Om Veneer or Reality?
This book should be uncomfortable reading; it is meant to be. David Gay has written it hoping it will lead to lead to radical change where necessary. Basing his remarks on 1 Cor. 4:20 and 2 Tim. 3:5, he speaks of the way in which two aspects of contemporary culture - namely, talk (or chat) and image - affect Christendom in general, and professing believers in particular. Affect? It is his conviction that chat and image have played havoc with - and are increasingly playing havoc with - true spirituality, with the result that, for a growing number, profession of Christ amounts to little more than a veneer, a matter of chat and image. Such is his reading of much of contemporary church life. Hence this title: Veneer or Reality? The Question for Christendom. A free audiobook of the author reading this work can be found on his page.
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