Om Customers' attitudes and tendencies towards different E Channel Mechanisms
I am conscious to pay for the gracious favors that I received from good hearts
by witnessing their invaluable contributions in many respects to the completion of my
thesis successfully. First and above all, I profusely thank the almighty for giving me
knowledge, health and all good souls whom I acknowledge in writing and in heart.
I would like to express my hearty thanks to my research guide
Dr.N.BHARATHI,M.Com.,MBA.,M.Com(FT).,M.Phil.,PGDCA.,Ph.D., Assistant
Professor, PG and Research Department of Commerce, Alagappa Government Arts
College, Karaikudi who is as conversant as I am in the present study. At all stages of
my research, his commitment, knowledge, guidance, kindness and flexibility fueled
me to progress without any ambiguity concerned towards a quality outcome and my
ignorance in certain areas, he never hesitated to attend to my consultations.
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