Om Coping Skills Workbook for Children
Knowing how to deal with situations and emotions can help a child feel empowered and in charge. Having an adult who speaks the same language and has some tricks up their sleeves is even better. The Coping Skills Workbook for Children: Child Edition and the companion Coping Skills Workbook for Children: Adult Edition are guides to developing a team approach to teach children how to identify their emotions, learn strategies to manage difficult situations and gain mastery and confidence. These workbooks provide adults with information about how young children think and process situations and emotions. Adults learn about the capabilities of young brains and the difference between "flipping their lid" and having a temper tantrum. Children are guided through the identification of emotions, as well as identifying skills they may already have that they can use to help regulate their emotions. Then, with the help of an adult, new skills are tried and "We Did It!" sheets are completed to help celebrate each skill learned. Talk about teamwork!
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