Om Cardiac Surgery
Mitral Valve Surgery (J.R. Pluth). Myocardial Augmentation Using Skeletal Muscle (R. Fietsam, L.W. Stevenson). Thoracic Transplantation (G.M. Deeb et al.). Coronary Bypass Grafting in Conjunction with Carotid and Valvular Disease (A.J. DelRossi, A.C. Cernaianu). Cardiac Anesthesia and Oxygen Delivery and Uptake in the Critically Ill (T.J. Gallagher). Complex Cardiac Surgery (D.A. Cooley). Cardiac Surgery without Transfusion (R.K. Spence). Physiology of Blood during Cardiopulmonary Perfusion (R.A. Vertrees, L. Brownstein). Postoperative Responses to Hypothermia (J.A. Fikkert). Cardiac Valve Replacement in the 1990s (S.K. Eckert). Intraoperative Care of the CABG Patient (G. Kaempf). ECMO (M. Kurusz). Biomaterials and the Development of Membrane Technology (J.P. Sites). The Physiologic Impact of Cardiac Surgery (B.R. Sakallaris). 3 additional articles. Index.
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