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Böcker av David H J Gay

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  • - An Epoch-Changing Event
    av David H J Gay

    David Gay writes: 'It's a bit of a leap, I know, but imagine you've been transported back in time - 2000 years, no less - and you're sitting in a hired upper room in Jerusalem - a family room. You have joined a Jewish nomadic preacher and his Jewish friends, his followers, his disciples, who have taken this room in order to celebrate the high Jewish feast of Passover. Naturally - that's why they're here - their Jewish minds are full of what happened at the original Passover, well over a thousand years before. The upper-room event is recorded in Matthew 26:17-29; Mark 14:12-25; Luke 22:7-23; John 13 - 17. [I include the preacher's prayer because it contains vital development of his teaching in the upper room]. As you can see, all four Gospel writers recorded the episode, and that, in itself, surely marks the lasting impression it must have made upon those who were there'.Having started thus, the author proceeds to explore the significance of the upper-room event. As his subtitle puts it, it was epoch-changing. Why not dip into his book? The author hopes that if you have not seen the significance of that final Passover, his work might prove a help. An audiobook of the author reading this work can be found on his page.

  • - Volume Fourteen
    av David H J Gay

    This volume contains another twenty-two of David H.J.Gay's articles on various subjects: Three Ekklēsia Consequences of Augustine; Begg on Baptism: Playing with Fire; Believers One and All; Paul's Breathtaking Assertion; Census Shock!; Evangelical Christendom Confusion; The Law of Diminishing Returns; Flogging a Dead Horse; Salvation in Hebrews; Ignored Intelligence: The Cost; The Case of the Curious Blind Spot; Preacher: Postman or Pleader?; Touching the Untouchable; The Question Which Cannot Be Ducked; A Disaster Averted: Romans 14:5-6; Christmas and Romans 14:5-6; Purim and Christmas; Reformed Infant Baptismal Regeneration; Two Phrases to be Reckoned With; National Anthem Verses; A Tale of Two Coronations: Farcical & Real; An Appeal to the Reformed.A free audiobook of the authot reading this work can be found on his page.

  • - The Question for Christendom
    av David H J Gay

    This book should be uncomfortable reading; it is meant to be. David Gay has written it hoping it will lead to lead to radical change where necessary. Basing his remarks on 1 Cor. 4:20 and 2 Tim. 3:5, he speaks of the way in which two aspects of contemporary culture - namely, talk (or chat) and image - affect Christendom in general, and professing believers in particular. Affect? It is his conviction that chat and image have played havoc with - and are increasingly playing havoc with - true spirituality, with the result that, for a growing number, profession of Christ amounts to little more than a veneer, a matter of chat and image. Such is his reading of much of contemporary church life. Hence this title: Veneer or Reality? The Question for Christendom. A free audiobook of the author reading this work can be found on his page.

  • - Paul and Today
    av David H J Gay

    The earliest and most sustained attack upon the early ekklēsia came from Judaisers - false brothers, pseudadelphoi, Paul called them (Gal. 2:4; 2 Cor. 11:26) - men who wanted to bring back the law of Moses and impose it on Gentile believers, even though Christ has fulfilled the Mosaic covenant and brought to its God-determined end, rendering it obsolete (John 1:17; Heb. 8:13). Paul, seeing the disaster to which this was already leading, confronted these law-men - one might say, single-handedly confronted them - and, in defeating their arguments, laid down for all time the one-and-only gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Satan, however, realising what a powerful tool he had in his hands, has never ceased to encourage new generations of law-teachers to promulgate their doctrine, which, as always, ruins the gospel, deceives sinners into false hopes about salvation, and leads believers away from Christ and into slavery. In this book, David Gay examines Paul's confrontation of the pseudadelphoi. But his concern does not stop there. Although believers today do not have Paul's authority, nevertheless they have 'to contend earnestly for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints' (Jude 3). Law-teaching is rampant. It dominates Romanism, the Mormons, the Jehovah Witness system, the Hebrew Roots Movement, and the like. But the canker comes closer to home than that; much closer. Evangelicals are not free of law-teaching; indeed, the Reformed openly avow the law-teaching which was set in concrete by John Calvin. While not in any way questioning their motive, in publishing his book it is the Reformed that Gay especially has in mind. He has written in hope that his words might encourage at least some of them to think again. In addition, of course, he hopes it will prove helpful to believers who wish to know more of this vital matter.An audiobook of the author reading this work can be found on his page.

  • - Resurrection and Kingdom
    av David H J Gay

    The biblical doctrines of resurrection and kingdom do not play the essential role in modern evangelical church-life that they played in the early ekklēsia. David Gay argues that the first believers found the resurrection and the kingdom vital in their confrontation of the surrounding hostile cultures with the gospel, indispensable in their own progressive sanctification, and central to their consolation and comfort in face of persecution and, above all, death. Christendom - surprise, surprise! - has played havoc with all this. Gay, aiming for a recovery of the experience of the early ekklēsia, has set out what he sees as the new-covenant position. You may not agree with all he says, but it should make you think; it might even challenge some pet, traditional beliefs and practices. You have been warned!An audiobook of the author reading this work can be found on his page.

  • av David H J Gay

    David Gay writes: 'When I was publishing my article on the coronation of Charles III, I realised that it was the fourth article I had produced concerning the Royal Family and their connection with the gospel. Whether or not these four articles will make any lasting spiritual contribution remains to be seen, but I thought that collecting the articles in this booklet might increase its possibility'.A free audio book of the author reading this booklet can be found on his web page.

  • av David H J Gay

  • - Volume Twelve
    av David H J Gay

  • - God-Ordained or Man-Invented?
    av David H J Gay

  • - Christendom in the Raw: 'Christian' Last Rites for Unbelievers
    av David H J Gay

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