has failed to adequately support end times prophecy according to the Bible. You'll get the most-asked end-times question answered: When will the Rapture be? You'll learn how to identify the antichrist and Mystery Babylon and what future signs to watch for. Readers will by educated on the correct interpretation of the Bible using three indispensable steps: knowledge of the context of the passage, comparison with other Scriptural passages, and the meaning of the original language. I pray the Holy Spirit gives you the courage and faith of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego during these times. Phil Beck Braga is an Evangelist who studied Theology at Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas. He has been a Sunday school teacher, a Pastor, and a member of the treasury in various churches. Being the son of a Pastor, and the nephew of an Eschatology professor, Phil has intensely studied the Bible for over 21 years, with a focus on the end times events that has given him the motivation to write this book. He has volunteered for The Salvation Army for over 23 years in distributing food for the less fortunate, toy for children in need at Christmas time, and Christmas bell ringing for the organization. He is a continues supporter of non-profit organizations across the world. Phil, his wife Larissa, and their daughter Chloe, currently reside in Seattle, Washington.

  • av Jeannie Savage

    Hamilton Hatcher has been searching for his sister, Sarah Hatcher, for over a year, and, with no luck coming his way, he hires Jake Kincaide of the Pinkerton Detective Agency to do the job for him. After six months of searching, Jake finally comes across property purchased under Sarah's name only to find a woman named Kate inhabiting the home. The brief conversation that ensues tells the detective that this young woman is hiding more than she is letting on and that his employer may be searching for his sister for reasons more sinister than heartfelt. Mystery and romance abound in Jeannie Savage's historical fiction The Lady and the Pinkerton.

  • av Tommie Brown

    In this book, I will be sharing from the scriptures what I believe to be God's plan to make known, through His Church, the universal body of believers, His manifold wisdom to every ruling authority in the heavenly realms. As we submit our lives to His New Testament Commandment to love one another as Christ has loved us, the world will see Jesus working miracles in the lives of those who need a touch from him, and glorify the Father in heaven. Tommie Brown is passionate about teaching God's Word. His passion has led him to teach in Churches and Bible Schools in North America, South America, Asia, Africa and Europe. Having witnessed the impact of the Gospel in his own life, he clearly understands Jesus' Commission to go into all the world and make disciples. Tommie is a 2003 graduate of Rhema Bible College in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He has served in various capacities of ministry for over than thirty years.

  • av Coache Natalie S. Coache
    301 - 367

  • av Brad Bomhoff

    Do you make the most of your life? If we serve an infinite God who loves us with an infinite love, shouldn't we aim higher? In "Life without Limit," Brad Bomhoff helps readers find joy and fulfillment both in challenging times that require growth and change and in the familiar rhythms of everyday living. Brad speaks from the heart and from his experience as a husband and dad and follower of Christ living in South Dakota. From his story, you'll see the power of encouragement, but also the lessons that come by trial and error and by learning to be a good listener. If you dare to aim high, here is a helpful reading companion. Brad Bomhoff works in the banking industry and is in his twentieth year as a high school basketball referee. He enjoys hunting, fishing, kickboxing and a well-crafted supreme pizza stacked high with olives, onions and jalapeno peppers. Brad has a gift of encouragement that he shares with others and was a part of the inspiration for writing this book. Brad and his wife, Linda, and their two children live in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

  • av Rich Jensen
    161 - 247

  • av Barry Kolanowski

    Barry Kolanowski, a minister, author, speaker, founder of two successful businesses and was the CEO of Senior Services of Will County, Illinois in what auditors described as a "million dollar turn around." Then at the highest point of his life, he had a stroke and had to deal with the disabilities it left behind. He knows what it feels like to be terminated from a growing business, face death, physical disability, and feelings of abandonment. His nonprofit experience included being Regional Director, for the Safer Foundation, a prison release program and working for nearly a decade as the Regional Director of the American Cancer Society. His most recent book, "a personal God," shares an intimate portrait of how much God wants to know the reader on a personal level, especially in a time of crisis. It answers the question as to why people keep God at arm's length and how to overcome depression by embracing a close relationship with God.

  • av Richard I Overall

    For 2000 years Christianity has been taught as a religion. But it is not and never was intended to be. Man made assumptions. That was understandable for the first 1500 years. Because the understanding the Bible would take time and determination. It would be another 500 years to spread the written word. By then all types of beliefs would have been created. I find it interesting that nearly every culture instinctively worships a greater being. I haven't heard of atheism until modern times. Nowhere in history are there any mention of there being more than male and female. The problem that hindered Christianity is that it was born from a Judaism which also was not religion. It is the law of life in the Kingdom of God. Christianity is the next level of faith in God. The name was given to Jews in Acts 11. What has been missed was a gross underestimation of what a human is and why did God make us different from angels. First you have to look at God's motive which is He wanted a family. Being God that meant His children would be like Him, gods. Naturally born with authority and power beyond their comprehension. Being that He is omniscient and they are not, but will have authority over all that exist, they would have to be taught about their existence. That would take time. Because we are spirits, an entity with creative capability. For instance, we play a role in the creation of our own body. Sperm and egg don't have bones, muscles and organs. We assembly them autonomously. It's the same when we eat food. The body doesn't conduct the process of digestion; we conduct the process. Put a sandwich under a corpse nose and see if you get a response. Philippians 3:20, 21 and 1 John 3:2 say it plainly, but we have become so relegalized we think prejudicially against any thought that doesn't promote our religious belief. In essence we try to avoid responsibility, as though it will go away. In my book I point out overlooked basic truths that point to God's intention. I've been a Christian for 50 years. The first 5 years I was like most Christians, totally clueless. On Nov. 16, 1976 in response to quest for verification of God's existence, God performed a miracle in me leaving me with no alternative but seek to understand Him. In 2019 God began to answer a question I posed. Why? Why let Satan exist? Why isn't this heaven. Why isn't life perfect. Why a 1000 years' period? I was told as a child to never question God. But to me asking a question isn't questioning God. Questioning is when you doubt His ability to make decisions. That is not the case. Anyway, I received all my answers. That's what is in this book. The why's. You may not like the answers or agree. But at least you won't be clueless. My website is or you can follow me on Roverallsr

  • av Vanessa G Flood

    After going through abuse and hurt (denominational and non-denominational), Vanessa was ALL CHURCHED OUT! She found that being saved was more than going to a church, praying, and quoting scriptures. A true and honorable relationship with Christ was more than a notion, but it required a faithful commitment that she was not willing to give at first. Until one Sunday morning, she had an undeniable experience that changed her life forever; she had a God-encounter! Joining a church, getting baptized, and being filled with the Holy Spirit wasn't all she needed on her newfound journey. She needed to be battle-ready, as she quickly learned that demonic spirits weren't just in worldly sinners, but often operated in many churches and so-called Christians too. She then experienced what is known as "church hurt." After leaving Church and searching for answers, God revealed the solemn truth! She had to overcome the hurt, the lies, and the pain. The culprit, the cause, and the Christ are revealed as Vanessa vividly explains her personal journey and her Spirit-led triumph. Hold on tight as you read Book 1 in the eye-opening 3-part series called OVERCOMING CHURCH HURT. Vanessa G. Flood is an influential Christian author, speaker, and mentor. She has faithfully served, evangelized, taught, and grown graciously in the word of God for 25 years. She is now on assignment for God's Kingdom to help resurrect sleeping Christians. Her mission is to bring biblical understanding concerning repentance, genuine salvation, deliverance, restoration, healing, spiritual abuse, and false doctrine. Through Flooded With Faith Ministries, Vanessa continues to aid Christian ministries in boldly achieving a higher level of leadership-accountability, Christ-like standards, soul-ministry, Sprit-led teaching, and agape love without compromise.

  • av McKinley Johnson

    To appreciate the life of Jesus Christ, and his role in the history of salvation, one must look back to the state of affairs that existed on the earth. After the fall of humanity, blood was spelt all over the earth as one of the bloodiest battles in human history reached its apex. With sin on the rampage, God ransomed his only begotten son as payment for sin. The administration of salvation had its full consummation in Jesus Christ. It appeared in three phases: (1) Jesus stepped into human history with the answer to life problems. He faced the most difficult challenges with the power of God; (2) Jesus re-established the kingdom of heaven on the earth; (3) Jesus showed himself alive, after his passion, by many infallible proofs. Again, with sin running rapid in the land it was imperative for God to intervene; so, he sent his only begotten son into the world in the form of sinful flesh to condemn sin in the flesh. The coming of Jesus to earth to see about his father''s loving creation-that was the first phase. The birth of Christ falls into the second phase as Jesus re-establishes his father''s realm, rule, and reign on the earth. The third and final phase was the passion of Christ, which he exhibited on the cross. His subsequent death, burial, and resurrection was highly publicized when he openly showed himself to about five hundred of his closest followers. Now an infinite number of people have followed Jesus because he continued to show himself openly through the preaching of the gospel. Dr. McKinley Johnson has served in various leadership roles throughout his professional and ecclesiastical development. He has earned five academic degrees in the area of ministry, business, leadership, and film. Also, he is the author of Natural Leadership Development, Values-Centered Leadership, The Theory of Leadership, and Leadership Through the Eyes of Prayer.

  • av Andrew C Beshore

    This is a verse by verse expositional and devotional commentary through the first thirty chapters of the book of Psalms. Questions for personal application are included at the end of each verse''s commentary to help the reader apply the principles of the psalms personally to their lives. Andrew Beshore resides in the great state of Alabama with his wonderful wife, Melissa, and their eight (yes, you read that right, eight) children as well as Andrew''s mother. Andrew is a Christian layman whose experiences walking in the Pinnacles and Plateaus of life have led to a more vibrant walk and relationship with the risen Lord Jesus Christ. Andrew wants to bless the body of Christ with some of the richness of fellowship with the Holy Spirit that God has blessed him with. Andrew enjoys spending time with his family, fellowshipping with fellow saints, and drinking fresh-roasted coffee.

  • av N H Baptist Church Poetic Voices

    Voices...Speaking Truth, reveals spiritual writings inspired by God to motivate, admonish, and encourage all who would hear no matter what they are going through or may be faced with.These self-authored works are by ministry members who have endured and survived trials, tests, tribulations, delays, mountain top and valley experiences, and hardships. Surviving such harrowing situations is how God grows one''s faith and builds strong character.Habakkuk 2:2 instructs us to write the vision. Proverbs 29:18 says where there is no vision, the people perish. Voices...Speaking Truth includes living testimonies of ministry writers who have developed their skills and sharpened their swords, so the lives of people can be blessed. Sharing how God has worked in our past helps others recognize who He is and what He can do for others.We pray that something written on the pages of this book will encourage you to continue trusting, believing, and praying to Him that is able to keep you from falling and present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy (Jude 1:24). Voices...Speaking Truth, is a collaborative work from Poetic Voices, which consist of Ministry Members of New Home Baptist Church under the leadership of Pastor Bobby D. Hicks of Landover, MD. The Ministry has been in existence for eighteen years. These members have a vast background, from blue collar to the White House. Their self-authored works speaks from personal experiences as well as the daily views of life itself. The goal is to encourage, motivate, and inspire those who are lost, broken and can''t seem to find their way. It is through their words that you will be strengthened.

  • av Brian Dodd

    Do you feel ill-equipped to handle the leadership challenges of a pandemic and post-pandemic world? If so, you no longer have to. In 2021, author, speaker, consultant, and podcaster Brian Dodd helped equip countless leaders across world through his content. Over 80 of his most popular articles make up the pages of 2021- The Year In Leadership: The Stories of Faith, Athletics, Business, and Life Which Inspired Us All. Each chapter is filled with wisdom and insights from the leaders who succeeded and struggled during 2021. Brian takes these lessons from all walks of life and gives you practical steps on how to best use them in your own leadership. As you will discover, the stories are entertaining, challenging, inspiring, and sometimes even sobering. The best leaders are the ones who sense and seize opportunity in the midst of chaos. Brian thinks this describes you. This is why this book was written. By learning the lessons from 2021, it helps ensure you have the potential to become the leader God meant for you to be in 2022.

  • av Gregory Spalding

    MEN GOING ALL IN serves as a devotional for the Men's Ministry of Christian Sports International, a sports ministry that reaches out to men and children through sports in evangelism and discipleship. The book profiles eight former athletes and a former umpire who serve or served in the ministry with their career highlights and their faith stories. Each man has a unique story that will resonate with the reader to lead him to a deeper walk with Christ. The book includes discussion questions and devotionals for each day in a 9-week format and serves well as a study book for group study. Yet you can also use it as a personal devotional. Please contact Christian Sports International at to involve yourself with their men's ministry or in their outreach to youth. We pray that this book helps you to go ALL-IN for Christ. Greg Spalding has devoted his whole life to sports ministry in many different ways, through television, print media, mission work and the local church. He had the privilege of working with Tom McGough on the Cornerstone TV show Sportsweek as the Research Analyst. This 1980 graduate of Grove City College has written athletic profiles of Christian athletes for Sports Spectrum magazine He has published 13 books, most of them sports books focusing on history as well as the Christian faith, including titles such as THREE RIVERS THAT SPAWNED THE CITY OF CHAMPIONS and RUN THE GREATEST RACE. Spalding served on five Sports Ambassadors missionary basketball teams and one Professional Athletes Outreach team. He has run a basketball league in his local church for over 35 years as well as a sports camp. Spalding has been married to Lilly for 24 years and has three sons named Carlos, Willard and Trey.

  • av Etoya

    The title and the contents reflect a collection of thoughts, events, ideas and emotions. Most of them were written to create an impressive image, take a stand or provoke a yet-to-be solved controversial issue. A few were written just for mere entertainment. When one looks at a painting or other works of art, they begin to formulate words to express how it makes them feel or what image they see. "Stuph Like This," is intended to inspire, humor, relate to or formulate a picture in one's mind about what they read or hear. The first poem, "If I Die Tomorrow," was written in one of the most stressful times in my life, so I thought. It is intended to inspire one to live life to the fullest. Our tomorrows may be planned but not promised. I am a middle school teacher, one of few who graduated from high school a year early and had no idea of what I wanted to do in life. My mother and my aunt made a collaborative effort in guiding my future. In the final hours of closing registration, I submitted my application for admission to Claflin University in Orangeburg, SC. I entered the fine arts program and began my career with twenty-one hours of credit. Although my teaching career did not include art in the traditional sense, it was successfully used as an enhancement. Poetry, for me is an extension of art. It creates an image, an emotion or an opinion about what is read or heard. This collection is eclectic and not limited to a particular theme or scheme. Each piece was created at different times and reflects a variety of experiences along this journey called life.

  • av Brooks David E. Brooks & Jones Barbara Jones
    341 - 401

  • av Gloria Sloan

    You Have a Pivotal Role Elevating Personal Development... We use life skills for personal and professional growth at every phase of our development so that we may live life to the fullest. Gleaned from pertinent research, Gloria Sloan unearths insights to ascertain that any skill used on a daily basis can be considered a treasured life skill. An inspiring book of self-help, truths, and strategies, Life Skills for the Journey shares profound wisdom to help transform the lives of individuals into journeys of wholeness, personal growth, and fulfillment. From start to finish, powerful, intellectual, and revelatory teachings are shared that will benefit individuals spiritually, mentally, and physically. Each lesson is varied, detailed, and in-depth, allowing anyone to walk away positively changed in several ways. Sloan's content beautifully and clearly shares the insights of achieving life skills while maintaining a wonderful sense of expression, revealing practical and life-changing ways in which the reader can improve various aspects of his or her own life.

  • av Trimble Marieta C Trimble
    257 - 347

  • av Dr Poppy

    The book is about a young rabbit experiencing new creatures he comes upon in the meadow near his home. He learns about making friends without judgment or bias. Dr. Rev. William D. Bender Biography Married to my high school sweetheart (Dawn) for 52 years We have three grown children, Michelle, Michael, Christopher 8 Grandchildren, 3 step grandchildren, 3 great grandchildren Associate Pastor of Oakwood Church Ocala FL Retired veteran ( 25 years) US Army Military Intelligence and Reserves Traveled the World and gained insight into other cultures. Oldest of 7 children 6 brothers and one sweet sister.

  • av Perry F Louden

    This book interprets all of Daniel 11 in a simple, straightforward way using Daniel chapter 2 and Nebuchadnezzar's image with a focus on our day. Perry Louden is an avid researcher of religion and history. He studied Christian studies at Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee, where he received a Master of Arts Degree. In 2019, Louden received a Doctorate in literacy studies from Middle Tennessee State University. Currently, he is a professor teaching Reading Enrichment and Professional Studies. Louden is an active member of the local VFW, and he has a knack for solving difficult jigsaw puzzles. He and his wife live in Bradyville, Tennessee, where he is an elder in his church.

  • av Erin O Patton

    C+Suite Leadership For Christ speaks authoritatively to readers, convincing them of the need for a new breed of leaders, called forward by Almighty God before the foundations of the world and pre-destined for times of transition such as these. The result is a thriving corporate body and marketplace representing God's vision for the millennium. Throughout, the narrative traces hallmark leadership profiles and practices found in scripture with contemporary relevance and real-world application. "Erin Patton has established a proven track record of transformative leadership and influence in the C-suite as an executive and advisor for Fortune 50 companies. His keen insights and front-row perspective are quite valuable and informative in how you build a thriving culture." D. Steve Boland, Chief Administrative Officer for Bank of America. "Timeless wisdom delivered articulately for business leaders, entrepreneurs, and world changers. A must read in a world desperate of people with character and passion." Chau Tran, Pastor, Highlight Church. "With a courageous stance for Christianity and bold spiritual fortitude, Erin Patton challenges leaders to reach higher for our teams, our organizations, and ourselves. C+Suite Leadership For Christ is a Bible-based blueprint for recognizing our Divine calling and assignments. It is a timely and strong affirmation of reconnecting to God's purpose in times of transition. Erin's intentionality is refreshing and inspiring for Christian leaders striving to excel in the sometimes delicate intersection of faith and career." Heidi M. Barker, Knight Foundation "C+Suite Leadership for Christ.... is a must read for any reader who needs good counsel and wise words when faced with difficult decisions and daunting circumstances in these challenging times. You will be inspired by insights from the attributes and characteristics of key biblical leaders who experienced personal transformation from God's divine providence and power. Don't miss Erin's new book on leadership, you'll be be a better leader grounded in God's calling." Jackelyn Viera Iloff, Senior Advisor, Lakewood Church Joel Osteen Ministries

  • av Ward DDS Ivory Z Ward DDS
    251 - 330

  • av Anthony Daino

    Is Becoming Perfect a Worthwhile Endeavor? Have you ever come across an old tarnished platter in such disarray and ruin you could never imagine it having any purpose or practical use ever again? However, you believe it can be restored! You purchase tarnish remover, roll up your sleeves, and go to work! Soon you start to see a spectacular design appear! Your eyes sparkle as a rich silver luster is revealed and the platter has become perfect as the day it was made! When God created us we were completely and wholly perfect but as time went by we allowed sin to tarnish us and hide the beauty and perfection of the Creators hand. In writing "Becoming a Perfect Blossom through Jesus Christ our Lord", I use the beautiful object lessons found in the almond blossoms coupled with Holy Scripture to provide you with the "tarnish remover" you need to restore your soul to the spectacular luster and beauty that the Creator had intended for you! Discover the hidden gems of courage, hope, faith, and love that God placed in you but sin buried. Rejoice, because what sin buried, Jesus, through His sacrifice, has raised up in you and will reveal to you so you can claim them and secure a new life with Him in Heaven! My friends let's roll up our sleeves together and go to work in becoming a perfect blossom through Jesus Christ our Lord and you will find that it is a very worthwhile endeavor indeed!! Anthony Daino is a novice author in California. His wife of 35 years, Connie, inspires him daily. His new found passion for writing poetry is brought to life in this book. Prayerfully, his hope is that all who read it will find inspiration and comfort within its pages! Enjoy!

  • av Restituyo M.Ed Milton R. Restituyo M.Ed
    797 - 937

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