Om Basic Gas Turbines
Ten years in the writing, this informative and easy to read aviation theory book on the workings of the helicopterturbine engine is a must for any pilot planning to convert to a turbine helicopter. With the learning pilot inmind. it provides graphic details of how the turbine engine works in a helicopter, how to operate a turbineengine, and how to cope with some of the problems you may encounter when operating this type ofhelicopter."Basic Gas Turbines for Helicopter Pilots" is written by Captain Mike Becker, one of Australia's mostexperienced helicopter instructors. With over 16,000 flight hours, and recipient of the "Captain John AshtonAward for Flight Standards and Aviation Safety" by the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators of London, Mike's experience provides invaluable insights and real hands-on knowledge.Mike Becker has been operating a helicopter flight school since 1995. As Chief Pilot and Head of TrainingOperations, Mike has managed and operated a fleet of over 20 helicopters while employing a team of morethan 30 instructors to deliver over 10,000 turbine training hours per year.This theory book converts all this experience into a practical, hands-on guide. This book has been tried andtested in the classroom by hundreds of civil and military students from all over the world who have benefitedfrom the concise, informative and practical writing style."Basic Gas Turbines for Helicopter Pilots" is written in plain English with easy-to-understand explanationssupported by many photographs, illustrations and diagrams. It is a comprehensive text that is a must for thehelicopter pilot exploring the world of turbine engines.
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