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Marknadsföring har gradvis blivit ett brett koncept som avser flera områden. Det finns många olika sätt att arbeta med marknadsföring, oavsett om det är digitalt eller analogt via skyltar eller liknande. Därför har vi ett varierat urval med böcker av experter på området. Vi har böcker skrivna av tidigare jättar på marknaden med olika syn på marknaden idag och om hur du kan säkra en bra position. Förutom dessa typer har vi också läroböcker som är gjorda med det specifika målet att lära läsaren så mycket som möjligt inom ämnet. Om du är i färd med att lära dig och förstå marknadsföring har vi bra böcker specifikt för detta. Kolla in vårt urval och se om du hittar någon inspiration för ditt kommande projekt!
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  • - 117 Behavior Patterns for an Improved User Experience and Higher Conversion Rates in E-Commerce
    av Philipp Spreer

    This book offers 117 concrete applicable behavior patterns for an improved user experience and conversion rate along the customer journey. The author explains how people decide, which unconscious behavior patterns they use, and how these can be addressed in digital marketing. Science now agrees that our brain works with two systems: an emotional-intuitive and a rational decision-making system. The rational system is provided with sufficient arguments in e-commerce, but accounts for only around 5% of all decisions! The remaining 95% of the customer's brain has so far been largely neglected. There, decisions are made based on deeply anchored, unconscious patterns of behavior - the so-called "behavior patterns". Knowledge of behavior patterns makes it possible to finally understand online customer behavior in depth. This reveals the opportunity to specifically improve the user experience and make your business more successful. The content behavior patterns and how they can be used in the digital environment improving the user experience and your conversion rate library of 117 behavior patterns from awareness to retention framework for identifying suitable behavior patterns ethical-moral limits of use

  • - Understanding the Role of Threats in the Marketplace
    av Angela Y Lee
    1 161

    Review of Marketing Research pushes the boundaries of marketing - broadening the marketing concept to make the world a better place. This special issue provides a roadmap for future research on different aspects of consumer vulnerabilities, which include not only the scarcity of financial and materialistic resources, but also scarcity mindsets, a lack of mental resources and self-knowledge, and the non-fulfilment of motivational needs. New insights, approaches and directions are set out for research on consumer vulnerabilities. The Review of Marketing Research continues its mission of systematically analyzing and presenting accumulated knowledge in the field of marketing as well as influencing future research by identifying areas that merit the attention of researchers.

  • - A Human Approach to Sales, Storytelling, and Creativity in a Data-Driven World
    av Adam Boggs

    Has we lost our way as business leaders?Algorithms. Artificial intelligence. Big data. No matter what your industry, you can't escape the influence of technology in every facet of your business. But in spite of their incredible potential, these and similar technologies are forcing us to face a vital question: are we in danger of gaining the world but losing our souls?Using stories and case studies from business, entertainment, psychology, and history, seasoned sales leader Adam Boggs uses the metaphor of jazz to remind us that storytelling, innovation, and human connection are crucial for good business. If you're in business, you're also an artist with the potential to craft meaningful work.In The Business Artist, you'll come face-to-face with a simple truth: as we head into a data-driven future, the only way forward is by becoming more human.

  • - A Marriage Made on Earth

    "Mar-Tech: a Marriage made on Earth" by Amit Tiwari is a playbook on marketing in the age of Martech. But before the play begins, Amit introduces the players, and you soon discover this is more than a mere match of equals. This is a match where both sides-Marketing and Technology-decide to collaborate rather than compete, totally changing the game, by each combining their home advantage.With the release of this book, India takes its first step delving into Mar-Tech. It is a must-read whether you're entering a marketing function, leading it or building one from scratch. The game's changed. Marketing is now Marteching(TM).

  • - Come sfruttarlo in maniera etica per creare urgenza e stimolare gli acquisti, anche con l'aiuto dell'intelligenza artificiale
    av Emilio Bonura

    Se usata in maniera etica, la paura può diventare la vostra migliore alleata nel processo di vendita. Lo sanno bene le grandi aziende, che creano un senso di urgenza, timore e scarsità per accelerare le decisioni dei consumatori. Con questo libro imparerete a maneggiare le sincere preoccupazioni dei clienti in modo responsabile ed efficace. Attraverso esempi, consigli pratici e casi studio, sarete condotti in un viaggio alla scoperta di come le emozioni determinino il 90% delle decisioni d'acquisto. Un percorso utile non solo per liberi professionisti e imprenditori (in particolare nei settori delle assicurazioni, della salute, dei viaggi e della sicurezza), ma per chiunque sia interessato ai segreti della comunicazione persuasiva.Se siete curiosi di scoprire gli argomenti trattati nel libro, ecco un assaggio: il ruolo delle emozioni nel marketing;come funziona il comportamento del consumatore;quali dinamiche spingono all'acquisto compulsivo;la correlazione tra comunicazione e paura;come creare connessioni autentiche con i clienti;l'efficacia della pubblicità shock;l'etica nel marketing e i segreti della persuasione responsabile;come usare la FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out);l'impatto emotivo delle pubblicità basate sulla paura;i principi del neuromarketing;pubblicità ansiogena vs marketing della paura;le leve emotive del marketing;come usare le strategie di "perdita e guadagno" e "urgenza e scarsità".Ma queste sono solo alcune delle tematiche che scoprirete tra le pagine che vi apprestate a leggere. Vendere con il marketing della paura è più di un libro: è una chiave d'accesso per sfruttare le emozioni nell'arte della persuasione.

  • - Unlocking Success with Modern Warfare Strategies
    av Akhilesh Shukla Lucky

    Part-1 (General Strategies)Chapter 1: Offensive Marketing StrategiesChapter 2: Positioning StrategiesChapter 3: Guerrilla Marketing TacticsChapter 4: Defensive Marketing StrategiesChapter 5: Flanking Marketing StrategiesChapter 6: Pre-emptive Marketing StrategiesChapter 7: Defensive Marketing StrategiesChapter 8: Growth Hacking StrategiesChapter 9: Repositioning StrategiesChapter 10: Defensive Marketing StrategiesChapter 11: Street Marketing TacticsChapter 12: Repositioning Strategies Part-2 (Digital Strategies) Chapter 1: Understanding the Digital BattlefieldChapter 2: Offensive Strategies in the Digital ArenaChapter 3: Defensive Tactics for Digital ResilienceChapter 4: Targeting and PersonalizationChapter 5: Content Marketing MasteryChapter 6: Harnessing the Power of Social Media MarketingChapter 7: Email Marketing ExcellenceChapter 8: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) MasteryChapter 9: Pay-Per-Click (PPC) AdvertisingChapter 10: Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) TacticsChapter 11: Reputation Management in the Digital AgeChapter 12- Influencer Marketing

  • - Strategies and Resources for Teachers and Professors
    av Rizwan Raheem Ahmed

    "Teaching Statistical Research Techniques: Strategies and Resources for Teachers and Professors" is a comprehensive guide designed to provide students, researchers, professors, statisticians, teachers, and research agencies with a thorough understanding of statistical research techniques and their practical applications. This book offers a step-by-step approach to teaching and learning statistical research techniques, making it an essential resource for individuals seeking to enhance their statistical skills or teach others in this field. It covers a wide range of statistical methodologies, including descriptive statistics, probability theory, hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and experimental design. Each topic is explained in a clear and concise manner, ensuring that readers can easily grasp the concepts and apply them to their own research. The book begins with an introduction to the fundamentals of statistical research techniques, laying the groundwork for a deeper exploration of the subject matter. It then progresses to more advanced topics, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the different statistical tools and techniques available to them. Throughout the book, practical examples and real-life case studies are included to demonstrate the relevance and application of statistical research techniques in various fields. This approach aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice, allowing readers to see how statistical methods can be effectively utilized in real-world scenarios.

  • av Reginaldo Osnildo

    O marketing de conteúdo é a base de qualquer estratégia digital hoje em dia. Mas produzir conteúdo que de fato engaja não é simples. Requer técnica e estratégia. E se eu te contasse que você pode turbinar dramaticamente seus resultados aplicando técnicas consagradas do jornalismo no seu conteúdo? Na obra, eu revelo todos os segredos para criar narrativas envolventes, realizar entrevistas cativantes, checar dados, otimizar SEO e distribuir seu conteúdo como um profissional. Ao longo de 15 capítulos práticos, você vai aprender sobre: - Storytelling e narrativas irresistíveis- Como transformar entrevistas em conteúdo valioso- Técnicas de investigação e apuração de fatos- Análise e simplificação de dados complexos- Edição e revisão para conteúdo impecável- Escolha de temas alinhados às personas e funil- Produção engajadora para as redes sociais- Otimização de SEO desde a concepção do conteúdo- Métricas e KPIs para mensurar o sucesso- Distribuição multicanal para maximizar alcance E muito mais! Este não é um guia teórico. Todas as técnicas são explicadas de forma simples e prática para você aplicar desde já.

  • - El manual completo de Shopify de dropshipping que proporciona una guía completa para construir un negocio de dropshipping exitoso desde el lanzamiento hast
    av Anna P Moore

    Con confianza, ingrese al mundo del dropshipping con "Dropshipping shopify para aficionados 2024: el manual completo de Dropshipping Shopify que proporciona una guía completa para construir un negocio de dropshipping exitoso desde el lanzamiento hasta el éxito a largo plazo", tendrá todos los conocimientos y recursos. necesario para establecer y hacer crecer una empresa de dropshipping exitosa. Este manual detallado lo lleva paso a paso a través de todo el proceso, desde descubrir su nicho y localizar proveedores confiables hasta configurar su tienda en línea y crear campañas de marketing ganadoras.Este libro ofrece todo lo que necesita para hacer crecer su negocio de dropshipping, independientemente de su nivel de experiencia.Ejemplos del mundo real: examine estudios de casos exitosos de dropshipping para aprender de los líderes de la industria y obtener información valiosa para su propia empresa. Estrategias procesables: aprenda pasos prácticos para lanzar y hacer crecer su negocio (empresa) de dropshipping, desde elegir la plataforma adecuada hasta optimizar sus operaciones.Información detallada: obtenga conocimientos valiosos sobre temas esenciales como el abastecimiento de productos, tácticas de marketing, servicio al cliente y consideraciones legales.Herramientas y recursos esenciales: encuentre herramientas y recursos útiles para optimizar sus operaciones, realizar un seguimiento de su progreso y tomar decisiones basadas en datos.El manual completo de Shopify de Dropshipping le brindará el conocimiento y la confianza para iniciar su negocio (empresa) en línea y tener éxito a largo plazo en el dinámico mundo del comercio electrónico.

  • - Propel Your Clinic to Success with Artificial Intelligence

    Dear Dental Clinic Owner, We understand that running a successful dental clinic involves unique challenges, from attracting new patients to standing out in a saturated market. That's why we've created 22 Artificial Intelligence Dental Marketing Strategies, an essential resource designed specifically for you, the leader looking to propel your clinic towards success.Discover the most powerful strategies to transform your clinic: Website Optimization: Learn to stand out online, ensuring your website is not only attractive but also easy to find for potential patients.Social Media Marketing: Master the art of using platforms like Facebook and Instagram to connect with your audience and share relevant content that resonates with your future patients.Loyalty and Referral Programs: Create loyalty among your current patients and stimulate referrals with effective reward and benefit strategies.Oral Health Events and Seminars: Connect with your community through educational events that will not only showcase your expertise but also bring you closer to new patients.Automated Customer Care System: Discover how artificial intelligence can revolutionize the way you interact with your patients, providing instant responses and enhancing the overall experience. Are you ready to transform your Dental Clinic?Get your copy now and start your journey towards success.This book not only provides theoretical knowledge but also practical and applicable tips that can be implemented immediately. Are you ready to see tangible results in your clinic? Don't wait any longer! Get your copy now and find out how these artificial intelligence-backed strategies can take your dental clinic to the next level.The key to sustainable growth is just a click away!Transform your dental clinic today with 22 Artificial Intelligence Dental Marketing Strategies

  • av Reginaldo Osnildo

    Tem sido uma longa jornada para o Instagram desde seu humilde começo quando o hype era compartilhar simples imagens há mais de uma década até se tornar o gigante da mídia social de hoje com mais de 1 bilhão de usuários ativos mensais. Para as marcas, empresas e criadores por trás delas, o Instagram representa muito mais que um playground de fotos nostálgicas - tornou-se um dos canais de marketing, branding e vendas de mais rápido crescimento do planeta. E nenhuma outra plataforma combina tão harmoniosamente os poderes do alcance social, engajamento visual, mobilidade e compra direta na ponta dos dedos como o Instagram. Para milhões de marcas globais, celebridades, influenciadores e empresas emergentes - o Instagram se tornou virtualmente a nova praça da aldeia digital, onde relacionamentos são construídos, reputações são solidificadas e negócios prosperam por meio de conexões humanas autênticas e compartilhamento de histórias. Para outras empresas ainda por vir para a mesa, este livro serve como o seu convite e guia de boas vindas para desbloquear todo o potencial deste poderoso marketplace visual. No livro Estratégias simples para impulsionar seu negócio no Instagram, vou compartilhar as melhores práticas para dominar o algoritmo do Instagram, engajar seguidores leais, colaborar com influenciadores, promover produtos naturalmente e muito mais. Meu objetivo é equipar você com uma caixa de ferramentas abrangente de estratégias simples, mas poderosas que qualquer negócio pode aplicar para prosperar no Instagram hoje. Portanto, vamos começar nossa jornada juntos explorando o imenso e lucrativo mundo das oportunidades no Instagram esperando ser desbloqueado! AtenciosamenteProf. Dr. Reginaldo Osnildo

  • - The Complete Dropshipping Shopify Handbook that provides a comprehensive guide to building a successful dropshipping business from launch to long-term success
    av Anna P Moore

    With confidence, go into the world of dropshipping with "Dropshipping shopify for Amateurs 2024: The Complete Dropshipping Shopify Handbook that provides a comprehensive guide to building a successful dropshipping business from launch to long-term success", you will have all the knowledge and resources necessary to establish and grow a successful dropshipping company.This in-depth manual takes you step-by-step through the whole process, from figuring out your niche and locating trustworthy suppliers to setting up your online shop and creating winning marketing campaigns.This book offers everything you need to grow your dropshipping business, regardless of your experience level.Real-world examples: Examine successful dropshipping case studies to learn from industry leaders and glean valuable insights for your own venture.Actionable strategies: Learn practical steps to launch and grow your dropshipping business ( company), from choosing the right platform to optimising your operations.In-depth insights: Gain valuable knowledge on essential topics like product sourcing, marketing tactics, customer service, and legal considerations.Essential tools and resources: Find useful tools and resources to streamline your operations, track your progress, and make data-driven decisions.The Complete Dropshipping shopify Handbook will provide you with the knowledge and confidence to start your online business (company) and succeed over the long term in the dynamic world of e-commerce.why waste time? Click on the BUY BUTTON now to get a copy for yourself.

  • av Krishna Mohan Avancha

    Hark, fair denizens of the realm, and lend thy ears to a tale of unrivaled intrigue and wisdom! Within the pages of this tome, "The Marketing Alchemist," lies the key to unlocking the secrets of prosperity and fortune.In a world fraught with uncertainty and peril, where the tides of commerce ebb and flow like the restless sea, there exists a beacon of hope-a guide to navigating the treacherous waters of the marketplace with cunning and finesse.Through the ancient art of alchemy, we shall transmute base metals into gold, turning the leaden burdens of obscurity and struggle into the shining treasures of success and abundance. With each turn of the page, the mysteries of marketing shall be unveiled, revealing the hidden gems of strategy and persuasion that lie dormant within us all.But why, you may ask, shouldst thou invest thy coin in such a tome? Forsooth, the answer lies not only in the riches it promises but in the wisdom it imparts. For in mastering the alchemy of marketing, thou shalt not only prosper in the short term but shalt lay the foundation for a lifetime of success and fulfillment.Learn ye the secrets of branding and positioning, that thy name may ring out across the land like the tolling of a great bell. Discover the arts of storytelling and persuasion, that thy words may weave spells of enchantment and captivate the hearts of all who hear them.But heed this warning, dear reader: the path to mastery is fraught with peril, and only those with the courage and determination to persevere shall reap the rewards that lie at its end. So gird thy loins, sharpen thy wits, and embark upon this noble quest, for within the pages of "The Marketing Alchemist" lies the power to transform thy dreams into reality.

  • - l'argent facile
    av Carlos Nadeaux

    Le livre offre une exploration approfondie des liens entre l'e-commerce, la psychologie de l'argent, et les stratégies concrètes pour réussir dans ce domaine en constante évolution.Le livre "E-commerce et la Psychologie de l'Argent: L'Argent Facile" explore la symbiose entre le commerce en ligne et les motivations psychologiques liées à l'argent. Il plonge dans les fondements de l'e-commerce, examinant son évolution depuis les premières transactions en ligne jusqu'aux tendances contemporaines.

  • - AI in Marketing for B2B Managers
    av Priti Gupta

    Are you new to marketing and struggling to navigate the complex rapidly evolving world of marketing? Fear not, because this guide is specifically tailored for you.With a unique approach of combining traditional and AI-powered marketing, this comprehensive toolkit covers everything from brand management to data-driven strategies and understanding customer personas.But what truly sets this book apart is its humanizing perspective on AI, making it not just a manual but a relatable companion for marketers. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, this must-read guide will help you stay ahead in the fast-paced realm of B2B marketing.

  • av Manpreet Singh

    Monetize Your Creativity: Unlocking Revenue Streams for YouTube Creators: is a practical handbook designed to empower readers with the knowledge and strategies needed to succeed in the world of affiliate marketing. From understanding the fundamentals of affiliate marketing to implementing advanced tactics, this book covers everything beginners and experienced marketers need to know. Discover how to find profitable affiliate programs, create compelling content, drive traffic to your affiliate links, and maximize your earnings. Packed with actionable advice, case studies, and real-world examples, this guide equips readers with the tools and insights to build a successful affiliate marketing business. Whether you're looking to supplement your income or create a full-time income stream online, "Unlock Your Earnings" provides the roadmap to achieving your goals in the lucrative world of affiliate marketing.

    av Bishop David O Oyedepo

    DescriptionDive into the dynamic world of digital marketing with 'The Marketing of Social Media.' Discover powerful strategies and case studies that unveil the secrets to leveraging social media platforms for brand growth and audience engagement. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or a newcomer, this book offers essential insights to help you navigate and succeed in today's competitive digital landscape.

  • - Strategies for Success
    av Rusty Hunt

    This is the only guide you'll need as you traverse the path of Social Media Marketing. We've made sure to include the most relevant, up to date data and are sure you'll love this book. The book covers Social Media Marketing along with strategies for success.

  • - Machinery Dealer Manager's Handbook
    av Walter J McDonald
    1 381

    The focus of Successful Key Account Management is examining the Best Industry Practices for Machine Dealer Managers in today's industrial equipment dealerships. The very definition of a Key Account must include providing sustainable revenue, potential for sales growth, relationship match between the dealership's positioning and customer expectations, and the account's fit in the Strategic Direction of the Dealer's model. Every dealership has a small number of very large accounts that contribute significantly to the overall success of the business. A key account is one which, if you lost your large (key) account, this loss would have a catastrophic impact on your business. Hopefully, your dealership has strategically avoided the risk of having 80% of your business in only 2 or 3 accounts. My Successful Key Account Management Handbook will delve into examining and identifying ways to avoid this outcome. What are the Best Practices in Key Account Management today? The concept of "high-tech/high-touch" is proving to be a very successful approach to developing and keeping those accounts essential to your long-term financial success. However, the challenge in Successful Key Account Management is to simultaneously ensure dealer resources, offerings, culture and systems also meet the requirements of smaller customers. We will review how to build this mindset in your company. Of equal importance, we will examine how Product Support can play a critical, crucial role in acquiring and keeping those very large, very important customers. We'll explore the Key Account Management procedures and policies we've seen that yield the best results, as well as the Quantitative Dealer Performance Metrics that contribute most to Successful Key Account Management. We'll help you conduct a Key Account performance self-assessment. Then, we'll examine the essential steps in Key Account Management from assembling the team, gathering important facts, defining the roles of key influencers, identifying preferences and fears, and establishing Product Support as a Competitive Strength. We'll review how large accounts evaluate a potential dealer vendor. We'll specify the necessary selling skills and structure a contact strategy to successfully service all accounts to optimize market share. And, we'll discuss how deal participation rate directly impacts market share.We'll study how to avoid the biggest mistakes in Key Account Management as well as how to dodge the biggest vulnerabilities in your dealership. We'll conclude with special reports on how to sell large, complex engineered systems, perform life-cycle costing, optimize rental profits, and avoid major pitfalls in used equipment. I look forward to hearing your thoughts about this 11th volume in our "Master's Program in Dealer Management." Thank you for your interest in my work.Walter J.

  • - A Novice's Handbook for Happy, Healthy Chickens, Coop Basics, and Egg Production Mastery
    av Oscar Moses

    Embark on an enlightening journey into the world of backyard poultry with the comprehensive guide, "Backyard Poultry Primer." This essential read for aspiring and experienced poultry enthusiasts alike is your all-inclusive ticket to mastering the art of raising chickens and other poultry right in your own backyard.Backyard Poultry Primer opens with an engaging Introduction to Backyard Poultry, setting the stage for your avian adventure. Here, you will uncover the joys and challenges of poultry keeping, understand the benefits it brings, and learn how it can fit into your lifestyle, no matter the size of your backyard.As you flip to Choosing Your Flock, the book helps you navigate the numerous breeds available, offering insights into selecting the right mix of birds to meet your goals, whether it be for egg production, meat, or simply as pets.With your flock in mind, you'll delve into Coop Construction and Setup, a chapter dedicated to providing your birds with a safe and comfortable home. It covers everything from choosing a location to designing a coop that caters to the specific needs of your poultry.Proper nutrition is paramount, and the Nutrition and Feeding chapter provides detailed information on feeding regimens, essential nutrients, and tips on how to maintain a balanced diet for your flock throughout their different stages of life.The Health and Wellness section is a vital resource, offering advice on how to prevent common diseases, administer first aid, and ensure that your birds stay healthy and thriving under your care.Transitioning into the practicalities of poultry keeping, Daily and Seasonal Care Routines outlines the tasks required to keep your birds happy year-round, from the heat of summer to the chill of winter.For those with a keen interest in eggs, Egg Production Mastery offers expert knowledge on how to maximize egg yield, improve shell quality, and understand the laying cycles of your birds.If you're looking to grow your poultry family, Breeding and Expanding Your Flock guides you through the breeding process, from selecting the right birds to the incubation and hatching of chicks.Understanding the pecking order is key in Managing Chicken Behavior and Social Dynamics. This chapter sheds light on chicken psychology, helping you to maintain harmony within your flock and deal with any behavioral issues that may arise.Lastly, for those looking to turn their passion into profit, The Business of Backyard Poultry provides practical advice on how to monetize your flock, covering everything from selling eggs and meat to starting a full-fledged poultry business."Backyard Poultry Primer" is not just a book; it's a complete reference that will guide you through every aspect of backyard poultry keeping. With this book in hand, you'll have the knowledge and confidence to create a thriving, productive, and enjoyable backyard poultry environment. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced poultry keeper, this book will become an indispensable part of your poultry keeping journey.

  • - Ihr Weg zum passiven Einkommen durch erfolgreichen Waschsalon- Betrieb
    av Oscar Moses

    Erleben Sie eine inspirierende Reise durch die Welt des Unternehmertums, gepaart mit dem praktischen Charme eines alltäglichen Bedarfs: dem Waschsalon. "Gewinne im Schleudergang" ist mehr als nur ein Ratgeber - es ist Ihr strategischer Partner auf dem Weg zu einem florierenden Waschsalon-Geschäft.In der Einleitung öffnet das Buch die Tür zu einer Welt voller Möglichkeiten, indem es die wirtschaftliche Relevanz und den persönlichen Reiz des Waschsalon-Geschäfts beleuchtet. Hier wird der Grundstein gelegt für eine Geschichte des Erfolgs, die jeder Leser für sich selbst schreiben kann.Mit Kapitel 1: Grundsteine legen beginnt die konkrete Planung Ihrer Unternehmung. Verstehen Sie die essentiellen Aspekte der Branche und lernen Sie, wie Sie Ihre Geschäftsidee von Beginn an auf ein solides Fundament stellen.Kapitel 2: Ihr Waschsalon-Imperium planen nimmt Sie mit in die Tiefen der Geschäftsplanung. Von Standortwahl bis hin zur Ausstattung erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihr Imperium strategisch und weitsichtig aufbauen.Die Finanzierung Ihres Unternehmens, erörtert in Kapitel 3, ist eine der größten Herausforderungen für Gründer. Hier erhalten Sie wertvolle Tipps zu Finanzierungsmodellen, Startkapital und Investitionsplanung.Kapitel 4 ist dem Design eines kundenorientierten Waschsalons gewidmet. Lernen Sie, wie Sie durch ein kundenfreundliches Ambiente und durchdachte Serviceleistungen einen bleibenden Eindruck hinterlassen.In Kapitel 5: Betriebliche Details geht es um die tagtägliche Führung Ihres Betriebs. Vom Personalmanagement bis zu Wartungsplänen - hier finden Sie praktischen Rat für den Alltag.Kapitel 6 enthüllt Innovative Marketingstrategien, die Ihren Waschsalon von der Konkurrenz abheben. Nutzen Sie moderne und kreative Ansätze, um Ihre Zielgruppe zu erreichen und zu binden.Die Techniken zur Umsatzmaximierung in Kapitel 7 zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie mehr aus Ihrem Geschäft herausholen können, sowohl durch Up- und Cross-Selling als auch durch effiziente Betriebsführung.In Kapitel 8 erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihren Waschsalon für Optimierung für passiven Erfolg ausrichten, damit Ihr Geschäft auch dann Gewinn abwirft, wenn Sie nicht vor Ort sind.Grundsätze für Wachstum und Expansion, behandelt in Kapitel 9, geben Ihnen das Rüstzeug für die Skalierung Ihres Geschäfts und die Multiplikation Ihres Erfolgs.Kapitel 10 ermutigt Sie, Ihren Waschsalon zukunftssicher zu machen. Hier lernen Sie, wie Sie Ihr Geschäft gegenüber Marktschwankungen und Veränderungen in der Branche absichern.Die Schlussfolgerung reflektiert die wichtigsten Lektionen und inspiriert Sie, das Gelernte in die Tat umzusetzen. Es ist ein motivierender Abschluss, der Sie dazu anregt, den ersten Schritt zu machen."Gewinne im Schleudergang" ist Ihr umfassender Leitfaden für den Aufbau eines erfolgreichen Waschsalon-Geschäfts - ein unverzichtbares Werk für angehende Unternehmer und Branchenveteranen gleichermaßen. Lassen Sie sich von den Seiten dieses Buches zu neuen unternehmerischen Höhen führen und machen Sie den ersten Schritt zu Ihrem eigenen Waschsalon-Imperium.

  • - How to Successfully Promote Your Self-Published Book
    av Bill Vincent

    Are you struggling to promote your self-published book? Do you find it overwhelming to navigate the complex world of book marketing? Look no further than "From Writer to Marketer."In this comprehensive guide, you will learn everything you need to know to successfully promote your self-published book. From understanding the basics of self-publishing to crafting a compelling book blurb and synopsis, designing a professional book cover, and creating a strong author website and blog, this book covers all aspects of book marketing.You'll also learn how to identify and understand your target audience, set achievable marketing goals, leverage social media for book promotion, build an author platform and email list, navigate the world of book reviews and blog tours, and generate buzz with pre-launch strategies.But the book doesn't stop there. You'll also learn how to launch your book with a bang, expand your reach with book giveaways and contests, collaborate with other authors and influencers, advertise your book with Amazon Ads and other platforms, and maximize your exposure with book fairs and conferences.And that's not all. You'll also learn how to create a book trailer or video to boost sales, write and submit guest posts and articles, use podcasts and interviews to reach a new audience, host online and offline book events and readings, create branded merchandise to promote your book, offer discounts and bundles to encourage sales, build relationships with bookstores and libraries, translate your book for a global audience, stay motivated and productive throughout the marketing process, track your progress and analyze your results, handle negative reviews and criticism, know when and how to pivot your marketing strategy, and sustain your author career with ongoing promotion and marketing.Whether you're a first-time author or a seasoned pro, "From Writer to Marketer" is the ultimate guide to book marketing success. With its practical tips, real-life examples, and actionable advice, this book will empower you to take control of your book promotion and achieve your marketing goals.

  • - Dalle Fondamenta alle Frontiere Future: Un Viaggio Completo attraverso Evoluzione, Innovazione e Sostenibilità nel Marketing Moderno
    av Michele Tampieli

    Strategie di Marketing: Dalle Fondamenta alle Frontiere Future si presenta come una guida essenziale e completa per navigare nel dinamico mondo del marketing moderno. Attraverso un viaggio che parte dalle radici storiche del marketing fino ad arrivare alle più innovative strategie del futuro, questo libro offre una visione a 360 gradi su come il marketing sia evoluto nel corso del tempo e su come continuerà a trasformarsi nell'era digitale.Il testo si apre esplorando la definizione fondamentale del marketing e la sua importanza cruciale nel mondo degli affari, ponendo le basi per una comprensione profonda della disciplina. Da qui, il lettore viene condotto attraverso un'analisi dettagliata della storia del marketing, evidenziando come le strategie si siano adattate alle mutevoli esigenze dei consumatori e alle evoluzioni tecnologiche.Nei capitoli successivi, concetti fondamentali come il mix di marketing (4Ps), la segmentazione del mercato, il targeting, il posizionamento e il branding vengono esaminati con attenzione, fornendo al lettore gli strumenti necessari per costruire e implementare strategie di marketing efficaci. Questi principi sono arricchiti da esempi pratici, casi di studio e approfondimenti che illustrano l'applicazione reale delle teorie in contesti aziendali diversificati.Proseguendo, il libro si addentra nelle strategie avanzate di marketing, con un focus particolare sull'integrazione di tecnologie emergenti come l'intelligenza artificiale, la realtà aumentata e la personalizzazione avanzata. Vengono esplorate le possibilità offerte da queste innovazioni per creare esperienze di marca immersive e personalizzate, sottolineando al contempo l'importanza di bilanciare l'innovazione con considerazioni etiche e di privacy.La sezione dedicata ai trend futuri guarda oltre l'orizzonte attuale, discutendo le potenziali direzioni che il marketing potrebbe prendere nel contesto di una crescente enfasi su sostenibilità, responsabilità sociale e un approccio centrato sull'umano. Questi capitoli stimolano una riflessione critica su come i professionisti del marketing possano guidare un cambiamento positivo, promuovendo pratiche che rispettino sia il pianeta che le persone.Infine, Strategie di Marketing: Dalle Fondamenta alle Frontiere Future conclude con una sezione dedicata alla pianificazione dei prossimi passi, offrendo al lettore una serie di strumenti, consigli pratici e risorse per applicare le conoscenze acquisite. Dalle strategie per l'educazione continua alle tattiche per un networking efficace, questo libro si propone come una risorsa indispensabile per marketer, imprenditori, studenti e chiunque sia interessato a comprendere e sfruttare il potere del marketing nel XXI secolo.Con una prosa accessibile ma approfondita, Strategie di Marketing: Dalle Fondamenta alle Frontiere Future non è solo un manuale teorico; è un compagno di viaggio per chiunque desideri navigare con successo le acque complesse e in continua evoluzione del marketing moderno, trasformando le sfide in opportunità e guidando con visione il futuro del marketing.

  • - Un Viaggio Completo attraverso Evoluzione, Innovazione e Sostenibilità nel Marketing Moderno
    av Michele Tampieli

    Strategie di Marketing: Dalle Fondamenta alle Frontiere Future si presenta come una guida essenziale e completa per navigare nel dinamico mondo del marketing moderno. Attraverso un viaggio che parte dalle radici storiche del marketing fino ad arrivare alle più innovative strategie del futuro, questo libro offre una visione a 360 gradi su come il marketing sia evoluto nel corso del tempo e su come continuerà a trasformarsi nell'era digitale.Il testo si apre esplorando la definizione fondamentale del marketing e la sua importanza cruciale nel mondo degli affari, ponendo le basi per una comprensione profonda della disciplina. Da qui, il lettore viene condotto attraverso un'analisi dettagliata della storia del marketing, evidenziando come le strategie si siano adattate alle mutevoli esigenze dei consumatori e alle evoluzioni tecnologiche.Nei capitoli successivi, concetti fondamentali come il mix di marketing (4Ps), la segmentazione del mercato, il targeting, il posizionamento e il branding vengono esaminati con attenzione, fornendo al lettore gli strumenti necessari per costruire e implementare strategie di marketing efficaci. Questi principi sono arricchiti da esempi pratici, casi di studio e approfondimenti che illustrano l'applicazione reale delle teorie in contesti aziendali diversificati.Proseguendo, il libro si addentra nelle strategie avanzate di marketing, con un focus particolare sull'integrazione di tecnologie emergenti come l'intelligenza artificiale, la realtà aumentata e la personalizzazione avanzata. Vengono esplorate le possibilità offerte da queste innovazioni per creare esperienze di marca immersive e personalizzate, sottolineando al contempo l'importanza di bilanciare l'innovazione con considerazioni etiche e di privacy.La sezione dedicata ai trend futuri guarda oltre l'orizzonte attuale, discutendo le potenziali direzioni che il marketing potrebbe prendere nel contesto di una crescente enfasi su sostenibilità, responsabilità sociale e un approccio centrato sull'umano. Questi capitoli stimolano una riflessione critica su come i professionisti del marketing possano guidare un cambiamento positivo, promuovendo pratiche che rispettino sia il pianeta che le persone.Infine, Strategie di Marketing: Dalle Fondamenta alle Frontiere Future conclude con una sezione dedicata alla pianificazione dei prossimi passi, offrendo al lettore una serie di strumenti, consigli pratici e risorse per applicare le conoscenze acquisite. Dalle strategie per l'educazione continua alle tattiche per un networking efficace, questo libro si propone come una risorsa indispensabile per marketer, imprenditori, studenti e chiunque sia interessato a comprendere e sfruttare il potere del marketing nel XXI secolo.Con una prosa accessibile ma approfondita, Strategie di Marketing: Dalle Fondamenta alle Frontiere Future non è solo un manuale teorico; è un compagno di viaggio per chiunque desideri navigare con successo le acque complesse e in continua evoluzione del marketing moderno, trasformando le sfide in opportunità e guidando con visione il futuro del marketing.

  • av S Soundaian
    417 - 447

    "Strategic Marketing Management" offers a comprehensive exploration into the dynamic world of marketing strategies. Designed to bridge the gap between theory and practice, this book delves into the core concept of strategic marketing management in a manner that is both accessible and enlightening. Whether you are a novice stepping into the vast realm of marketing or a seasoned professional seeking to enhance your strategic acumen, this book caters to a wide audience. It provides an insightful guide for students of management as well as marketers from companies of all sizes, offering a deep dive into the strategic approaches necessary to tackle the ever-evolving challenges of the marketing field. Through its succinct and clear exposition, readers will gain a solid understanding of strategic marketing, equipped with the tools and frameworks to make informed decisions and drive their organizations towards success. This book stands out as an essential resource for anyone looking to master the intricacies of strategic marketing management, fostering skills that are critical in navigating the complexities of today's competitive business landscape.

  • av William Childs

    We're all born creative. When we are young, we are at the height of our creative and imaginative powers. Then, as we age, it slowly gets depleted and drained out of us-with far too many end up going through their lives, never fully realizing their creative potential. Sir Ken Robinson, an international advisor on education in the arts, said that we don't grow into creativity; we get educated out of it. This book will help anyone rediscover their creative power, the power they knew as a child, the energy that today is needed more than ever to help businesses thrive and be innovative. Consider that our world has seen more change in the last hundred years than in the previous million years, and it's easy to see that we have entered what is known as the creative age. Growing up, I spent a great deal of time wondering about the career path I would choose to earn my living. The challenge was choosing a career where I could get paid doing something I loved. Easier said than done, right? However, I always felt a strong pull toward the more creative aspects of life, so an art career made the most sense-writing, painting, design, and photography. One thing I wish I had known before starting my career was the inherent creative bias that I would experience in the business world because I live out of the right side of my brain. Now, compelling new research proves what creative people often experience when trying to be innovative. After over 30 years working in a wide range of creative roles, I experienced firsthand how creativity is often a much-maligned and misunderstood ideological construct. I spent my career trying to alter that mindset. Finally, I'm ready to share what I've learned. This book aims to shine a light on creativity and how to use it as a positive force for change, using real-world examples of how creativity, when used properly, can solve almost any problem it encounters. The book is a guide for anyone who works creatively or manages people where creativity is needed. It would also help those who understand how creative people think and work. More importantly, it will help anyone rediscover their inner genius and show how to apply creativity in personal and business life. Through the use of real-world situations, in both corporate and small business environments, the stories contained in this book have the power to invigorate and reignite the creative force that lives inside every single one of us.

  • av Larry E Burt

    In this day and age, where both technology and consumer behaviour are in a state of perpetual evolution, it has become absolutely necessary for businesses to grasp digital marketing in order to succeed in the harsh environment of competition. As a result of the proliferation of digital noise, the domain of the internet has evolved into a lively marketplace where firms compete with one another for attention, engagement, and loyalty. In this fast-paced climate, staying ahead of the competition needs more than just keeping up with the pace; it requires a profound awareness of the complexities of digital marketing as well as the flexibility to adjust to technological developments and trends that are always evolving

  • av Daria Maria Kluczewska

    L'efficacité en tant que terme a été examinée par des chercheurs universitaires dans le domaine de la publicité. Cependant, l'état d'avancement de la discipline implique que les études ont été limitées et qu'un certain nombre d'éléments majeurs n'ont pas été explorés de manière satisfaisante. La publicité génère des données dont l'examen pourrait conduire à l'amélioration du marketing multi-écrans et permettre aux spécialistes du marketing de mieux comprendre et analyser les résultats de campagnes spécifiques. Les questions mentionnées sont des éléments cruciaux nécessaires à l'élaboration et au lancement d'une campagne numérique efficace, mais elles restent peu développées. Ce livre étudie les campagnes de marketing multi-écrans afin d'examiner leur efficacité dans le monde numérique. Des entretiens individuels approfondis ont été menés afin d'obtenir des réponses détaillées sur des questions complexes, représentant le processus de réflexion et la logique des experts. L'objectif de cette étude est de fournir un certain nombre d'informations contextuelles et conceptuelles sur la nouvelle discipline de la publicité numérique et d'étudier l'efficacité des campagnes multicanaux afin de fournir un point de référence pour des études ultérieures, tant pour les praticiens que pour les universitaires.

  • av Daria Maria Kluczewska

    L'efficacia come termine è stata esaminata da ricercatori accademici nel campo della pubblicità. Tuttavia, lo stato di avanzamento della disciplina implica che gli studi siano stati limitati e che alcuni elementi principali rimangano insoddisfacentemente esplorati. La pubblicità genera dati il cui esame potrebbe portare a un miglioramento del marketing multischermo e permettere agli addetti al marketing di comprendere e analizzare meglio i risultati di campagne specifiche. Le questioni citate sono componenti cruciali necessarie per sviluppare e lanciare una campagna digitale efficace, ma rimangono poco sviluppate. Questo libro indaga sulle campagne di marketing multischermo per esaminarne l'efficacia nel mondo digitale. Sono state condotte interviste individuali approfondite per ottenere risposte dettagliate in relazione a questioni complesse, rappresentando il processo di pensiero e la logica degli esperti. Lo scopo di questo studio è quello di indicare una serie di intuizioni contestuali e concettuali sulla nuova disciplina della pubblicità digitale e di indagare sull'efficacia delle campagne multicanale, al fine di fornire un punto di riferimento per ulteriori studi a professionisti e studiosi.

  • av Daria Maria Kluczewska

    A eficácia enquanto termo foi examinada por investigadores académicos no domínio da publicidade. No entanto, a forma avançada da disciplina implica que os estudos tenham sido limitados e que um número de elementos importantes continue a ser explorado de forma insatisfatória. A publicidade gera dados cuja análise pode conduzir a melhorias no marketing multiecrã e permitir aos profissionais de marketing compreender e analisar melhor os resultados de campanhas específicas. As questões mencionadas são componentes cruciais necessárias para desenvolver e lançar uma campanha digital eficaz, mas continuam pouco desenvolvidas. Este livro investiga as campanhas de marketing em múltiplos ecrãs, a fim de examinar a sua eficácia no mundo digital. Foram realizadas entrevistas individuais aprofundadas para obter respostas pormenorizadas em relação a questões complexas, representando o processo de pensamento e a lógica dos especialistas. O objetivo deste estudo é indicar uma série de perspectivas contextuais e conceptuais sobre a nova disciplina da publicidade digital e investigar a eficácia das campanhas multicanais, a fim de fornecer um ponto de referência para estudos futuros, tanto para profissionais como para académicos.

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