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Har du precis fått en idé som kan vara värd miljoner eller tusentals kronor? Då bör du försöka komplettera den med några böcker om entreprenörskap! Vi har samlat många böcker om ämnet och de är skrivna av tidigare eller nuvarande näringsidkare. Det finns experter på området som har många bra tips om hur du kommer igång med att starta eget företag. Numera har så mycket uppfunnits att man tror att nästan ingenting nytt kan komma. Men det handlar om mångfald! Vi är alla lockade till det nya och spännande, så oroa dig inte, om du har en idé som redan finns handlar det om att skapa något nytt inom fältet. Om du saknar inspiration till uppstarten eller om du redan är i gång har vi de perfekta böckerna för dig. Kolla in vårt urval och hitta en spännande bok om entreprenörskap!
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  • - 5 Ways to Financial and Entrepreneurial Freedom
    av Jason Gerard

    Welcome to Freedom Five "5 Ways to Financial and Entrepreneurial Freedom." In this digital age, the opportunities for generating a substantial income online have never been more abundant. As we embark on this journey through the pages of this book, we will explore the incredible potential that the virtual world offers to individuals seeking financial security and entrepreneurial success. The internet, with its vast reach and ever-expanding horizons, has transformed the way we work and do business. It has paved the way for a new era of economic empowerment where anyone with an internet connection and the right knowledge can chart their course to financial independence. This book is your guide to that world of possibilities, presenting five distinct avenues through which you can unlock your potential and discover the path to financial and entrepreneurial freedom.

  • - Build A Lucrative Business With No Ideas, No Expertise, or Money
    av Dane Maxwell

    No other book will show you how to successfully start from scratch like this one does. Much of the world believes you have to be smart, gifted, or lucky to make it with your own business. See new research on the top personality traits pulled from 30 successful entrepreneurs. Learn by example from 15 employees who became entrepreneurs. You'll see their businesses, their products, their incomes, and how they did it. No hype. No BS. No fluff. This is a comprehensive book full of examples to draw from. Start From Zero gives you the repeatable path to create a meaningful and profitable business without being dependent on any person, any platform, or anything. Learn How To Start A Business From Nothing. This book is full of real world stories from an entrepreneur who had over 10 business failures, started from nothing, and finally found the successful patterns to become a Millionaire before the age of 30. This book includes research on "who" is most likely to be successful in entrepreneurship across 26 different personality factors.This is the only book that will show you how to successfully start from zero when you have nothing.Not even confidence.Start From Zero is the result of over 10 years of research, based on tested principles, with a methodology that will still be relevant a hundred years from now.If you are frustrated with your income and earning potential, this book is for you.Start From Zero teaches you how to install the 4 brains you need to create income & scalable products from scratch.Whether you are a frustrated employee, a time-strapped business owner, or a curious 16 year old wondering if you should attend college, Start From Zero delivers the goods.My hope is this book helps make entrepreneurship accessible to the entire world.I have personally helped thousands of people become free with this exact process.All of them started from zero. Many of them started as employees.You can be next.Put these principles into practice for 90 days and learn the skills to make success more likely in any endeavor you choose!

  • - 4 Simple Steps to Overcome Problems, Accelerate Progress, and Achieve Your Goals
    av Tim Rhode

    All progress requires change.Yet many, if not most people, believe that 'change is hard' or scary, and tend to resist, or avoid it altogether if possible.It's no surprise that nearly 70% of change efforts in business struggle or fail. That's because many business leaders just don't have, or follow, a simple and reliable approach to build support and lead successful change. But now, that doesn't have to be the case. In this transformative fable: Charlie, a talented yet struggling business leader, is feeling frustrated and disheartened by his team's lackluster performance and frequent inability to reach their goals. Through a chance meeting with an old mentor, he discovers a simple 4 step approach for leading successful change and tries it out to improve his team's engagement and productivity. Their rapid progress soon leads to a big new challenge and opportunity. Working together, they use the simple approach for Changing Lanes again, taking their team, and this time the entire business, to a new level of rapid and long-term success. In Changing Lanes for Business, author Tim Rhode shares a relatable story with an easy-to-use approach - that business leaders and teams can apply today - to get unstuck, to overcome challenges, to make rapid progress, and achieve their goals. When you learn and apply the 4 simple steps for Changing Lanes in your own business, you'll discover that leading successful change doesn't have to be hard.

  • - The Billionaire Mindset
    av Jackson Mutebi

    Entrepreneurs, innovators, global smart game changers, fail to think billionaire genius ideas in tough times, because of the continuous distraction from external and internal factors, their long perceptions and fear habits of the current situation fear, retards their thinking capabilities to make great changes in their futuristic business models They fall short of billionaire genius ideas, due to lack of continuous focus on their genius ideas which will turn into great business models and being bombarded with negative imaginations, past perception stagnant perception and pictures that occupy the subconscious mind not to achieve this great ambition. The book entails details concepts of billionaire ideas multibillionaire ideas. Proven examples of how billionaires, have made it to became global players making a billion small The book outlines level of champions (billion DNA ) outlining in detail which champion DNA is best for your business models for next 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, 40 years, 50 years, 60 years, 70 years, 80 years, 90 years, 100 years 110 years, 120 years, 130 years, 140 years, 150 years, 160 years, 170 years, 180 years, 190 years., 200 years.

  • av Le M Resell

    Votre vie va changer ! Vous avez ce rêve, n'est-ce pas ? Celui de devenir votre propre patron, de tracer votre chemin vers le succès, de vous libérer des chaînes d'un quotidien monotone.Vous aspirez à plus ? À la liberté ? À l'indépendance financière ? À la réalisation de vous-même ? Mais jusqu'à présent, vous avez été submergé par des océans de promesses non tenues et de stratégies inefficaces.Laissez-moi vous dire que votre arrivée ici marque la fin de votre vie de salarié, de vos échecs dans le monde de l'entrepreneuriat. Pourquoi ? Car avec ce livre, vous allez réellement réussir, devenir véritablement libre financièrement grâce à l'un des seuls business qui fonctionne réellement et est accessible: l'achat-revente.Ce livre est la clé pour ouvrir la porte que vous cherchez depuis si longtemps. Ce livre vous dévoilera en détail comment concrètement vous lancer et devenir libre financièrement grâce à ce business.La Réalité, Rien Que la RéalitéCe livre va vous montrer la vérité sans filtre de l'entrepreneuriat. Vous allez découvrir non seulement comment vous lancer, comment trouver votre secteur d'activité, comment trouver des biens pas chers, comment les vendre plus cher, comment s'organiser, comment bien vendre, comment négocier, comprendre la psychologie de l'achat et de la vente, comment adapter votre état d'esprit, mais aussi le partage de mon expérience ainsi que celle des plus grands entrepreneurs qui ont réussi dans l'achat-revente. Vous comprendrez comment ils ont réussi et comment vous pouvez faire de même. Et encore plein de choses comme des stratégies éprouvées, des techniques de marketing avancées, et des conseils concrets. Ce livre est un raccourci, des années d'expérience des plus grands entrepreneurs, condensées pour vous, dans ce livre.Imaginez-vous: réussissant là où tant d'autres ont échoué, bâtissant un empire, devenant un nom reconnu dans l'industrie. Ce livre est votre premier pas vers cette réalité.Les Secrets de l'Achat-Revente n'est pas juste un livre, c'est votre mentor, votre guide, votre allié dans cette aventure entrepreneuriale.Êtes-vous Prêt à Transformer Votre Vie ?Votre parcours vers le sommet commence ici. Saisissez cette opportunité.Changez votre vie. Réalisez vos rêves et commencez à écrire votre propre histoire de succès.Le moment est venu de prendre le contrôle de votre avenir.Votre voyage vers la réussite commence avec ce livre.

  • - Business Lessons from a Modern Pandemic
    av Mustafa Ozer

    The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world and made us face a new reality, the age of polycrisis. However, crises also bring opportunities, and the pandemic has given us a special chance to understand our errors and plan for a stronger future. In Pivot for Planet, author explores the lessons and ideas we can get from the pandemic with retrospection. Using real-life examples, this book looks at the tactics that succeeded and those that didn't, giving founders a guide for dealing with future emergencies. From problems with getting supplies to finding talent, "Pivot for Planet" reflects the main challenges caused by the pandemic. The author looks at the creative answers that founders and governments came up with to solve these issues, showcasing the best methods that appeared. However, this book isn't only about what worked-it's also about how we can improve. The author finds the places where we didn't see problems and the spaces where our plans had gaps, and suggests practical steps for fixing them. By giving a systemic view of the pandemic, Pivot for Planet gives readers the knowledge and tools they require to do well in an uncertain world in the age of polycrysis.

  • - Tratamiento efectivo de objeciones en ventas: Una guía práctica de ventas para directivos, empresarios y vendedores
    av Roman Kmenta

    Más ventas a pesar de las objeciones¿Quiere aprender a reducir las objeciones de los clientes?¿Quiere manejar las objeciones sin resistencia?¿Quiere cerrar SIN tener que lidiar con objeciones?Entonces debería olvidarse de gran parte de lo que ha oído hasta ahora sobre las objeciones."Las objeciones solían incomodarme. Ahora ya no".Consiga este libro ahora mismo y benefíciese la próxima vez que tenga un contacto con un cliente."¡Demasiado largo! ¡Demasiado corto! ¡Demasiado caro! Demasiado...!" Las objeciones son habituales para muchos vendedores en las charlas de ventas. Pero eso no las hace populares. Sin embargo, las objeciones son importantes porque a menudo conducen directamente a la conclusión de una venta.A menudo se comete el error de responder a ellas con un "Sí, pero...". En este libro aprenderá por qué esto no es aconsejable y cómo puede enfrentarse a las objeciones con mucha más elegancia y éxito y aumentar así significativamente sus ventas y su volumen de negocio.En este libro aprenderápor qué las objeciones son importantes para el éxito de sus ventas.los errores que se pueden cometer al tratar con objeciones y cómo evitarlos.las técnicas psicológicas más eficaces para manejar las objeciones.que se puede vender sin manejar objeciones.cómo dejar que sea el cliente quien rebata sus objeciones.Puede hacer todo esto y mucho más con las estrategias de gestión de objeciones de este libro. Déjese sorprender. Se sorprenderá.

  • - A Guide to Managing Your Finances During an Economic Recession and Navigating Prosperity
    av Linda M Barnette

    Description: In a world of economic uncertainty, "Principles for dealing with the economy and Budgeting ", (A Guide to Managing Your Finances During an Economic Recession and Navigating Prosperit) serves as your compass through the turbulent waters of financial challenges and opportunities. This comprehensive book offers invaluable insights, practical strategies, and expert advice to help you not only survive but thrive in times of economic instability.Authors [Glenn S. Sherman], a seasoned financial expert, and [Linda M. Barnette], a renowned economist, combine their vast knowledge to bring you a unique and accessible guide to financial management. With a balanced approach, they address many crucial aspects of your financial journey which some include: Managing Finances During an Economic Recession: - Understand the economic cycles and how recessions impact your finances. - Learn how to protect your assets, reduce debt, and create a recession-proof budget. - Discover investment strategies that thrive in challenging economic climates. Navigating Prosperity: - Explore ways to capitalize on opportunities when the economy rebounds. - Invest wisely to build wealth and secure your financial future. - Achieve financial freedom and prosperity, even in the face of economic fluctuations.This book is your go-to resource for practical tips, real-life case studies, and step-by-step guidance on financial planning, investment, and risk management. Whether you're an individual seeking to secure your family's financial stability or a business owner striving to safeguard your company's success, this book provides the knowledge and tools you need. With "Principles for dealing with the economy and Budgeting " you can take charge of your financial destiny, make informed decisions, and build a solid foundation for a prosperous future. Don't let economic uncertainties dictate your financial well-being; empower yourself with the insights and strategies found within these pages. It's time to master your finances, recession or prosperity, and achieve the financial freedom you deserve.

  • av Eklektik Digital

    Unleash Your Digital Empire: A No-Nonsense Blueprint for SuccessWelcome to "The Anti-Digital Product Digital Product Club Guide," where we strip away the fluff and dive straight into the heart of creating and selling digital products. This isn't just about information; it's about transformation. Are you ready to embark on a journey that will turn your passion into profit? Let's get started.

  • - "Where, Why, What" Series
    av Chris Chaney

    "Embark on an extraordinary adventure in 'Where, Why, What: The Journey Within.' Join Ray, who, after a life-changing encounter with the mystical Land of Where and its enigmatic Guardian, is drawn back into its captivating realm. As he navigates the tests set forth by the Keepers of How and the Taker of When, a surprise call from Joseph rekindles his connection to the Land of Where. The Flame of Why, an enigmatic presence, adds a new layer of mystery to Ray's quest. With boundless curiosity and a heart filled with purpose, Ray embraces the unknown. This captivating tale explores the enduring pursuit of self-discovery and growth, where the Land of Where, The Guardian, and The Flame of Why guide him on an everlasting journey filled with secrets and revelations. Dive into a world of wonder and transformation as Ray's adventures continue in this enchanting story."

  • - The Anti Digital Product Digital Product Blueprint
    av Eklektik Digital

    At Eklektik Digital, we are dedicated to equipping individuals with the knowledge and strategies needed to turn their digital product ideas into a reality and transform those ideas into a source of income. Our mission is to empower aspiring creators, entrepreneurs, and innovators to bring their digital products to life and embark on a journey towards financial freedom.Extensive Market Data and ResearchOur ebook, "From Idea to Income: The Anti-Digital Product Digital Product Blueprint," is the culmination of rigorous market data analysis and in-depth research. We recognize that the digital landscape is constantly evolving, and having access to accurate, current information is pivotal for success. That's why we invested significant time and effort into collecting, evaluating, and distilling the most pertinent insights and strategies related to digital product creation and sales.Comprehensive ResourceWe understand that the internet is awash with information and resources on digital product creation. However, we also know that finding a comprehensive, no-nonsense guide can be challenging. To address this, we thoroughly researched existing resources and training materials, scrutinizing their content to identify the most valuable information.Your Go-To GuideOur ebook is your go-to guide for navigating the journey from concept to income in the digital product world. We've cut through the noise, eliminating unnecessary jargon and distractions. Every chapter is thoughtfully crafted to offer you practical, actionable advice that you can apply immediately.We cover everything from conceiving and refining your digital product idea to creating, marketing, and selling it. Our guide provides you with a step-by-step blueprint that simplifies the process and helps you stay focused on what truly matters.Your Success is Our PriorityYour success is our primary focus. We are committed to helping you transform your digital product aspirations into financial reality. Whether you're a first-time creator or a seasoned entrepreneur looking to enhance your product creation and sales strategies, we're here to guide you through the entire process.Thank you for choosing Eklektik Digital as your trusted source for insights into the world of digital product creation and income generation. Together, let's embark on a journey that will enable you to unlock your potential and achieve financial freedom through your digital products.Start your path to income generation with the guidance and expertise found in our comprehensive ebook, "From Idea to Income: The Anti-Digital Product Digital Product Blueprint."

  • - Unlocking Women's Small Business Grants
    av Queen Israel

    In the vibrant world of entrepreneurship, there lies an untapped reservoir of potential and innovation - women. "Her Capital: Unlocking Women's Small Business Grants" dives deep into this very essence, unraveling a comprehensive guide to amplify the voices and visions of female entrepreneurs through the power of grants. In a market often dominated by the conventional, this book emerges as a beacon for women who dare to dream, innovate, and challenge the status quo. While the entrepreneurial journey can be rife with obstacles, securing financial support shouldn't be one of them.This is where "Her Capital" becomes an indispensable tool, offering insights into the often elusive world of women's business grants. The first step to claiming any grant is understanding its landscape. The book commences with a meticulous analysis of the grant ecosystem, distinguishing between governmental, private, and philanthropic grants. Real-life examples breathe life into these categories, painting a vivid picture of potential opportunities and challenges. Every grant comes with its unique set of requisites, and "Her Capital" prepares its readers for success by breaking down the intricacies of the application process. But the book is more than just a factual guide. It is a narrative spun with compelling stories of women who've been there, done that. Success stories of women-led businesses provide readers with invaluable lessons and inspiration. These real-world tales underscore the transformative power of grants, showing how they can be harnessed to fuel growth, innovation, and sustainability. "Her Capital" understands that grants are not just about monetary aid. Beyond financial grants, the book delves into non-monetary support, accelerators, and educational opportunities specifically designed for women entrepreneurs. Each chapter is meticulously crafted to offer actionable advice, guiding readers through the maze of grant opportunities, application processes, and best practices to maximize impact. However, the journey doesn't end at merely securing a grant. Proper management, reporting, and scaling with the acquired grant are equally vital. "Her Capital" equips its readers with the necessary tools to not just win a grant but to utilize it for sustained business growth, ensuring a trustworthy reputation in the entrepreneurial community. At its core, "Her Capital" is a clarion call for increased support and recognition of women entrepreneurs. With a perfect blend of research, real-life examples, and actionable strategies, it beckons aspiring female entrepreneurs and those already in the fray to take their rightful place at the forefront of business innovation. Unlock your potential, seize the opportunities, and embark on a transformative journey with "Her Capital: Unlocking Women's Small Business Grants". Whether you're taking your first steps in the world of entrepreneurship or are a seasoned professional seeking to scale new heights, this book is your definitive guide to securing the grant that could change your business trajectory. So, why wait?Dive in and unlock the capital that could propel your business to unparalleled success.

  • - The Ultimate Guide to Making Money Online
    av Rosey Press

    Amazon KDP Description for "Passive Income Mastery: The Ultimate Guide to Making Money Online" Unlock the Secrets to Financial Freedom with the Ultimate Guide to Passive Income!Have you ever dreamt of earning money even while you sleep, travel, or spend time with family? "Passive Income Mastery: The Ultimate Guide to Making Money Online" is your comprehensive roadmap to achieving this dream.

  • - Strategies for (modern) Entrepreneurs
    av Emanuel J Russo

    Unleash the Power of Ancient Wisdom in Modern BusinessIn a world where the battlefield of business is constantly evolving, where startups rise and giants fall, where innovation is the currency of success, there is a timeless guide that transcends eras and empowers entrepreneurs to conquer the challenges of today's marketplace.The Intersection of Ancient Wisdom and Contemporary Business"Sun-Tzu's Art of War" is a masterpiece of strategy and leadership written over two millennia ago in ancient China. Traditionally applied to warfare, its teachings have found an unexpected home in the dynamic realm of modern entrepreneurship. This book is your bridge to connect the wisdom of the past with the aspirations of the present. As you embark on this enlightening journey through the teachings of Sun-Tzu, you will: Gain Strategic Mastery: Learn how to craft and execute strategies that set you apart in the competitive world of business.Enhance Your Leadership: Discover the principles that empower you to lead effectively, inspire your team, and drive success.Navigate Uncertainty: Develop the skills needed to thrive in an ever-changing business environment.Build Ethical Enterprises: Embrace ethical considerations that lead to sustainable, socially responsible businesses.Forge Alliances: Find the keys to winning without conflict through diplomacy, negotiation, and strategic partnerships.Transform Challenges into Opportunities: Learn how to pivot in the face of adversity and emerge stronger. Who Should Read This Book?Whether you are a seasoned entrepreneur seeking to refine your strategies or a newcomer looking for guidance on your entrepreneurial path, "Sun-Tzu's Art of War Strategies for Modern Entrepreneurs" holds valuable insights that illuminate your journey. Business leaders, startup founders, students of entrepreneurship, and anyone with a passion for success will find profound wisdom within these pages.Entrepreneurs, regardless of their industry or stage of development, are discovering that the principles laid out in "Sun-Tzu's Art of War" provide not only a roadmap but also a mindset for success. The battles we wage are not fought with swords and shields, but with ideas, innovation, and determination. Yet, the strategic underpinnings remain the same.This book is your invitation to join this entrepreneurial revolution, where the past meets the present, and ancient wisdom becomes a catalyst for modern success. CONTENTIntroduction: Sun-Tzu and Modern EntrepreneurshipChapter 1: Preparing for Battle: The Entrepreneur's TerrainChapter 2: Assessing Five Factors: Your Business StrategyChapter 3: Waging War: The Cash Burn RateChapter 4: Strategic Depth: Positioning and OpportunityChapter 5: The Art of Deception: Branding and MarketingChapter 6: Energy and Direction: Leading TeamsChapter 7: Weak Points and Strong: SWOT AnalysisChapter 8: The Nine Situations: Business ModelsChapter 9: Attacking by Stratagem: Market DisruptionChapter 10: Passive and Active Strategy: The PivotChapter 11: The Use of Spies: Competitive AnalysisChapter 12: On Fire: Maintaining Passion and DeterminationChapter 13: The Endgame: Exit StrategiesChapter 14: Beyond Sun-Tzu: Continuous Learning and AdaptationBONUS: THE ART OF WAR BY SUN-TZU (Complete Original Text)Embrace each lesson as an opportunity to refine your strategies, elevate your leadership, and master the art of war in the world of business. Your journey is filled with promise and the pursuit of victory.

  • - Strategies for Success
    av Dean Kirkland

    In the bustling world of e-commerce, Amazon reigns supreme. But with great power comes great competition, and in the vast marketplace of Amazon, standing out is more crucial than ever. "Mastering Amazon Advertising: Strategies for Success" penned by Dean Kirkland offers a deep dive into the intricacies of Amazon's advertising ecosystem, providing both novices and seasoned marketers with the tools they need to thrive.Kirkland demystifies the world of Amazon advertising, guiding readers through its vast landscape-from understanding the pivotal A9 algorithm to crafting compelling ad copies that convert. With a blend of foundational knowledge and advanced strategies, this book is a comprehensive guide for anyone looking to harness the potential of Amazon ads.Key highlights include: A step-by-step guide to setting up and optimizing your ad campaigns.In-depth exploration of keyword research, ensuring your products reach the right audience.Real-world case studies showcasing successful advertising campaigns and the lessons they offer.A glimpse into the future of Amazon advertising, preparing readers for upcoming trends and shifts.Whether you're an Amazon seller aiming to boost sales, a brand manager looking to enhance visibility, or a digital marketer keen on expanding your skill set, "Mastering Amazon Advertising" is your roadmap to success. Dive in and discover the strategies that will propel your brand to the forefront of Amazon's vast marketplace.

  • av Max Sea

    **The Secrets of Startup Fundraising - How to Raise Millions for Your Business** Unlock the vault to startup fundraising with this comprehensive guide, distilled from over two decades of successes, setbacks, and undying persistence. The author, with an illustrious career punctuated by four impressive exits, including a trailblazing $100 million company sale, has charted a masterclass for every entrepreneur eager to fuel their dreams with the right capital. "The Secrets of Startup Fundraising" isn't just another business manual; it's a convergence of practical strategies, moving entrepreneurial tales, and an unwavering commitment to harnessing technology for improving the human condition. This book isn't just about garnering wealth - it's a manifesto on using innovation as a lever for positive transformation. Each chapter is an invitation to embark on a journey of ambition, tenacity, and boundless possibilities. From the author's initial strides as an enterprising university scholar, amassing a whopping 300 million dollars from diverse financial avenues like angels, crowdfunding, and VCs, the narrative underscores the mettle and vision required to build a formidable enterprise from scratch. For those setting sail in the entrepreneurial sea or those weathering a storm, this book is your compass, your anchor, and your North Star.

  • av Edmond Goumkwa

    Motivar os empregados é vital para o sucesso de uma empresa, especialmente na atual crise económica global. Ao compreender o que motiva os seus colaboradores, os gestores podem mobilizar todo o potencial de cada indivíduo e direcionar a sua energia de forma mais eficaz. Os resultados deste estudo confirmam que os métodos de gestão, o clima organizacional, as estruturas sociais, as realidades económicas e a cultura são elementos essenciais que contribuem para o significado do trabalho e que são também fontes de motivação no trabalho. A motivação não pode ser conseguida em todo o lado e sempre com as mesmas receitas. Renovar as fontes de motivação exige uma análise prévia das mudanças que afectam atualmente o mundo do trabalho e das suas consequências. O objetivo deste estudo é ajudar as pessoas que gerem os recursos humanos (nas empresas) a compreender como criar condições favoráveis à motivação dos trabalhadores, como orientar, suscitar e apoiar a sua motivação e como construir estratégias motivacionais adequadas.

  • av Jedmon Gumkwa

    Motiwaciq sotrudnikow zhiznenno wazhna dlq uspeha kompanii, osobenno w uslowiqh nyneshnego global'nogo äkonomicheskogo krizisa. Ponimaq, chto motiwiruet sotrudnikow, menedzhery mogut mobilizowat' wes' potencial kazhdogo cheloweka i naprawit' ego änergiü bolee äffektiwno. Rezul'taty dannogo issledowaniq podtwerzhdaüt, chto metody uprawleniq, organizacionnyj klimat, social'nye struktury, äkonomicheskie realii i kul'tura qwlqütsq wazhnymi älementami, kotorye wnosqt wklad w smysl raboty, a takzhe qwlqütsq istochnikami motiwacii na rabote. Motiwaciq ne mozhet byt' dostignuta wezde i wsegda po odnim i tem zhe receptam. Obnowlenie istochnikow motiwacii trebuet predwaritel'nogo analiza izmenenij, proishodqschih w nastoqschee wremq w mire truda, i ih posledstwij. Cel' dannogo issledowaniq - pomoch' lüdqm, uprawlqüschim chelowecheskimi resursami (w kompaniqh), ponqt', kak sozdat' uslowiq, sposobstwuüschie motiwacii sotrudnikow, kak naprawlqt', probuzhdat' i podderzhiwat' ih motiwaciü, a takzhe kak wystraiwat' sootwetstwuüschie motiwacionnye strategii.

  • av Edmond Goumkwa

    Motivating employees is vital to a company's success, particularly in the current global economic crisis. By understanding what motivates their people, managers can mobilise the full potential of each individual and direct their energy more effectively. The results of this study confirm that management methods, organisational climate, social structures, economic realities and culture are essential elements that contribute to the meaning of work, and that they are also sources of motivation at work. Motivation cannot be achieved everywhere and always with the same recipes. Renewing the sources of motivation requires a prior analysis of the changes currently affecting the world of work and their consequences. The aim of this study is to help people who manage human resources (in companies) to understand how to create conditions conducive to employee motivation, how to guide, arouse and support their motivation, and how to build appropriate motivational strategies.

  • av Hose Fransisko Bernardes

    Predprinimatel'skij innowacionnyj menedzhment w uniwersitetskih organizaciqh imeet ochen' sil'nuü tendenciü k postoqnnomu sowershenstwowaniü processow, produktow, uslug i uprawleniq. Ono takzhe ochen' wazhno dlq prepodawaniq, issledowanij i rasprostraneniq znanij, a predprinimatel'skie i innowacionnye iniciatiwy naprawleny na udowletworenie potrebnostej soobschestwa i obschestwa w celom. Cel'ü dannogo issledowaniq bylo wyqwit' s pomosch'ü integriruüschego sistematicheskogo obzora wklad predprinimatel'skogo innowacionnogo menedzhmenta w uprawlenie uniwersitetami. Dlq ätogo issledowaniq byl proweden bibliograficheskij obzor, w kotorom bylo predstawleno bol'shoe kolichestwo statej o predprinimatel'stwe w menedzhmente. Takzhe byl proweden bibliograficheskij obzor s cel'ü usileniq issledowaniq. V celom, na osnowanii izuchennyh statej, byla otmechena wazhnost' uniwersitetskogo menedzhmenta, sfokusirowannogo na processah, produktah i uprawlenii w predprinimatel'skom i innowacionnom klüche, prichem äti aspekty qwlqütsq konkurentnymi preimuschestwami dlq organizacionnogo rosta i razwitiq.

  • av Stanislas T. Médard D. C. Agossadou

    This paper focuses on tax incidence, looking for "real" loser or winner of debt interest deduction in computing CIT. The first sample is a case study of two identical firms, one indebted and the other unindebted, with the same profitable investment project over a period of time. The second sample contains 20 indebted firms in France over a 5-year period. The non-free cost and revenue assumption is used. The stylized case study of two hypothetical firms and the empirical analysis of 20 firms in France lead to the same result. In fact, Debt interest deduction in computing CIT, has as ¿true¿ losing the firm with zero financial leverage and as ¿true¿ winning the firm with non-zero financial leverage. This paper is one of the first to expand the literature by looking for the "real" loser or winner of debt interest deduction in computing CIT.

  • av Edmond Goumkwa

    Motivare i dipendenti è fondamentale per il successo di un'azienda, soprattutto nell'attuale crisi economica globale. Comprendendo cosa motiva i propri collaboratori, i manager possono mobilitare il pieno potenziale di ogni individuo e indirizzare le sue energie in modo più efficace. I risultati di questo studio confermano che i metodi di gestione, il clima organizzativo, le strutture sociali, le realtà economiche e la cultura sono elementi essenziali che contribuiscono al significato del lavoro e che sono anche fonti di motivazione sul lavoro. La motivazione non può essere ottenuta ovunque e sempre con le stesse ricette. Rinnovare le fonti di motivazione richiede un'analisi preventiva dei cambiamenti che attualmente interessano il mondo del lavoro e delle loro conseguenze. L'obiettivo di questo studio è aiutare le persone che gestiscono le risorse umane (nelle aziende) a capire come creare condizioni favorevoli alla motivazione dei dipendenti, come guidare, suscitare e sostenere la loro motivazione e come costruire strategie motivazionali adeguate.

  • av José Francisco Bernardes

    La gestion de l'innovation entrepreneuriale dans les organisations universitaires a une forte tendance à l'amélioration continue des processus, des produits, des services et de la gestion. Elle est également très importante pour l'enseignement, la recherche et la vulgarisation, les initiatives entrepreneuriales et innovantes répondant aux besoins de la communauté et de la société dans son ensemble. L'objectif de cette recherche était d'identifier, par le biais d'une revue systématique intégrative, la contribution de la gestion de l'innovation entrepreneuriale à la gestion des universités. Pour ce faire, une étude de la littérature a été menée en se concentrant sur une revue systématique intégrative qui a présenté un grand nombre d'articles sur l'entrepreneuriat dans le domaine de la gestion. Pour renforcer la recherche, une analyse documentaire a également été réalisée. En général, sur la base des articles analysés, l'importance de la gestion universitaire axée sur les processus, les produits et la gestion d'une manière entrepreneuriale et innovante a été notée, des aspects qui constituent le différentiel concurrentiel pour la croissance et le développement organisationnels.

  • av Slavica Singer
    1 647 - 1 727

  • av Roland E. Kidwell

    This book considers the differential occurrence and impact of deviance and dysfunction on family firms. The author argues that how family systems develop in family, cultural, and societal contexts, strongly affects differences in the types and levels of negative behaviours in family firms. By considering the context of recent developments and extensions in family systems theory, this book will guide future research investigating the impact of broader definitions of family to consider socio-legal, social-biological, and role-based families. It provides a retrospective look that lays the groundwork for a future research agenda that can blend and develop current management theory as it relates to family firms with the latest developments in family systems theory.

  • - Your Path to Endless Possibilities
    av Brendan J Griffin

    Are you ready to embark on a journey that will transform your life, unlocking a realm of limitless potential and boundless opportunities? "Unlocking Infinity" is your guide to a world where the horizon is never limited, where growth knows no bounds, and where the possibilities are as vast as the universe itself.In this thought-provoking and inspiring book, you'll discover the power of the infinite mindset. You'll shift from a fixed perspective to a growth-focused mentality, setting the stage for personal and professional triumph. Cultivate positivity as a beacon for attracting abundance into your life, and explore the intricacies of overcoming self-imposed barriers that have held you back.But this journey doesn't stop at mindset alone. "Unlocking Infinity" propels you into the realm of creativity and innovation, where you'll learn to overcome creative blocks, tap into endless inspiration, and embrace the transformative potential of emerging technologies.The book doesn't limit itself to the tangible world; it delves into the spiritual realm, guiding you toward inner fulfillment and harmony. Discover the meaning that enriches your life, and embrace meditation and mindfulness practices that enhance your connection with your inner self.As life inevitably transitions, "Unlocking Infinity" equips you with the adaptability to confidently navigate change. This guide reveals the secrets of discovering new interests and passions, ensuring that your journey is never static but always evolving.The conclusion marks not an end but a new beginning, encouraging you to embrace your infinite potential and step boldly into the possibilities that await. Your journey to endless possibilities begins now.If you're ready to unlock the doors to your boundless potential, "Unlocking Infinity" is your key. This book is not just about reading; it's about experiencing life in a new way, embracing change, cultivating creativity, and connecting with your inner self. It's about unlocking the infinite within you.Are you ready to begin your journey to endless possibilities? The first step is to open this book, and the next is to open your mind to the infinite.Unlock your potential. Unlock your life. Unlock infinity.

  • - A Seven-Step Guide for Job Seekers and Entrepreneurs
    av Max M Haroon

    This publication is a project by the Healthy Aging Foundation (HAF) and is authored by Max Haroon.Max Haroon's inspiration for this book comes from his extensive experience speaking at various conferences and job fairs. The book caters to a diverse audience, with a special focus on newcomers and recent graduates who often find themselves navigating both new careers and new countries. Max's unique background spans roles as both an employer and an employee/applicant, giving him a distinctive perspective. His experience allows him to articulate the factors that lead to either rejection or acceptance in the hiring process. He also pinpoints the additional qualifications and strengths necessary to distinguish one candidate from another. In this Edition, the overarching goal remains unchanged: to provide readers with enduring strategies for success in an ever-evolving professional world. Within the book, you will find actionable insights and guidance suitable for newcomers, recent graduates, aspiring entrepreneurs, or those in the midst of career transitions. These strategies are complemented by a blend of local, in-person resources and online tools, embracing the technological and social media advancements of our time. Furthermore, the book includes a range of online resources in its appendices, further enhancing the strategies presented, with many of these resources available free of charge. These seven steps are as follows: Step 1: Self-Promotion & Establishing CredibilityStep 2: Networking (Social and Business)Step 3: Attitude & AcculturationStep 4: VolunteeringStep 5: Mentoring & CoachingStep 6: Lifelong LearningStep 7: Harmonizing Life and Living

  • - A Simplified Guide to Starting a Successful Business From Scratch
    av Valisha Gorman

    Written by an entrepreneur that started and grown her own jewelry business to 1 million dollars in one year. This Simple Detailed Guide will teach you everything you need to know about starting an ecommerce jewelry business from the ground up! Topics include.Legal aspects of running a business.Business RegistrationsJewelry metals and materialsCreating a business plan TrademarksHow to find a good vendor and source productsHow to set up your Shopify storeHow to promote your jewelry business Sales StrategiesCalculate how to price your productsJewelry Photography Tips and More!!By the time you finish, you will be able to have all you need start your own Successful Jewelry Business.

  • av Alma Lou Guajardo-Crossley

    Embark on a transformative journey with Alma Lou Guajardo Crossley as she unveils the lessons learned from her extraordinary career and life in her new book, Hummingbird Mode: Lessons from a Latina's Corporate Journey. Originating from a modest background with no initial exposure to the business world, Alma introduces the HEARS model (Hover, Energetic, Adaptability, Resilience, Seeking Life's Nectar) as a testament to her experiences. Through this model, Alma shares profound insights on life and carving a path to success, hoping that this narrative will serve as a guiding light, inspiring the next generation of young individuals on their unique journeys.

  • av M. Moses Antony Rajendfran

    Die Unternehmensfinanzierung ist ein Teil des Finanzmanagements und umfasst die Bereiche Kapitalbudgetierung, Kapitalstruktur, Derivatemarkt, Leasing und Working Capital Management. Dieses Buch hilft Finanzwissenschaftlern, Finanzanalysten, Professoren, Forschern, Wissenschaftlern, Studenten und öffentlichen Lernenden. Es ist das grundlegende Niveau von ihnen. Es wurde aus Büchern, Zeitschriften, Berichten, Dissertationen und Websites zusammengestellt, um die Konzepte der Themen zu verstehen.

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