Om Authenticity
Systematic Introduction
Godehard Br├╝ntrup, Michael Reder, Liselotte Gierstl
Part I Approaches from Metaphysics, Anthropology, and Phenomenology
Chapter I.1. Godehard Br├╝ntrup
[Erich-Lejeune-Endowed-Chair in Philosophy, Munich School of Philosophy]
"What Does it Mean to Deceive Oneself?"
Chapter I.2. Karin Hutfl├╢tz
[Post-Doctoral-Research Fellow, Munich School of Philosophy]
"Authenticity as Benchmark of Human Selfhood? On Kierkegaard''s Concept of the Self"
Chapter I.3. Nadja El-Kassar (contribution inquired)
[Assistant Professor at the Chair of Practical Philosophy, ETH Zurich]
"Self-Knowledge and Ignorance" (thematic field of inquired contribution)
Chapter I.4. Ludwig Jaskolla[Post-Doctoral-Research Fellow, Munich School of Philosophy]
"Authentic Action, Self-Control and the Importance of Personal Projects"
Part II Approaches from Ethics and Socialphilosophy
Chapter II.1. Christine Bratu
[Assistant Professor at the Chair of Practical and Political Philosophy, LMU Munich]
"What Is Good About Being Authentic?"Chapter II.2. Michael Reder
[Helmut-and-Angela-Six-Endowed-Chair in Philosophy, Munich School of Philosophy]
"Modern Myth Authenticity. Socio-Philosophical Annotations"
Chapter II.3. Rachel E. Fraser (contribution inquired)
[Research Fellow at Peterhouse College, University of Cambridge]
"Against Authenticity" (thematic field of inquired contribution)Chapter II.4. Christian Strub
[Associate Professor, FU Berlin]
"Authenticity, Convention, and Morality"
Part III Approaches from Psychology and Psychiatry
Chapter III.1. Stephanie Draschil
[Assistant Professor at the Chair of Social Psychology, LMU Munich]
"The two Sides to Authenticity: A Socio-Psychological Perspective"
Chapter III.2. Eckhard Frick
[Chair of Psychosomatic Anthropology, Munich School of Philosophy]
"The ΓÇÜFalse'' Self and the Search for an Authentic Psychotherapeutic Relationship"
Chapter III.3. Julius Kuhl
[Chair of Experimental Personality Psychology, University of Osnabr├╝ck]
"The Psychology of Selfhood"
Chapter III.4. Felix Tretter
[Associate Professor for Clinical Psychology, LMU Munich]
"Authenticity - Between the Poles of Personality and Social Role in Mental Disorders"
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