Om Anthropometric Study of Adhah Sakha in context with Anguli Praman
The study entitled ¿Anthropometric study of Adhä ¿¿kh¿ w.s.r. to A¿guli Pram¿¿adescribed in B¿hattray¿¿ comprises of chapter entitled as introduction with aims and objectives, review of literature, methodology, observations and results, discussion, conclusion and summary. IntroductionInspiration and thought of the topic selection named ägula pram¿¿a and pram¿¿a ¿¿r¿ra has been mentioned. It includes concept of pram¿¿a ¿¿r¿ra and its relevantsignificance in the contemporary sciences, need of the study, aims and objectives of the study, previous work done in this aspect and layout of the research. Review of literature: It includes the sub topic of historical review, ¿yurvedic review and modern review. Historical review: It includes the description of pram¿¿a ¿¿r¿ra in the vedic and ancient literature. ¿yurvedic review: It includes the detailed description of pram¿¿a ¿¿r¿ra including description of m¿na, ägula pram¿¿a, ägula as a basic unit of measurement, its etymology, various parameters regarding ägula, description of pram¿¿a ¿¿r¿raregarding adhä ¿¿kh¿, its critical analysis in b¿hattray¿ and its commentaries.
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