Om Did God Create Satan?
The origin of sin and the presence of evil in this universe is the most intriguing question that will sooner or later be encountered by every student of theology. Since ages, many scholars and theologians have tried to answer this question, but those explanations have only led the students into more confusion and left them with more questions. This book clearly stands apart and above all other books which attempted to solve the mystery of the origin of sin. This book gives you an ultimate answer and explanation regarding the origin and presence of evil in the universe, which is created and ruled by a God who is absolutely good and supremely powerful. Without the fear of any contradiction, it can be said that the seasonal, logical and scriptural explanation to the mystery of the origin of evil can never be found in any other book written in any language anywhere in this world. This book is unique and a must read for every person who wants to know the cause and solution for evil. Apostle Ophir was born from a godly parentage in India in 1959 and was led by his mother to the saving knowledge of Christ at a tender age of six. He was filled with the Holy Spirit when he was ten, and was baptized when turned fifteen. He was called to God's work when he was twenty-one(1980) and resigned his job from the Central Government firm, Electronics Corporation of India Ltd. In 1982, the Lord visited Ophir while he was praying and told him, "You will write eight books of ultimate doctrinal authenticity in your mother tongue and then translate them into English and publish them and fill the whole world with these books. With that, the Reformation I began through Martin Luther will be concluded." Apostle Ophir is a poet, composer, singer, author, apologist, preacher, teacher, Church planter, philanthropist and a warrior of faith and of prayer. You can know more about him and his ministry at his website
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