Om Algeria Learns Sports
This delightful children's story, "Algeria Learns Sports," promotes the necessity of athletics and fitness at the elementary school-age. It tells the story of a darling second grader, Algeria, who wishes to play sports when she goes to the third grade. Her brother, Cameron, plays basketball and runs track. He teaches Algeria about athletics and fitness. Together, they imagine playing various sports as they look over equipment in a super sports store. This book encourages children to participate in school athletics. Parents can help their children with fitness goals by encouraging them to participate in athletic activities in elementary school... BENEFITS OF SPORTS There are a number of benefits from a child's participation in school athletics including 1) prevention of childhood obesity, 2) higher self-esteem, 3) improved social skills, and 4) more physically active children. 1. Prevention of Childhood Obesity
Athletic activities help fight childhood obesity - a serious issue across the United States. It is recommended that parents and family members cooperate and collaborate to ensure that their children follow a recommended diet and stay physically active. Obesity is typically defined as a situation when weight exceeds the recommended amount according to height and age. Unfortunately, this is a common issue for any age group. In fact, during 2017-2018, over 14.4 million children within the ages of 2-19 were classified as obese according to the Center of Disease and Control (CDC). This data is surprising. Children are grossly affected by this serious medical issue every day. Moreover, lack of exercise and poor diet contribute to childhood obesity. Proper nutrition in the school and at home is crucial to maintain the recommended weight goals. Also, exercise and sports in school can help children maintain a healthy weight. When children participate in athletics at an early age, these activities provide them with more exercise and fitness training than they would normally receive. Student athletes will practice sports daily to ready themselves for competition, a benefit to fight obesity. Such activities include basketball, football, swimming, soccer, track and field, and volleyball. 2. Self-Esteem
Experts indicate that athletics not only helps with fitness but also improves self-confidence. 3. Social Skills
Athletics help children with social skills as they interact with teammates and children from other schools. They learn how to cooperate and collaborate with others while also improving their listening skills. Children will also become more competitive. They also learn how to interact with the coach and follow instructions. These skills are necessary to succeed in life. 4. More Active Children
Sports activities in schools keep children active. They will jump and reach more with their arms and legs. For instance, in basketball, the children will run across the court as they jump and pass the ball. Swimming aids with arm and leg strength and also maintains a strong cardiovascular system. Football and running assist with weight loss. These athletic activities will help maintain a healthy heart, brain, lungs, and digestive tract. When we aggressively fight obesity, we win over diabetes, heart disease, orthopedic issues, and cholesterol problems. Let's encourage our children to participate in school athletics. You will love the improvement in their fitness, attitude, and competitive nature.
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