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Marknadsföring har gradvis blivit ett brett koncept som avser flera områden. Det finns många olika sätt att arbeta med marknadsföring, oavsett om det är digitalt eller analogt via skyltar eller liknande. Därför har vi ett varierat urval med böcker av experter på området. Vi har böcker skrivna av tidigare jättar på marknaden med olika syn på marknaden idag och om hur du kan säkra en bra position. Förutom dessa typer har vi också läroböcker som är gjorda med det specifika målet att lära läsaren så mycket som möjligt inom ämnet. Om du är i färd med att lära dig och förstå marknadsföring har vi bra böcker specifikt för detta. Kolla in vårt urval och se om du hittar någon inspiration för ditt kommande projekt!
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  • av Thais Pereira Stegun

    Eine Studie über die soziale Neusignierung von Unterkunftsalternativen auf der Grundlage des geteilten Konsums anhand einer Analyse des Unternehmens Airbnb. Sie befasst sich mit der Beziehung zwischen der Verbraucherkultur und den Merkmalen der Sharing Economy und analysiert, wie die Verbraucher die Angebote neuer Unternehmen, die auf dieser Mentalität basieren, als Motivation für den Konsum interpretieren.

  • av Tais Perejra Stegun

    Issledowanie social'nyh resignacij al'ternatiwnyh wariantow razmescheniq, osnowannyh na sowmestnom potreblenii, na primere kompanii Airbnb. Rassmatriwaetsq swqz' mezhdu potrebitel'skoj kul'turoj i harakteristikami äkonomiki sowmestnogo potrebleniq, a takzhe analiziruetsq, kak potrebiteli interpretiruüt predlozheniq nowyh kompanij, osnowannyh na ätom mentalitete, w kachestwe motiwacii k potrebleniü.

  • av Thais Pereira Stegun

    A study of the social re-significance of accommodation alternatives based on Shared Consumption through an analysis of the company Airbnb. It addresses the relationship between consumer culture and the characteristics of the Sharing Economy, as well as analyzing how consumers interpret the proposals of new companies based on this mentality as motivations for consumption.

  • av Thais Pereira Stegun

    Uno studio sulle risignificazioni sociali delle alternative di alloggio basate sul Consumo Condiviso attraverso l'analisi dell'azienda Airbnb. Si affronta la relazione tra la cultura del consumo e le caratteristiche della Sharing Economy, oltre ad analizzare come i consumatori interpretano le proposte di nuove aziende basate su questa mentalità come motivazioni al consumo.

  • av Thais Pereira Stegun

    Une étude des re-significations sociales des alternatives d'hébergement basées sur la consommation partagée à travers une analyse de l'entreprise Airbnb. Elle aborde la relation entre la culture de consommation et les caractéristiques de l'économie de partage, et analyse la manière dont les consommateurs interprètent les propositions des nouvelles entreprises basées sur cette mentalité comme des motivations de consommation.

  • av Jeff C West

    An immature young man from the streets of New Orleans wisecracks his way out of a job, and into sales-a career for which he is completely unprepared. Join Thaddeus Tucker on his amazing journey, alongside a colorful ensemble of characters, as he grows into a top performing sales professional and acquires invaluable life lessons along the way.

  • av Jeanne Sparrow

    What is the secret to success? Expressing your unique, individual value with fearless authenticity.

  • av Paula J. Roche

    Your digital marketing approach should be built around inbound marketing. Attract them in, show them that you take them seriously, close the transaction, and impress the delighted client. The activity of "inbound marketing" may fall under the more general heading of "digital marketing." To put it briefly, digital marketing refers to all of your company's online advertising campaigns. When executed correctly, inbound marketing has the potential to generate a consistent flow of qualified leads and eventually yield recurring business. We promise the best possible visitors to your website with a blend of digital advertising and search engine optimisation (SEO). Providing exclusive content aids in converting website visitors into possible clients.

  • av Belem Barbosa
    2 661

    In global commerce, marked by the relentless advance of digital technology, businesses find themselves constantly challenged to devise innovative and disruptive marketing strategies. Adapting to these changes is no longer a choice but a necessity. To thrive, companies must remain vigilant, updating their resources and adopting emerging trends with unwavering agility. Contemporary Trends in Innovative Marketing Strategies explores the demands and dynamics of modern marketing. This book is tailored to meet the needs of students, educators, and managers seeking a profound understanding of today's marketing trends. Firstly, the book delves deep into the current trends steering marketing innovation. It dissects the latest developments that are reshaping the marketing landscape, identifies pivotal trends, and elucidates their ramifications for businesses. Secondly, the book embarks on a journey to explore innovative marketing strategies engineered to confront contemporary business challenges and seize emerging opportunities. It unlocks novel approaches that adeptly cater to the market, providing insights into strategic frameworks, methodologies, and practices. Lastly, the book illustrates these concepts with real-world case studies, offering proof of innovative marketing's successful applications across diverse business sectors. These cases serve to inspire and demonstrate how innovative marketing strategies can be put into action, resulting in tangible outcomes. This book is designed for a diverse audience, including academics and students keen on exploring the latest trends in innovative marketing, educators searching for compelling case studies to enhance their teaching materials, and practitioners eager to bridge the gap between research and practical application in innovative marketing.

  • av Luan Wise

    A practical review of actionable insights and guidance around common social media marketing business issues, to boost both profile and engagement.While 'social media' seems to be a simple concept to understand, the implications of using it strategically to enhance and complement marketing initiatives at work can be more of a challenge. Written by a recognised trainer for both LinkedIn and Meta (the parent company of Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp), Smart Social Media is grounded in the insights gained from hands-on consultancy work, plus hours of personal research, observations and in-depth reviews of the platforms themselves. It's both practical and informative, while remaining closely connected to marketing fundamentals (which, however fast the social media landscape is changing, continue to underpin the concept of social media marketing) - including social media and changing consumer behaviour; getting to know your customers; planning for business growth; and the importance of branding. Whether you're studying marketing, are at the start of your marketing career, or are an established marketer tackling a new business challenge, Smart Social Media will help you to understand how social media marketing can drive growth for your business, how to build a strong brand presence on relevant social media platforms, how to use social media to guide buyers through their journey from awareness to advocacy, and how to recognise the benefits of collaborations, partnerships and online communities to support business growth.

  • av Virginia Small

    Drawing on a wealth of academic research, statistics and interviews with key Australian media people including present and former Australian Broadcasting Corporation staffers, this book explores the transitions of the ABC under various types of organisational re-strategising, governance and political shifts.The book provides the reader with an authoritative narrative as to how the ABC has lost its iconic status in Australian society, and unfolds how the ABC has strayed from its respected public charter which endowed the ABC with a distinctive and important role in informing, educating and entertaining the Australian public. Successive federal government funding cuts have shrunk staffing levels and services while it has pursued a corporatist model that mimics the trappings and practices of commercial media. In that process it has become politicised and trivialised, thereby threatening its demise. The book is a unique and timely contribution at a time of dwindling interest for the funding of public assets everywhere. There is no other book in the market that addresses the decline of the organisation (the ABC) and analyses the reasons for its demise within an organisational theoretical framework. The book is written for an educated general audience, with academics and media practitioners specifically in mind, and has everyday applications for business organisations operating in the public sector by bringing together important findings of public funding, budgets, management and organisational strategies and evolution.

  • av Giorgio Creator
    421 - 557

  • av László Molnár
    1 011

    O objetivo do nosso livro é fornecer uma visão sobre as mudanças no domínio da investigação qualitativa de marketing, ou seja, a importância crescente dos métodos online. No livro, começamos por apresentar os factores de mudança, ou seja, as tendências tecnológicas que têm o maior impacto neste processo. Também apresentamos em pormenor novos métodos de investigação qualitativa em linha que são uma resposta aos desafios tecnológicos, bem como ferramentas que são uma grande ajuda no planeamento, condução e análise dos resultados deste tipo de investigação.

  • av Inès Al Boufarissi

    The subject of feminine intimate hygiene is rarely discussed, but mostly avoided, and is rarely welcomed by men. Women, too, consider the subject taboo, even though they are the main ones concerned. To begin with, we need to understand how women's intimate hygiene has been portrayed since its inception, so that we can then talk about this constantly changing market. Secondly, this book will look at the media and advertising aspects and the strategies - both marketing and product innovation - of advertisers in the intimate hygiene sector. Finally, a series of studies will be used to decipher the role of women in advertising. But also to highlight, or not, the notion of taboo around menstruation from both a male and female point of view. We will try to understand a brand discourse that adapts, or not, to the women of society, because transparency is the desire of all women in modern society.

  • av László Molnár

    Este é o seu passaporte para o mundo de ponta do neuromarketing. Este livro perspicaz guia os leitores desde os fundamentos evolutivos desta disciplina revolucionária até às suas aplicações práticas e à utilização de ferramentas de última geração. Revelando os segredos por detrás do comportamento do consumidor, o livro explora a paisagem neurológica, fornecendo aos profissionais de marketing um roteiro estratégico para melhorar as suas campanhas. Quer seja um profissional experiente ou um recém-chegado a esta área, este livro fornece-lhe os conhecimentos e as ferramentas necessárias para prosperar na paisagem dinâmica do marketing moderno. Junte-se à revolução e desbloqueie o poder da mente na formação das decisões dos consumidores.

  • av Ines Al' Bufarissi

    Tema zhenskoj intimnoj gigieny redko obsuzhdaetsq, no chasche wsego izbegaetsq i redko priwetstwuetsq muzhchinami. Zhenschiny tozhe schitaüt ätu temu tabuirowannoj, hotq imenno ih ona kasaetsq w perwuü ochered'. Dlq nachala nam neobhodimo ponqt', kak izobrazhalas' zhenskaq intimnaq gigiena s momenta ee poqwleniq, chtoby zatem goworit' ob ätom postoqnno menqüschemsq rynke. Vo-wtoryh, w ätoj knige budut rassmotreny aspekty SMI i reklamy, a takzhe strategii - kak marketingowye, tak i produktowye - reklamodatelej w sektore intimnoj gigieny. Nakonec, rqd issledowanij budet ispol'zowan dlq togo, chtoby rasshifrowat' rol' zhenschin w reklame. A takzhe dlq togo, chtoby podcherknut', ili net, ponqtie tabu wokrug menstruacii kak s muzhskoj, tak i s zhenskoj tochki zreniq. My popytaemsq ponqt' diskurs brenda, kotoryj adaptiruetsq ili ne adaptiruetsq k zhenschinam obschestwa, poskol'ku prozrachnost' - äto zhelanie wseh zhenschin w sowremennom obschestwe.

  • av Inès Al Boufarissi

    Il tema dell'igiene intima femminile è raramente discusso, ma soprattutto evitato, e raramente viene accolto dagli uomini. Anche le donne considerano l'argomento un tabù, pur essendo le principali interessate. Per cominciare, è necessario capire come l'igiene intima femminile sia stata rappresentata fin dalla sua nascita, in modo da poter poi parlare di questo mercato in costante evoluzione. In secondo luogo, questo libro esaminerà gli aspetti mediatici e pubblicitari e le strategie - sia di marketing che di innovazione di prodotto - degli inserzionisti nel settore dell'igiene intima. Infine, una serie di studi servirà a decifrare il ruolo delle donne nella pubblicità. Ma anche per evidenziare, o meno, la nozione di tabù intorno alle mestruazioni sia da un punto di vista maschile che femminile. Cercheremo di capire un discorso di marca che si adatta, o meno, alle donne della società, perché la trasparenza è il desiderio di tutte le donne nella società moderna.

  • av Inès Al Boufarissi

    Das Thema der weiblichen Intimhygiene wird kaum angesprochen, sondern vor allem vermieden und von Männern selten positiv aufgenommen. Auch Frauen halten das Thema für tabu, obwohl sie die Hauptbetroffenen sind. In einem ersten Schritt muss man die Vorstellungen von der weiblichen Intimhygiene in ihrer Entstehungsgeschichte verstehen, um dann über diesen sich ständig wandelnden Markt sprechen zu können. In einem zweiten Schritt befasst sich dieses Buch mit dem Medien- und Werbeaspekt und den Strategien - sei es Marketing oder Produktinnovation - der Werbetreibenden im Bereich der Intimhygiene. Schließlich wird anhand verschiedener Studien die Stellung der Frau in der Werbung entschlüsselt. Außerdem soll die Tabuisierung der Menstruation sowohl aus männlicher als auch aus weiblicher Sicht herausgestellt werden. Wir werden hier versuchen, einen Markendiskurs zu verstehen, der sich den Frauen der Gesellschaft anpasst oder nicht, denn Transparenz ist der Wunsch aller Frauen in der modernen Gesellschaft.

  • av Inès Al Boufarissi

    O tema da higiene íntima feminina é raramente discutido, mas sobretudo evitado, e raramente é bem acolhido pelos homens. Também as mulheres consideram o assunto tabu, apesar de serem elas as principais afectadas. Para começar, precisamos de compreender como a higiene íntima feminina tem sido retratada desde a sua criação, para podermos falar sobre este mercado em constante mudança. Em segundo lugar, este livro analisará os aspectos mediáticos e publicitários e as estratégias - tanto de marketing como de inovação de produtos - dos anunciantes no sector da higiene íntima. Finalmente, uma série de estudos será utilizada para decifrar o papel das mulheres na publicidade. Mas também para realçar, ou não, a noção de tabu em torno da menstruação, tanto do ponto de vista masculino como feminino. Tentaremos compreender um discurso de marca que se adapta, ou não, às mulheres da sociedade, porque a transparência é o desejo de todas as mulheres na sociedade moderna.

  • av László Molnár

    Questo è il vostro passaporto per il mondo all'avanguardia del neuromarketing. Questo libro perspicace guida i lettori dalle basi evolutive di questa disciplina rivoluzionaria alle sue applicazioni pratiche e all'uso di strumenti all'avanguardia. Svelando i segreti del comportamento dei consumatori, il libro esplora il panorama neurologico, fornendo agli esperti di marketing una tabella di marcia strategica per migliorare le loro campagne. Che siate professionisti esperti o neofiti del settore, questo libro vi fornisce le conoscenze e gli strumenti necessari per prosperare nel dinamico panorama del marketing moderno. Unitevi alla rivoluzione e liberate il potere della mente nel plasmare le decisioni dei consumatori.

  • av László Molnár
    1 011

    L'obiettivo del nostro libro è quello di fornire una panoramica dei cambiamenti nel campo della ricerca qualitativa di marketing, ovvero della crescente importanza dei metodi online. Nel libro presentiamo innanzitutto i fattori di cambiamento, ossia le tendenze tecnologiche che hanno il maggiore impatto su questo processo. Presentiamo inoltre in dettaglio i nuovi metodi di ricerca qualitativa online che rappresentano una risposta alle sfide tecnologiche, nonché gli strumenti che sono di grande aiuto nella pianificazione, nella conduzione e nell'analisi dei risultati di questo tipo di ricerca.

  • av Laslo Molnar

    Jeto wash pasport w peredowoj mir nejromarketinga. Jeta pronicatel'naq kniga plawno wedet chitatelq ot äwolücionnyh osnow ätoj rewolücionnoj discipliny k ee prakticheskomu primeneniü i ispol'zowaniü samyh sowremennyh instrumentow. Raskrywaq sekrety powedeniq potrebitelej, kniga issleduet nejrologicheskij landshaft, predostawlqq marketologam strategicheskuü dorozhnuü kartu dlq uluchsheniq ih kampanij. Nezawisimo ot togo, qwlqetes' li wy opytnym professionalom ili nowichkom w ätoj oblasti, äta kniga wooruzhit was znaniqmi i instrumentami, neobhodimymi dlq procwetaniq w dinamichnom landshafte sowremennogo marketinga. Prisoedinqjtes' k rewolücii i raskrojte silu razuma w formirowanii potrebitel'skih reshenij.

  • av Laslo Molnar
    1 011

    Cel' nashej knigi - dat' predstawlenie ob izmeneniqh w oblasti kachestwennyh marketingowyh issledowanij, to est' o postoqnno rastuschem znachenii onlajn-metodow. V knige my snachala rasskazywaem o dwizhuschih silah peremen, to est' o tehnologicheskih tendenciqh, kotorye okazywaüt naibol'shee wliqnie na ätot process. My takzhe podrobno rasskazywaem o nowyh metodah kachestwennyh onlajn-issledowanij, kotorye qwlqütsq otwetom na tehnologicheskie wyzowy, a takzhe ob instrumentah, kotorye ochen' pomogaüt w planirowanii, prowedenii i analize rezul'tatow takogo roda issledowanij.

  • av László Molnár
    1 011

    L'objectif de notre livre est de donner un aperçu des changements dans le domaine de la recherche qualitative en marketing, c'est-à-dire de l'importance croissante des méthodes en ligne. Dans ce livre, nous présentons d'abord les moteurs du changement, c'est-à-dire les tendances technologiques qui ont le plus d'impact sur ce processus. Nous présentons également en détail de nouvelles méthodes de recherche qualitative en ligne qui constituent une réponse aux défis technologiques, ainsi que des outils qui sont d'une grande aide pour planifier, mener et analyser les résultats de ce type de recherche.

  • av László Molnár

    Voici votre passeport pour le monde de pointe du neuromarketing. Ce livre perspicace guide les lecteurs depuis les fondements évolutifs de cette discipline révolutionnaire jusqu'à ses applications pratiques et l'utilisation d'outils de pointe. Dévoilant les secrets du comportement des consommateurs, ce livre explore le paysage neurologique et fournit aux spécialistes du marketing une feuille de route stratégique pour améliorer leurs campagnes. Que vous soyez un professionnel chevronné ou un nouveau venu dans le domaine, ce livre vous fournit les connaissances et les outils nécessaires pour prospérer dans le paysage dynamique du marketing moderne. Rejoignez la révolution et libérez le pouvoir de l'esprit dans la formation des décisions des consommateurs.

  • av László Molnár

    Dies ist Ihr Reisepass in die hochmoderne Welt des Neuromarketings. Dieses aufschlussreiche Buch führt den Leser nahtlos von den evolutionären Grundlagen dieser revolutionären Disziplin zu ihren praktischen Anwendungen und dem Einsatz modernster Tools. Das Buch enthüllt die Geheimnisse des Verbraucherverhaltens, erforscht die neurologische Landschaft und bietet Marketingfachleuten einen strategischen Fahrplan zur Verbesserung ihrer Kampagnen. Ob Sie nun ein erfahrener Profi oder ein Neuling auf diesem Gebiet sind, dieses Buch stattet Sie mit dem Wissen und den Werkzeugen aus, die Sie benötigen, um in der dynamischen Landschaft des modernen Marketings erfolgreich zu sein. Schließen Sie sich der Revolution an und nutzen Sie die Macht des Geistes, um die Entscheidungen der Verbraucher zu beeinflussen.

  • av László Molnár
    1 011

    Ziel unseres Buches ist es, einen Einblick in die Veränderungen im Bereich der qualitativen Marketingforschung, d.h. in die stetig wachsende Bedeutung von Online-Methoden, zu geben. In dem Buch stellen wir zunächst die Treiber des Wandels vor, d.h. die technologischen Trends, die diesen Prozess am stärksten beeinflussen. Außerdem stellen wir im Detail neuartige qualitative Online-Forschungsmethoden vor, die eine Antwort auf die technologischen Herausforderungen sind, sowie Instrumente, die eine große Hilfe bei der Planung, Durchführung und Analyse der Ergebnisse dieser Art von Forschung sind.

  • av Ope Banwo

    Unlock the doors to e-commerce success with 'Dropshipping Income Genesis: The Secret Blueprint for Starting and Making Maximum Profits in E-commerce With Minimum Risk.' Discover the insider secrets and proven strategies to launch and scale your dropshipping business with confidence. Whether you're a novice entrepreneur or seasoned e-commerce enthusiast, this comprehensive guide provides practical steps and expert insights to maximize your profits while minimizing risk. Don't miss your chance to revolutionize your online business. Get your copy now and embark on your journey to financial independence!

  • av Stefano Pascal

    Éducation Financière: Deux Voies pour Transformer Votre Vie FinancièreVous cherchez un guide complet pour débuter votre voyage dans le monde de la finance personnelle?Voulez-vous découvrir comment protéger et accroître vos ressources financières avec sagesse?Souhaitez-vous apprendre à naviguer en toute sécurité dans les dynamiques économiques mondiales complexes?Si vous êtes au seuil d'une transformation financière et souhaitez maîtriser l'art de gérer votre argent en toute confiance et de construire un avenir prospère, "Éducation Financière" est bien plus qu'un simple ensemble de livres; c'est véritablement un tremplin pour quiconque souhaite faire un bond qualitatif dans sa vie financière.Voici ce que vous apprendrez: Fondamentaux de la Finance Personnelle: Apprenez à gérer avec succès votre budget, à économiser intelligemment et à éviter les dettes accablantes. Investissements Stratégiques: Développez une compréhension approfondie des investissements, de la diversification du portefeuille aux stratégies de couverture des risques, pour maximiser vos retours. Préparation pour l'Avenir: Planifiez avec confiance pour les événements significatifs de la vie, de la création d'un fonds d'urgence à l'investissement pour la retraite. Gestion du Risque: Apprenez à identifier, analyser et atténuer les risques financiers dans un contexte mondial de plus en plus complexe. Durabilité et Éthique dans les Affaires: Explorez comment vos choix financiers peuvent avoir un impact positif sur l'environnement et la société.Ce bundle n'est pas seulement un point de départ pour ceux qui sont nouveaux à la finance personnelle, mais aussi une ressource précieuse pour ceux qui cherchent à approfondir leurs connaissances et à s'adapter aux conditions économiques changeantes.Avec ces guides, vous aurez les outils pour prendre des décisions financières éclairées, pour protéger et accroître votre patrimoine à long terme.Commencez Aujourd'hui Votre Voyage Financier, ne laissez pas votre avenir financier au hasard.Avec "Éducation Financière", vous avez l'opportunité de construire une fondation solide pour votre futur économique et de naviguer en toute sécurité à travers les défis financiers de la vie.Alors, qu'attendez-vous? Ajoutez "Éducation Financière" à votre panier aujourd'hui pour ouvrir la porte à un avenir financier plus riche et sécurisé.

  • av Ope Banwo

    Discover the pathway to passive income with 'Affiliate Marketing Income Genesis: The Secret Blueprint for Starting and Maximizing Your Income From Affiliate Marketing With Minimum Risks.' This essential guide unveils the proven strategies and insider tactics to kickstart your journey in affiliate marketing, turning your passion into profit. Whether you're a newcomer or seasoned marketer, this comprehensive blueprint offers step-by-step guidance to navigate the affiliate landscape effectively, minimizing risks while maximizing your earning potential. Don't miss out on the opportunity to build a sustainable online income stream. Secure your copy now and unlock the secrets to affiliate marketing success!

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