Om Entwined
Set in a medieval, lightly fantastical land, Entwined follows the events of the war between the Court of Hamurfel and the Lords of the Orc Isles, split between three differing perspectives: Tara, messenger of the Hamurfelion King, who is tasked with infiltrating the Orcish lands; Val'Ur, daughter to the Chancellor of the Orcish Lords, whose love is out of reach and part of Hamurfelion Court; and the Hamurfelion Generals, who suspect a traitor is amongst them.
The first in the 'A Blackwood Tale' series, Entwined offers a look into the world of BLACKWOOD, and its colourful and varying characters full of countless possibility, in the Era before 'The Count of Bahvil'.
'A Blackwood Tale' serves as a companion series to the 'BLACKWOOD' series by H. Sulfwin, expanding the story and exploring the characters within, sometimes in the most unexpected of ways.
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