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Böcker av John Morrison

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  • av John Morrison

  • - How to Live in an Increasingly Nihilistic World
    av John Morrison

    "Shall I kill myself or have a cup of coffee?"These words, often misattributed to the French philosopher Albert Camus, encapsulate the choice many of us face in a world that can seem devoid of inherent meaning. Rather than succumbing to despair, we can simplify our lives by choosing to have a cup of coffee instead of the alternative. It's a choice to embrace the simple pleasures and connections that life has to offer."Choose Coffee: How to Live in an Increasingly Nihilistic World" delves deep into the themes of existentialism, nihilism, and the pursuit of meaning in a world that often feels devoid of it. Through a blend of philosophy and everyday experiences, Dr. Morrison takes readers on a journey of self-discovery and resilience, using coffee as a metaphor for finding purpose and connection amidst the chaos. This book is not just about coffee; it's a guide to navigating life's uncertainties with a fresh perspective, one cup at a time.

  • - "Zeitlose Schönheit entdecken: Ein umfassender Reiseführer für Italien im Jahr 2024"
    av John Morrison

    Tauchen Sie mit unserem umfassenden Reiseführer für das Jahr 2024 in die bezaubernde Schönheit Ravennas ein. Von den faszinierenden Mosaiken, die alte Kirchen schmücken, bis hin zu den verwinkelten, geschichtsträchtigen Gassen lädt Sie "Ravenna Travel Guide 2024" zu einer unvergesslichen Reise durch dieses Juwel Italiens ein. Ganz gleich, ob Sie ein Geschichtsinteressierter oder Kunstliebhaber sind oder einfach nur auf der Suche nach einem umfassenden Kulturerlebnis sind, dieser Reiseführer ist Ihr Reiseführer, um die Geheimnisse der reichen Vergangenheit und lebendigen Gegenwart Ravennas aufzudecken."Entdecken Sie Insidertipps zum Navigieren zu den wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt, einschließlich der UNESCO-Welterbestätten wie der Basilika San Vitale und dem Mausoleum der Galla Placidia. Verwöhnen Sie Ihren Gaumen mit verlockender italienischer Küche in lokalen Trattorien und Gelaterias und tauchen Sie ein in die Erleben Sie die lebendige Atmosphäre der belebten Plätze von Ravenna. Mit detaillierten Karten, empfohlenen Reiserouten und praktischen Ratschlägen zu Transport und Unterkunft stattet Sie dieser Reiseführer mit allem aus, was Sie brauchen, um das Beste aus Ihrem Ravenna-Abenteuer zu machen.""Ob Sie ein Alleinreisender, ein Paar auf der Suche nach einem romantischen Kurzurlaub oder eine Familie auf einer kulturellen Entdeckungsreise sind, "Ravenna Travel Guide 2024" ist Ihr ultimativer Begleiter. Lassen Sie seine anschaulichen Beschreibungen und Expertenempfehlungen Ihr Fernweh wecken und Ihren Besuch verwandeln Ravenna zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis. Begeben Sie sich auf eine Entdeckungsreise und lassen Sie den zeitlosen Charme von Ravenna Ihr Herz und Ihre Fantasie fesseln."

  • - À la découverte de la beauté intemporelle: un guide de voyage complet pour l'Italie en 2024
    av John Morrison

    Plongez dans la beauté enchanteresse de Ravenne avec notre guide de voyage complet pour l'année 2024. Des mosaïques captivantes ornant les anciennes églises aux rues sinueuses chargées d'histoire, le Guide de voyage Ravenne 2024 vous invite à un voyage inoubliable à travers ce joyau de l'Italie. Que vous soyez un passionné d'histoire, d'art ou simplement à la recherche d'une expérience culturelle immersive, ce guide est votre passeport pour découvrir les secrets du riche passé et du présent vibrant de Ravenne."Découvrez des conseils d'initiés pour découvrir les principales attractions de la ville, notamment les sites du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO tels que la basilique de San Vitale et le mausolée de Galla Placidia. Faites plaisir à vos papilles avec une cuisine italienne alléchante dans les trattorias et gelaterias locales, et plongez-vous dans le atmosphère animée des places animées de Ravenne. Avec des cartes détaillées, des itinéraires recommandés et des conseils pratiques sur le transport et l'hébergement, ce guide vous fournit tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour profiter au maximum de votre aventure à Ravenne. Que vous soyez un voyageur seul, un couple à la recherche d'une escapade romantique ou une famille en quête d'exploration culturelle, le Guide de voyage Ravenne 2024 est votre compagnon ultime. Laissez ses descriptions vivantes et ses recommandations d'experts inspirer votre envie de voyager et transformer votre visite en Ravenne dans une expérience inoubliable. Embarquez pour un voyage de découverte et laissez le charme intemporel de Ravenne captiver votre coeur et votre imagination."

  • - "Entdecken Sie den Reiz Mexikos: Ihr ultimativer Reisebegleiter für 2024"
    av John Morrison

    Discover the secrets of Mexico's Caribbean gem with our curated 2024 Cancun travel guide. From pristine beaches to ancient Mayan ruins, this guide takes you on a journey through Cancun's rich cultural heritage, vibrant nightlife and breathtaking natural wonders. Discover insider tips on where to stay, eat, and explore, whether you're looking for luxury resorts, budget accommodations, or boutique retreats.Explore the city's top attractions, including Chichen Itza, the Tulum Ruins and Isla Mujeres, and immerse yourself in local customs and traditions with our insightful tips on etiquette and cultural experiences. With practical advice on currency, language and safety, as well as sustainable travel practices, our guide ensures a memorable and responsible adventure in this tropical paradise.Whether you're a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveler, our 2024 Cancun travel guide is your key to an unforgettable vacation experience. Get ready to create memories that will last a lifetime in Cancun!"

  • - "Découvrez l'attrait du Mexique: votre compagnon de voyage ultime pour 2024"
    av John Morrison

    Discover the secrets of Mexico's Caribbean gem with our meticulously curated Cancun 2024 travel guide. From pristine beaches to ancient Mayan ruins, this guide takes you on a journey through Cancun's rich cultural heritage, vibrant nightlife, and breathtaking natural wonders. Discover insider tips on where to stay, dine and explore, whether you're looking for luxury resorts, budget accommodations or charming hideaways.Explore the city's top attractions, including Chichen Itza, Tulum Ruins and Isla Mujeres, and immerse yourself in local customs and traditions with our insightful tips on etiquette and cultural experiences. With practical advice on currency, language and safety, as well as sustainable travel practices, our guide ensures you have a memorable and responsible adventure in this tropical paradise.Whether you're a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveler, our Cancun 2024 Travel Guide is your passport to an unforgettable vacation. Get ready to create memories that will last a lifetime in Cancun!"

  • - An Argument to Lead an Examined Life
    av John Morrison

    In "The Socratic Life: An Argument to Lead an Examined Life," engage in a profound philosophical investigation that highlights the transformative power of leading a life that is informed by self-reflection and critical thought. This engaging book challenges you to embrace the virtues of questioning, reflection, and intellectual curiosity and draws inspiration from the timeless teachings of Socrates. It invites you to set out on a journey of intellectual growth and self-discovery. Explore philosophy of Socrates, which emphasized the value of self-awareness and the search for the truth via a methodical questioning process. Learn more about Socrates' life, his philosophy, and how he has influenced people today. Explore the Socratic Method's core ideas and the profound effects they have on living a life of reflection. Discover how Socrates' dedication to intellectual honesty, moral integrity, and relentless inquiry can shape your own journey through compelling stories, interesting anecdotes, and insightful analysis. Find out how accepting self-reflection, posing tough questions, and cultivating awe for the world around you can have a transformative effect. Spend some time learning how Socratic and stoic principles can be applied in different spheres of life. Each chapter offers provocative viewpoints and practical advice on a variety of topics, including interpersonal relationships, ethical decision-making, moral conundrums, and finding meaning in a complicated world. To live a meaningful and fulfilling life, one must learn to deal with uncertainty, acquire intellectual humility, and cultivate these qualities. Develop the Socratic virtues in your daily life by arming yourself with useful tools and exercises. Reflect on your actions, use critical thinking strategies, and engage in thought-provoking discussions to advance your intellectual development, increase your awareness of the world and yourself, and give you the power to make decisions that are in line with your values. For those who are looking for wisdom, lovers of philosophy, and those who want to understand themselves and the world they live in better, "The Socratic Life: An Argument to Lead an Examined Life" is a must-read. This book serves as a handbook for embracing the transformative power of inquiry, introspection, and intellectual curiosity with its compelling blend of ancient wisdom and modern relevance. Set out on a quest for intellectual awakening and self-discovery. Purchase a copy of "The Socratic Life: An Argument to Lead an Examined Life" right away to start down a transformative path of self-reflection, logical thought, and profound personal development. Learn how leading a life that has been examined can bring you freedom and fulfillment.------Dr. Morrison explores various ideas and concepts that pertain to what an "examined life" looks like while also offering encouragement to the reader to begin thinking differently about their life in general. Dr. Morrison's love of philosophy and lifelong learning prompted him to found Socratic Life Daily in an effort to encourage others to begin examining their lives more purposefully. He provides content on TikTok (@socraticway), Instagram (@socraticlifedaily), Twitter (@jdmorrisonok), Facebook, and YouTube (@socraticlifedaily) and has been working on several courses to help introduce life-changing concepts to normal people (i.e. "non-philosophers"). You can access these courses with a free trial of Skillshare.

  • - 15 Life Lessons from Epictetus
    av John Morrison

    "How to Live Well: 15 Lessons from Epictetus" takes a deep dive into the philosophy of the ancient Stoic master, Epictetus. Through exploring his teachings and the life he lived, this thought-provoking guide reveals the key to a fulfilling life of purpose.Epictetus, a former slave who rose to prominence as a philosopher, believed that control over our thoughts and emotions was the path to living well. He taught that by focusing on what lies within our control and letting go of what does not, we can find peace and happiness even in the face of adversity.In this book, Dr. Morrison guides readers through the life and teachings of Epictetus, illuminating the timeless wisdom that has made his philosophy so enduring and applicable even in modern times. From cultivating inner peace to developing a more positive outlook and making sound decisions, the lessons in this book will inspire and empower readers to live in alignment with their values and beliefs.Whether you're seeking to improve relationships, increase happiness, or simply lead a more meaningful life, "How to Live Well: Unpacking the Wisdom of Epictetus" offers the guidance and inspiration needed to make real progress. Accessible and insightful, this book is an indispensable companion for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of the human experience and live a life of richness and fulfillment.

  • av John Morrison

  • av John Morrison

  • - The True Story of Chiropractic Medicine You've Never Been Told
    av John Morrison

  • - How to Become a Purpose Driven Teacher
    av John Morrison

  • - How to Keep Your Organization Legitimate
    av John Morrison
    500 - 512,99

    A distinctive and direct guide to legitimacy in business, focusing on the new benchmark of a 'Social License to Operate'. Featuring case studies of what is and isn't working, this book explains how business owners and CSR professionals can integrate legitimacy into the heart of their company strategy, beyond CSR and good PR.

  • av John Morrison
    746 - 2 140,-

    Painting Labour in Scotland and Europe, 1850-1900 sets out systematically to discuss the Scottish rural painting in relation to its particular Scottish historical context, both sociological and aesthetic and its English and European counterparts. Alongside canonical Scottish images by major figures such as James Guthrie.

  • av John Morrison

    This is an important study of the new types of warships which evolved in the navies of the Mediterranean in the 4th and 3rd centuries BC, and of their use by Greeks, Phoenicians and Romans in the fleets and naval battles in the second and first centuries, culminating in the Battle of Aktion. The book includes a catalogue and discussion of the iconography of the ships with over fifty illustrations from coins, sculptures and other objects. John Coates discusses reconstructions, crews, ships and tactics illuminated by the recent experiments with the reconstructed trireme Olympias . Complete with gazetteer, glossary, bibliography and indexes.

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