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Böcker utgivna av Liberty Hill Publishing

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  • av Almanza Thomas Almanza
    190 - 336,-

  • av William Henry

    The left, forever discounting a glaring hypocrisy, has typically resorted to deception to further its collectivist goals. Neglecting the steady degradation of ethical norms, liberal elites attempted to manipulate vulnerable groups to maintain a tenuous mastery over exceptional American culture with blatant and pervasive lies. Century-old progressivism fostered, and a great depression prompted flirtation with socialism and statism. A world war disrupted that delusion and prosperity followed. Amidst epic affluence, the sixties erupted in civil unrest that radicalized a pampered generation. Subverting education, entertainment and media, abetted by aself-serving, bureaucratic swamp, the left duped their successors to doubt and undermine civic institutions-producing naïve Utopian dreamers who shun enterprise and debate. Instead, they expect universal incomes and guaranteed outcomes. Deprived of historical perspective, whining malcontents lack foundational, logical thought. Brandishing a restricted vocabulary of political correctness, hobbled by emotional frailty, victims are capable only of uttering inanities: words are violence, abolish the police; then scream for help when preyed upon. Liberal pols and wokie elites refrain from condemning riotous destruction to offer virtuous support in mouthings and money, and are surprised when the mob turns on them for not being fervent enough in the spasmodic orgy of protest and anarchy. A populist resurgence has exposed brainwashing and victimology as merely a means to a dystopian end where the ultimate objective is control; to exert complete power over other people''s lives. The unexpected challenge to theleft-and their Democrat party-has put the miscreants back on their collective hooves. It is now up to a common-sense majority to demand freedom, truth and ethical conduct from all participants in America''s future. The time has come to call out the lies.

  • - GOOD NEWS FOR MANKIND 2nd Edition
    av Joseph Renick
    320 - 466,-

  • av Scott M Flynn
    276 - 380,-

  • - 30 Truths About American Liberals and Their Agenda
    av Gregg J Cavanagh
    186 - 326,-

  • - A Novel Of the Russian Revolution A American Army Platoon is trapped in Revolutionary Russia and is forced to flee thru Siberia. They encounter and are attacked by Cossacks, Red Communist. They face the winter hazards of the cold 19
    av Thomas H Webb
    396 - 536,-

  • - Cultural Chaos, Real Men, DNA, and Dragons
    av Robin D Johnson
    316 - 466,-

  • - How the Rise of Progressive Socialism Leads to the Fall of the United States
    av James J Stolze
    296 - 416,-

  • av Bill Brown
    276 - 400,-

  • av Zacregela

    Either the incumbent Bond President Abel Abraham or his Crack challenger CD Dizzy will be president in 24hrs. In this timeframe, each man engages in and remembers a bunch of situations that lucidly reveal their quality of character and the nature of the political party they belong too. Here is a satirical take on America that will encourage readers to think deeply about what kind of people and policies will achieve a healthy government and a free society. By the end of this brief book, the answer will be obviously clear. America's future depends on the right choice, so read this book to find out who that is. My main interests align with creative endeavors. I'm a college graduate who prefers educating himself out of class.

  • av Donald Jarboe

    We are now living in the days that the Prophets foretold, will you and yourloved ones be prepared when Biblical events ''unfold'' around you? Inside, you will learn: - How the Bible is literally ''speaking to us'' today as never before, but will you listen? - Did you know that if you vote in this election, it will be a vote for God or a vote against God? - How did the ancient writings of the prophet Isaiah expose today's liberal politicians? - What recent televised political event can be found in the book of Psalms and hidden in plain sight? - Who are the ''Kings of the Earth'' and what is their secret agenda? Also, included in the book are chapters on Biblical warnings you and your family must know! The seven major political issues of our day! Interesting parallels between the lives of Donald Trump and King Solomon and our forgotten Christian Heritage as seen through former Presidents. And much more!!! Donald Jarboe, a 25 year student of the Word of God, that is theliving Bible, and follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. We invite you to please visit our ministry website at: Word in

  • - A Latina Perspective
    av Angelica Ulloa

    In a world with imposed gender and race stereotypes, this Latina’s perspective defies the general expectations. America is currently experiencing unimaginable chaos throughout the country. Amid all this turmoil, we have discovered that by the time news outlet reports reach our homes, factual data and mainstream media are worlds apart.Sadly, today we find that the standards of professional journalism are skewed.  Mainstream media has continuously displayed a more significant commitment to promoting their political agenda than reporting the facts. As a result, pure, unadulterated news has become a rarity. American homes are inundated with distorted views that prevent many US citizens from seeing our country’s actual conditions. With proper distribution of facts and personal research, one can easily find that this world is not entirely as portrayed. Neither is our President Donald J. Trump, perhaps the greatest victim in this evil agenda. As with any watchman who valiantly takes up the challenge to defend his post,I accredit Donald J. Trump for hearing the call and assuming his role as America’s Watchman. President Trump has vowed to protect “America First” with ano-nonsense attitude in his pursuit of “Making America Great Again.” Despite the never-ending media backlash, life threats, and restricting political figures,Trump has prioritized America’s safety and prosperity above political interests.This book, filled with verified data, will challenge the current ongoing opinions about our Commander in Chief and some of the presently diluted realities.My most prominent want is that these pages would take you past the distractions of negative criticism, revealing insight into America’s main problems. As a woman and a Latina, I feel compelled to offer the reader an unconventional perspective that accounts for why I refer to our 45th President, Donald J. Trump, as “The Watchman.” Born in Ecuador and raised in the USA. Angelica is a Latina free thinker who loves God, Family and Country. Hobbies reading, writing, watching movies. Angelica’s love of reading came from her father who ignite her the love for a good documentary book. A father who taught her to communicate openly with much respect. A father who taught her that being informed is a right that we share as living members of this universe. A father who taught to always stand up for her beliefs, as long as it does not affect her conscious. 

  • - Finding Balance and Hope in Our Differences.
    av Bambi Francisco

    “Don’t treat this as a political book. It is a work of intelligence: Bambi has lived behind enemy lines of both factions in the American culture war, and both would do well to learn from her reporting and analysis.”— Peter Thiel, investor and author of “Zero to One”The bad news: You’re being manipulated by a divisive false narrative that is being force fed by a commandeered media machine. The good news: Our country isn’t nearly as divided as you’re being led to believe. Unequally Yoked is an examination of America’s raging culture war. A deconstruction of the forces that are working to pull this country apart, and a defense of the founding principles of the greatest nation on earth.Drawing on her experience as an award-winning journalist and a Christian conservative living in Silicon Valley, Bambi Francisco shows how the progressive left hijacked the national conversation, shaped a false narrative that America’s original sin is racism, and is promoting a path forward that will destroy the institutions that got us here. The book examines gender and race relations, breaking down the media to reveal the weaponization of movements like #metoo and BLM, and the strategy of division in the name of harmony. Whatever your political leanings, this book is a provocative read that shows how the false narrative came to be and how it is trying to fill a God-shaped hole in our hearts. Postmodern relativism has canceled free speech and has put power at the center of culture. Her solution is for us all to start with a posture of forgiveness and grace, enabling us to uproot the source of all sin, evil itself. “There’s no question we live in divisive times, and social media amplifies our differences like a giant blinking neon sign. Bambi Francisco’s reflective Unequally Yoked shows that today’s social structure of differences is a false narrative and the solution is to look inward before looking outward. We should try it.”—  Andy Kessler, Inside View columnist, Wall Street Journal Bambi Francisco is a Filipina-American wife, mother, entrepreneur, investor and writer. She is co-founder and CEO of Vator, a platform for entrepreneurs and investors. She co-founded Invent Health, a forum for digital health innovators, with a focus on mental and behavioral health. She was an award-winning syndicated columnist and TV correspondent for Dow Jones MarketWatch. She is a graduate of Rutgers University with a degree in Economics and studied Apologetics at Westminster Theological Seminary. Follow @bambi100 on Twitter and Parler. 

  • - But Wait...The Crazy Courageous Party is Rising to Take Over.
    av Barbara Yooko Tengan

    I was concerned about the moral state of our country. I realized that without a moral compass, by taking out of our schools Bible reading and prayer, our country which was founded on the highest principles of morality has sunken to the deepest depravity of hell. The apathy of the religious and moral community of good Americans contributed to the take-over of the carefully designed plan by Marxists over the last one hundred years. Their plan to create racial wars, to rewrite our history, to destroy our families by demeaning men and creating a sexual revolution is almost being completed. In the nightly news, we can see the civil war they planned for us played out. We must fight back the Marxist and Socialist agenda that is challenging our American way of life which we have so long taken for granted. Only a determined audacious leader, supported by alert and united Americans can save America. We must rise up with good old fashioned American courage and patriotism. Born and raised in Maui, Hawaii.Schools attended: Baldwin High School, Maui. Emmanuel College, Franklin Springs, Georgia. East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina. Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas.Missionary work around the Pacific rim nations and Senior Pastor of Faith in Jesus Church for almost 40 years.President of the Maui Christians Ministers Association and served on the Hawaii Teen Challenge state board. 

  • - A personal journey into the strange world of communist culture and officialdom
    av Kay Rubacek

    Who Are China’s Walking Dead?Former high-ranking Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials, alongside an army colonel, a judge, a diplomat, a propaganda official, a secret agent, and a CCP role-model student, lift the veil on the Marxist culture that has molded the thoughts and actions of Chinese people for over seventy years. It is this culture that created China’s “Walking Dead.”Filmmaker and author, Kay Rubacek, weaves together interviews with these Chinese communist insiders with extensive research, and a sense of humor, into a rich narrative that takes you into a strange and dangerous world built on a foundation of lies, money-lust, and zero moral boundaries.   

  • av William L Kovacs

    Words matter! Words are the primary way we describe our world. Words persuade and inspire. They can also manipulate thinking. The radical Left corrupts words so people believe something other than their true intent. The simple corruption of two words allows them to paint their movement “green” to cover a “red” socialist core.The reference to a “Little Red Book” alludes to Chairman Mao’s book of quotations; words proclaiming “truth”, but used to impose political domination. By setting out the actual words of the radical Left, i.e. hatred of capitalism, truth is not relevant and humans must go, The Left’s Little Red Book on Forming a New Green Republic, equips the reader with skills to challenge lies that sound truthful and evaluate solutions that might benefit society. William L. Kovacs, author of Reform the Kakistocracy: Rule by the Least Able or Least Principled Citizens; contributor to The Libertarian Republic, The Hill and ReformTheKakistocracy.comMr. Kovacs has been involved in the nation’s policy-making process for forty years. As a senior vice president at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, he testified before Congress forty times, and participated in several hundred federal rulemakings.Prior to his Chamber service, he was a chief counsel on Capitol Hill, chairman of a Virginia state environmental Board and partner in Washington, DC law firms. 

  • av Yong Jen Ong
    360 - 466,-

  • av Philip J Gentlesk
    186 - 296,-

  • - Political poems for Patriots
    av Yusuf A Fromm & Ang Zhi Iti

    This book of poetry contains my “common sense” views on various political people and institutions.The poems are organized by chapters which include:•    The mainstream news media•    The progressive Democrats and their socialist agenda, including (“The Squad”)•    The Russia hoax and the people involved•    The old establishment’s Democrats who have now joined the Squad. •    The Democrat presidential candidate and his replacement•    City and state politicians and their anti-Trump bias•    Radical groups pushing their Marxist agenda•    Liberal justice system•    The  Rhinos•    Patriotic Republicans•    The Police•    Sports•    President Trump•    The COVID 19 pandemic I am a retired middle aged American born citizen married to my beautiful naturalized Hispanic wife for 30 happy years. We have five children that we are very proud of and a Chihuahua that thinks she’s a Rottweiler. I have a Bachelor’s degree and I worked in the medical field for many years which I found very rewarding. 

  • - A Conservative Survival Manual for Overcoming a Marxist America
    av Russell Hamner

    Das Religion is a manual to instruct the average citizen how to fight back against the liberal progressive stranglehold on the United States, by exposing their welfare state as an unconstitutional establishment of religion, showing that welfare, healthcare, education, and housing are the Christian acts of charity since the time of Moses.Author Russell Hamner refutes every aspect of the welfare state, from its European history, United States government records, the declaration of independence, the constitution, the great seal, first amendment, first amendment case law, and the Holy Bible, to show beyond a reasonable doubt the welfare state in its entirety is wholly unconstitutional.Conclusively, the Author issues a call to action, to come together as the body of Christ and come out of this worldly government and enter into the new age order of the Kingdom of God, which God created and the colonist laid the foundation for, to be established in these last days, for the Kingdom of God is within you. 

  • - A COMPREHENSIVE VIEW Can we protect ourselves against overheating or solar cooling? From Coal to Tide Entropy and the climate
    av Dr Sandor Balogh

    Newton's Laws apply to mechanics and material objects and Nobel Laureate Ilya Prigogine, a Belgian scientist, the 20th Century's Newton, gave science a new, reality-oriented direction by developing thermodynamics and the irreversible, 'dissipative process' principle.In the debate about climate change, there are the environmental activist and the skeptics. This book represents a third position: explains energy and the h energy quantum and applies the proper science, thermodynamics and Prigogine's theories to climate.Next, it considers the Earth's self-defense system against over-heating, based on entropy production of weather events, but no obvious protection exists against overcooling. While Russia and China are building wave and tide power-plants, we rely on solar and wind energy, that depends on solar activity.So, the climate issue becomes a national security issue in a cooling cycle. Therefore, he advocates the increased use of the non-polluting tidal-, wave- and hydro-power, and even nuclear power, to generate electricity.Balogh discusses the actors of the environmental movement and the relationship between globalism and environmentalism. Finally, an important part of the book is the discussion, who benefits from destroying industry and from the riots, and looting and puts the climate issue into global and apocalyptical context. Sandor Balogh, Ph. D. (NYU), was a college professor, teaching social sciences and philosophy. After retirement, he was promoted to Professor Emeritus rank. In retirement, he is getting a self-education in climatology and based on Aristoteles' hylomorphism theory, applies thermodynamics to the climate: the earth has a self-defense system that protects it from overheating by turning heat-energy into entropy. He has also re-written Einstein's E=mc2 formula into E + entropy=mc2 to include entropy as a by-product. Among "clean energy" sources the author suggests to use tidal, wave, hydro, and nuclear power sources as other nations, including Russia and China. They are essential for national security and the future of his grandchildren's generation once the solar spots are reduced and we will face a colder climate. Finally, he puts the climate issue into global and apocalyptical context. Dr. Balogh also participates in Hungarian-American politics and enjoys his grandchildren's company.

  • - Why Godless Communist Atheists Are Bad for Children, Flowers, and Other Living Things
    av Lawrence M Bates

    Leftists and Progressives insist on presenting themselves as morally and intellectually superior. In reality, just the opposite is true. This book will show that they are in fact not very intelligent and certainly not very sophisticated. They are gullible in the extreme and easily manipulated. For example, if you're biologically human, then you're going to need food and water to sustain yourself. If you're psychologically human, i.e. not a Democrat, then you're going to need spiritual nourishment as well. One of the ways in which Leftists and Progressives compensate for this deficiency is by bitterly clinging to a fanatical belief in the religion of Person-Made Global Climate Warming Change, a fairy tale and little more than a doomsday cult. This and other perplexities will be examined in depth. It is, as they say, a target rich environment. Lawrence M. Bates received a B. A. in Mathematics from the University of Arizona in 1980 and spent 35 years working in the information technology sector. Now retired, he could have just stayed at home and baked cookies and had teas, but decided to start writing instead.

  • - An Interrogation of the Soul
    av John P Contini

  • - Epilepsy and the Unknown Truth.
    av Ambanibe Jerome Akeneck

    Ambanibe Jerome Akeneck was born in Teze Ngie Momo Division North West Region Cameroon some 40 years ago. He holds a Diploma in physical Therapy Assistant, an Advanced Diploma in Mental health Management (Trans Atlantic College UK) Certificate, Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research (National Institutes of health clinical Center NIH USA) is a Clinical Research Associate (CRA-Monitoring with GCP Practical Experience.) Clinical Research Institute Texas, and a Nurse Researcher with over 18 years of clinical Research and Clinical Trial Experience in the areas of Community and Clinical Epilepsy Management, HIV aids drug trails, and basic methods of managing epilepsy in the Communities of the North West Region of Cameroon. Haven managed over 1500 persons living with epilepsy with anti epilepsy drugs AED for 18 years running and carried out surveys on the above disorder, he brings out some salient facts about the  beliefs, concepts and traditions some people in the North West Regions have about Epilepsy in a Drama form to let the World know and the entire Scientific Community that many of the young people (18-24 average age) are suffering in the dark of epilepsy and are not given the attention that other children in the World are having. Founder of Association of Orphans and the Disabled (ASODI Cameroon) a non Governmental organisation that works with persons living with Epilepsy in Cameroon.With  one  international  publication  (Epilepsy  and  Cysticercosis  in  North  West  Cameroon) published on Seizure European journal on Epilepsia: Tittle Elliott et al 2013, and the second publication on My Role as a Clinical Research Nurse published on the Global Research Network for Nurses 2015.The intention of this piece of work is to draw the attention of the World to come to the aid of the young people suffering from Epilepsy in North West Cameroon in particular, and in other parts of Cameroon in General.He is married to Alice Egweiba Anjiintuo.Contact: Email  aakeneckjerome@yahoo.comChrist Jesus who gives me strength. Phillipian 4:13

  • - The First Term
    av Jim Rogers
    266 - 376,-

  • av Neil Levesque

    We often wonder what it was like to live in the past. We learn about human history through books and museums. What if one day, history opens up to you? In 1994, an antique coin was discovered out in the woods of an old farm in Exeter, New Hampshire. Research has proven that this ancient copper piece, the 1694 New England Elephant Token, was along Harriet Tubman's Underground Railroad at some time in the 1800s. The token carries a rich history spanning three centuries of great significance to America's past, presence, and future. Copper elephant tokens of three types were manufactured in London in 1694. Two types are assumed to have been manufactured by marketing companies whose plans for wealth considered African slavery a major asset. A third style of the 1694 elephant token was made, however, for motives revealed in this novel, showing years of astoundingly connected events and other facts and how this token changed the course of America forever. In America's Token of Freedom, Neil Levesque delves into over three hundred years of human history, revealing newly discovered relationships between African slaving businesses, political onsets in America, the Underground Railroad freedom trail, and more. This historical novel shows how good people fought back against the inhumanity of the trans-Atlantic slave trade and what life was like during this period of America's evolution. Come along on the journey and read about the New England Elephant Token, why it says God Preserve New England, and why its impact is still felt today. Journey into the past as well as a potential future, seeing how this ancient token has played and will continue to play a role in the survival of freedom-based philosophies in the America we know and love. Neil Levesque is a US Navy submarine veteran who used the military's great training to enter into thirty-five years of America's awe-inspiring nuclear power industry. For twenty-eight of those years, he and his wife lived in Exeter, New Hampshire where they raised two children on an historical farmland. He ran over twelve-thousand miles with a team of runners for over a decade throughout this politically historical town. His military past, his discoveries on his farmland, his MBA degree from Norwich University, and this town which started America's right to freedom all resulted in Neil's evolution of this historical, godly novel.

  • - The Constitutional Violations of the Lincoln Administration (1861-1865)
    av W Terry Hardgrave

    Abraham Lincoln is often lauded as one of the greatest presidents in the history of the United States of America. His involvement in the Civil War and the abolition of slavery have led to the reverence of his name. Having deep family roots in the United States, traceable to colonial times, author Dr. W. Terry Hardgrave has a long-held family interest in the principles and preservation of constitutional republics. As a young adult, Dr. Hardgrave began to discover inconsistencies in the traditional historical narrative surrounding the Civil War. He found himself asking the following questions: How could President Lincoln promise to preserve the integrity of the States in his first Inaugural Address and invade Maryland less than two months later? If the war was about abolishing slavery, why was General Grant's wife a slave-holder during the war? If John Wilkes Booth was simply a pro-slavery Southern sympathizer, why did he yell, "Sic Semper Tyrannis," after shooting President Lincoln instead of "Slavery Forever" or "Dixie Forever" or something similar? If President Lincoln actually preserved the Union, why did the States have to be re-admitted to the Union during Reconstruction? It is those inconsistencies that led Dr. Hardgrave on his quest for more detail and more realistic answers. Civil Coercion: The Constitutional Violations of the Lincoln Administration (1861-1865) is the result of his inquiries into the official records, accounts, speeches, and other publications. Through this book, Dr. Hardgrave hopes to prompt readers into their own research by providing them with facts, using a minimum of biased opinion, regarding the Constitutional violations of the Lincoln administration.

  • av Rick Elkin
    376 - 546,-

  • av Steven L Werder

    When you hear a familiar song play on the radio, immediately, it takes you back--back to your childhood, your first love, cruising with friends in the car, whatever the memory may be. Songs are like time capsules, capturing the moment, feeling, and essence of a moment in our lives. It's time to take a trip back to the seventies, to a time of muscle cars, hippies, and the Vietnam War. The Walkover is a captivating narrative story that tells the experiences of a family through the eyes of different members over several years. Comprised of both flashbacks and present-day narrative, the novel showcases the importance of knowing your history--being proud of where you came from and where you're going and understanding how you fit in this moment and place on earth. Inspired to write the story after watching the films Billy Jack and The Trial of Billy Jack, the female characters in the book are shaped after the mentally strong women the author is friends with, as well as the family members he grew up with, using them as inspiration to create the tough-minded, beautiful Cherokee women of the Smithee family. With music as the guiding thread throughout the pages, the book provides a playlist for the journey. Each chapter features a song that embodies the overall theme of the book. Within the pages of the book are familiar songs from the seventies and other decades, as well as ones you may not have heard, widening your knowledge of the music of the time. So, grab some headphones, get comfortable, and dive on in--you won't want to put this book down.

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