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  • av Clara Coursier
    1 111

    Cet ouvrage est une contribution au droit social européen portant sur la question de la rupture conventionnelle du contrat de travail à durée indéterminée. Si un tel mode de rupture est aujourd¿hui admis dans la majorité des États membres de l¿Union européenne, il est permis de s¿interroger sur les effets des législations nationales dans l¿organisation du marché du travail européen, notamment sur les droits des travailleurs. À l¿issue d¿une étude comparative sur les principes du droit des contrats, les éléments constitutifs de la relation de travail et l¿évolution de la politique sociale européenne, ces travaux proposent l¿élaboration d¿une norme européenne en vue d¿harmoniser un droit à la rupture conventionnelle du contrat de travail à durée indéterminée au sein de l¿Union européenne.

  • av J. Cynthia Mcdermott & Adam F. C. Fletcher
    451 - 1 087

  • av Joff P. N. Bradley & David R. Cole
    607 - 1 217

  • av Claudio Canaparo

    Este libro es el último volumen, de una serie de cuatro, que forman parte de un proyecto de refundación conceptual del pensamiento en América latina. El presente trabajo se ocupa entonces de reconsiderar la noción de empiria, de experiencia y de inmediatez a la luz de las condiciones del antropoceno en la periferia. Por lo mismo se cuestiona, como ya fue el caso en los volúmenes anteriores, toda concepción universal de los conceptos y análisis. Este libro asume de hecho la ausencia de nociones clásicas como frontera, país o sociedad, entre otras. Como también era el caso de los volúmenes anteriores de la serie, este libro supone que la emancipación intelectual es inherente a la reflexión acerca de la inteligibilidad de lo viviente y noviviente.

  • av Ádám Ignácz

    This volume undertakes a comprehensive examination of issues of translation, adaptation, and intertextuality in Hungarian popular music. Focusing on the period of state socialism, the authors provide various examples of how musicians ¿ professionals and amateurs alike ¿ borrowed songs from distant times and places, reinventing them in a new political, technological, and esthetic environment. The case studies deal with a wide range of genresand styles that played an important role in Hungary, such as operetta, protest song, folk, jazz, pop, and rock. Placing the Hungarian experience in a regional context, the collection also gives insight into the music scenes of the neighboring countries through a major comparative study on the Beatles adaptations in the Eastern Bloc.

  • av Piotr Olaf ¿Ylicz

    The publication offers cutting-edge practice and research-based reflections on both the models and tools of development of contemporary managers and relevant future trends. The readers are presented with insights covering topics ranging from philosophical ideas, through physiological markers.

  • av Andrew J. Power

    «Stages of Madness¿is an important new study of the representation of madness on the early modern English stage. Rigorously researched yet also highly readable, Andrew J. Power¿s book provides original and compelling close readings of early modern plays such as¿The Spanish Tragedy¿and¿Hamlet¿while establishing a lineage of ideas about madness stemming from classical and medieval drama.» (Dr Rory Loughnane, Reader in Early Modern Studies, University of Kent)¿«Power propels the reader through an enlightened tour of madness. From the Bedlam-laden performance of Edgar in¿King Lear, through the schism-inflected demonic possession of¿The Comedy of Errors, to the furious revenges of¿Titus Andronicus, this book asks the biggest questions imaginable about the evolution of cultural understandings of how mind relates to self and how notions of sanity are constructed through the reflection of madness in religious and medical contexts.»(Dr Timothy Ryan Day, Associate Professor of English, Saint Louis University ¿ Madrid Campus)¿In re-evaluating the contemporary staging of madness in the early modern period this book provides a clearer understanding and interpretation of characters who suffer from mental and emotional extremities in Shakespearean drama. It addresses three factors that contribute to early modern concepts of madness. These are theories of the «self» current and emergent in the late-sixteenth and early-seventeenth centuries; contemporary medical writings on madness; and the legacy of portrayals of madness from classical Greek and Roman drama, with a particular focus on the Roman tragedian, Seneca. The more complete understanding that this combined approach provides, facilitates a better-informed reading of Shakespeare¿s plays, plays that so often deal with mental and emotional extremities that were once thought of as «madness».

  • av Giacomo Rinaldi

    In diesem Buch umreißt der Verfasser sehr konzentriert die Grundlinien einer theoretisch-systematischen Ästhetik, die größtenteils auf Hegels Auffassung der Kunst als der sinnlichen Manifestation der absoluten Idee und auf ihrer Selbstentfaltung als ästhetischem ¿Ideal¿ im System der Kunstformen und -arten basiert. Der Grund dafür ist, dass das reife System der Philosophie Hegels plausibel als der Gipfel der ganzen Entwicklung der neuzeitlichen Philosophie und insbesondere des Deutschen Idealismus betrachtet werden kann. Ihre substanzielle Wahrheit und vernünftige Haltbarkeit schließt aber nicht aus, dass bei Hegels Theorie der romantischen Kunstform einige Antinomien, welche schon dem Scharfsinn Friedrich Theodor Vischers nicht entgangen waren, auftreten, die der Verfasser durch eine originelle kritische Auslegung von Richard Wagners Auffassung des ¿Gesamtkunstwerkes¿ zu lösen versucht.

  • av Przemys¿aw Wolski

    Das Buch präsentiert ein Modell des Sprachlern- und -lehrprozesses, das auf Kooperation und Autonomie der Beteiligten beruht. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Fremdsprachenverwendung zu beruflichen Zwecken. Im Kontext der digitalen Realität, die die Subjekte des Spracherwerbs umgibt, stützt sich das Modell auf konstruktivistische und konnektivistische Didaktik. Diskutiert werden Lern- und Lehrstrategien, Lehrpläne und Unterrichtsmaterialien, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der digitalen Medien, sowie die subjektiven Theorien von Lernenden und Lehrenden. Die Studie zielt auch darauf ab, Wege zur Optimierung von Lehrstrategien auf der Grundlage digitaler Medien aufzuzeigen. Dies umfasst auch den Einsatz digitaler Medien beim ungesteuerten Spracherwerb, die Erstellung digitaler Unterrichtsmaterialien und die Verifizierung subjektiver Theorien von Lehrenden und Lernenden.

  • av Emmanuel Bourgoin Vergondy

    El volumen II de la serie Traducción y Paratraducción ¿ Líneas de investigación recoge líneas de investigación de docentes y del alumnado del Programa Doctoral Internacional TRADUCCIÓN Y PARATRADUCCIÓN (T&P) de la Universidade de Vigo. Además, presenta el trabajo de investigadores ajenos a la Universidade de Vigo que aplican la noción de paratraducción en los tres niveles definidos por la Escuela de Vigo: empírico, sociológico y discursivo. Estas publicaciones demuestran el amplio abanico de aplicación de la paratraducción y, al mismo tiempo, demuestran el interés internacional que suscita la paratraducción. El lector encontrará varios elementos de reflexión y nuevas pistas para analizar la complejidad del proceso traductivo e interpretativo.

  • av Ahmet Yayla & Nihal Özkarde¿

    To realize public interest, the administration is granted with superior powers, namely public force. In return, in a state governed by the rule of law, a mechanism is needed to protect the rights of persons before ¿public force¿ and to secure the lawfulness of the ¿powerful¿ administration. Administrative law may be seen as a balance between public interest which is in favor of people as a community and public force which restricts the rights of persons. This book covers the general principles that administration should abide by, while serving for public interest by using public force.

  • av Michael George Ryan

    Wallace Stevens and Francis Parkman: The American West and Beyond discovers a previously unacknowledged connection between the poet and the historian. Parkman in his historical narratives served as a source for a variety of poems by Stevens, including some of his more major efforts. Early on, Stevens responds in a playful way to Parkman; later on, Stevens becomes more serious and thoughtful, admitting to the more troubling aspects of Parkman¿s narratives. With an understanding of how Parkman relates to these poems, the reader will more easily engage with the poet, and see how Stevens, in conjunction with Parkman, becomes a guiding light for acknowledging the cognitive dissonance that shadows the American experience.Stevens was not always distant, not always a solipsistic poet. At least at times, he was deeply in touch with his world and deeply affected by it, as he aspired to grow beyond the historical burdens so deeply embedded in it. All readers of Stevens will benefit from reading this book, and, in particular, anyone with an interest in what makes Stevens a distinctly American poet.

  • av Carmen González Gómez

    Este libro analiza el lenguaje político empleado durante la XII legislatura (2016-2019) por el Partido Popular, el Partido Socialista, Unidos Podemos y Ciudadanos a propósito de la crisis territorial catalana. Estudia las estrategias de encuadre conceptual y la selección léxica que emplearon las fuerzas políticas y caracteriza desde un punto devista lingüístico la polarización discursiva.

  • av Anna Hanus

    Im Band wird der Vielfalt der inter- und intralinguistischen Forschungsperspek - tiven Rechnung getragen. Es geht sowohl um einzelsprachliche Phänomene im Deutschen, Rumänischen, Englischen, Französischen, Spanischen und in Sisaali als auch um linguistische Auffälligkeiten in interkultureller Perspektive sowie um Aspekte des Fremdsprachenerwerbs. Die im Band präsentierten theoretischen Überlegungen und praxeologischen Verfahren verstehen sich als Anregung, die etablierten Ansätze und Methoden der kontrastiven Linguis - tik zu reflektieren und zu revidieren. This volume offers an insight into the diversity of inter- and intralinguistic research perspectives. The contributions are devoted to intralinguistic phe - nomena in German, Romanian, English, French, Spanish and Sisaali as well as linguistic peculiarities explored from an intercultural perspective and also aspects of foreign language acquisition. The theoretical issues and praxeo - logical perspectives presented in the volume are intended as a proposal to reflect on and possibly revise the long-established approaches and methods of contrastive linguistics.

  • av Sabrina Bouarour

    « Outre les rapprochements novateurs entre les films de Minnelli et Demy, ce livre démontre admirablement qüil est non seulement possible mais important de fonder les approches esthétiques traditionnelles sur une analyse rigoureuse ancrée dans les gender studies. »(Phil Powrie, professeur émérite d¿études cinématographiques, University of Surrey, Royaume Uni)Au-delà de leurs univers oniriques souvent qualifiés d¿enchantés, les films musicaux et les mélodrames de Vincente Minnelli et de Jacques Demy témoignent des mutations socio-culturelles d¿après-guerre.Ces productions du cinéaste de la Nouvelle Vague et du grand représentant de l¿âge d¿or hollywoodien sont emblématiques d¿un style camp apprécié à la fois des publics populaires, des tenant·e·s du cinéma d¿auteur·trice et des sous-cultures queer.A partir d¿une analyse des masculinités articulée aux dimensions de sexualité, de classe et de race, le livre examine les représentations de genre entre la France et les États-Unis, à l¿heure où la Guerre froide, la société de consommation, la décolonisation, mais aussi les mouvements féministes globalisés transforment profondément les identités individuelles et collectives.L¿autrice explore comment les films de ces deux cinéastes, reconnus internationalement mais jamais rapprochés, façonnent des modèles de masculinités alternatives fondées sur des valeurs empathiques et inclusives.

  • av Anna Szyperski

    Die sog. Realteilung ist ein praxisrelevantes Problemfeld im Bereich der Ertragsbesteuerung. Im Zentrum steht dabei die mitunternehmerische Personengesellschaft, die in den letzten Jahrzehnten mehrfach gesetzliche Änderungen erfahren hat. Die aktuelle Rechtsgrundlage bildet § 16 Abs. 3 Satz 2 EStG. Die vorliegende Arbeit hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, auf dem nunmehr durch den BFH gefestigten dogmatischen Fundament die weiterhin offenen Fragen herauszuarbeiten und deren Lösungen zu diskutieren.

  • av Vera L Stenhouse
    1 177

    The importance of play for healthy development is undeniable. Aspects of play have been linked to the development of social skills, health and fitness, motivation, curiosity, innovation, imagination, and problem solving. Both theory and research suggest that play of various types is critical for healthy development and that playfulness is an important quality across the life span. However, opportunities to play and quality of play facilities in schools, after-school programs, childcare centers, community parks, and museums are not equitable by race, socio-economic status, and ability. And racial profiling, immigrant status, illness, and incarceration interfere with child¿s play. The first section of the book defines play and social justice and describes disparities in play opportunities in childcare, schools, and communities as well as inequities in how play is interpreted. The next section describes pre-school, elementary, high school, and university programs that use play to liberate, teach, and build community as well as after-school, hospital, and community programs that help to level the playing field of opportunity. The final part of the book discusses ways to ameliorate inequities through research and advocacy. Four research methods are described that are useful for conducting studies on the amount of play children experience, attitudes toward play, and the effect of play on other variables. Finally, a child, a parent, and a teacher describe ways they tried to obtain more recess, using various methods of advocacy. The appendix provides resources indispensable for those convinced that play for all is indeed a social justice issue worthy of advocacy.

  • av Tabea Thies

    Parkinson¿s Disease affects not only gross motor but also speech motor control. Standard treatment options are drug treatment with levodopa and surgical treatment with deep brain stimulation. While both treatments are effective for gross motor symptoms, it is yet to be fully understood how speech responds to levodopa and deep brain stimulation. This thesis investigates the effect of both treatment options on the kinematic, acoustic and perceptual level in the same group of speakers with Parkinson¿s disease for a first time

  • av Ulrika Olausson
    497 - 1 081

  • av Cosmin-¿tefan Dogaru

    This book includes both well-known scholars and young researchers from prestigious European universities and their case studies express an international appeal by investigating subjects of great interest even today. The volume Communicators, Audiences, and Strategies: Past Experiences and Contemporary Perspectives represents a helpful instrument for both students and scholars across disciplines, such as political science, history, sociology and communication sciences. The seven case studies offer relevant examples on how communicators used different forms of political communication and propaganda throughout the late 19th and the 20th century in different societies and periods of time as various political, social and economic crisis emerged and produced significant outcomes in the long term.

  • av Linda Rinke

    Übergreifendes Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Professionalisierung von Investor Relations (IR) in börsennotierten KMU in Deutschland zu erforschen sowie zu ihrer zukünftigen Etablierung in den Unternehmen beizutragen. Zu diesem Zweck analysiert die Autorin theoretisch und empirisch gestützt die unterschiedlichen Bedürfnisse der relevanten Bezugsgruppen für IR. Daraufhin untersucht und priorisiert sie verpflichtende und freiwillige Kommunikationsmaßnahmen für die Bezugsgruppen. Basierend auf diesen Erkenntnissen leistet die Arbeit einen Beitrag zur Professionalisierung der IR-Kommunikation u.a. durch Erstellung eines Anforderungskatalogs und Ableitung konkreter Handlungsempfehlungen für börsennotierte KMU in Deutschland.

  • av Geneviève Henrot Sostero
    1 217

    Una curiosità per le radici della fraseologia anima i ventiquattro contributi riuniti in questo volume, articolati in quattro sezioni. Nella prima (Parte I. Fraseologia e Cultura), alcuni contributi si propongono di sondare, in diacronia e in prospettiva filogenetica, la talvolta lontana provenienza di questo patrimonio espressivo così caratteristico di ciascuna lingua. Più orientate, invece, verso una conoscenza in fieri, le parti successive ragionano su quali strumenti performanti concepire per osservare in statu nascendi (II. Fraseologia nel linguaggio economico, giuridico e politico), conservare (III. Fraseografia) e tramandare (IV. Fraseodidattica) tali espressioni così eloquenti e saporite.

  • av Josetxo Cerdán

    La digitalización ha alterado profundamente los procesos de producción, distribución y exhibición del cine en un mundo global. ¿De qué manera se ha pensado el cine digital en el contexto hispanoamericano? ¿Qué formas estéticas, culturales y económicas han emergido en este escenario? ¿Cómo se enfrentan los cines hispánicos de la era digital a los fenómenos migratorios y a las cuestiones de género? Este libro analiza los cambios desarrollados en los cines hispánicos en el contexto digital. En concreto, el volumen aborda cómo los cines digitales representan los flujos culturales y humanos contemporáneos y cómo los y las cineastas y las instituciones cinematográficas reflexionan sobre las dimensiones identitarias, estéticas y sociales de los cines latinoamericanos del siglo XXI.

  • av Maciej Smó¿ka

    The sound of a city is a cultural phenomenon based on the characteristic relationship between music and the cultural specificity of a given urban area. It occurs when artists from a region create music, which is so unique, it becomes indisputably linked with its place of origin in the public discourse. The link becomes so strong, the phenomenon¿s name derives from the name of the city. There were numerous examples of such sounds in popular music history, including the Nashville Sound with its specific country music, the psychedelic rock of the San Francisco Sound, Prince¿s the Minneapolis Sound, or the Seattle Sound is also known as grunge. This publication explains the terms in which we should research, analyze, interpret, and define the sound of a city.

  • av Stefano Calabrese

    What happens in our brain when we create a story? Based on neuro-cognitivism, the study of narratives ¿ ranging from novels to ¿life-stories¿, which relate to interstitial topics ¿ has become more rigorous. In fact, an unparalleled panorama of constants, cemented since the Upper Palaeolithic, has been added to an unprecedented awareness of how each cultural habitat shapes the narratives of its inhabitants. This occured according to a particular neuro-cognitive style, thus limiting the so-called ¿authorial¿ freedom. Narratives ¿ whether they originate from the Muses or from the voice of a completely illiterate individual ¿ are like compressors that can zip together all the most crucial elements in our existence: time, space, intentions, purposes, agents and instrumental actions. For this reason, they represent an inexhaustible object of research.

  • av Jr. Lindo

    Literary Allusions in Esther: A Study on the Convergence of Intertexts and Narrative examines the robust intertextual nature of MT Esther. Its textual landscape is filled with a plethora of allusions to other texts scattered throughout the Old Testament canon. While these intertexts have often been identified individually, they have not always been considered a collective whole. By employing a new, eclectic method of exegetical analysis (¿Analogical Convergence¿), the author demonstrates one means by which these intertexts complement one another and converge with the authorial intention embedded into MT Esther.In Literary Allusions in Esther, Ron Lindo offers a nuanced and sophisticated engagement with the book of Esther. His survey of proposed ¿intertexts¿ in secondary literature is comprehensive yet accessible¿a significant resource for Esther scholarship. Lindös discussion of method helpfully recognizes the place of authorial intention in many treatments of ¿intertextuality¿ in biblical studies, and the links he proposes between Esther and Jeremiah providethe basis for a compelling new account of Esther¿s thrust as a story. Literary Allusions in Esther makes important contributions to the field, and should feature in further discussions of the story¿s shape and the extent to which it interacts with other texts from antiquity.¿¿John Screnock, Tutor in Old Testament, Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford That Esther is a work which is composed with allusion to other texts is now increasingly recognized. This work makes an important contribution by establishing a disciplined method for understanding this and how both the surface text and its interaction with other texts in the Old Testament contribute to its meaning. Scholars working on Esther will need to engage with this disciplined and careful work.¿¿David G. Firth, Old Testament Tutor, Trinity College Bristol

  • av M. A. Soupios

    Profiles of Power: Philosopher-Kings, Princes, and Supermen examines the concept of ¿power¿ in the form of three iconic personifications: Platös Philosopher-king, Machiavelli¿s Prince, and Nietzsche¿s Superman. It demonstrates how these thinkers¿ response to power was determined by their investigation of the fundamental nature of humankind, the limits of human understanding, and the question of whether the universe is a rationally ordered domain or an unscripted chaos. Given the widely variant settings in which these men lived, their responses are understandably diverse. But author M.A. Soupios suggests that at least one concern unites their thoughts and purposes: that dangerous times necessitate the services of rarefied human types, and that charismatic leadership is a necessary countermeasure against the dissolute tendencies of culture and community. As Soupios argues, it is specifically in these salvational terms that the celebrated power archetypes advanced by Plato, Machiavelli, and Nietzsche must be understood.

  • av Hans Fernandez

    O ser humano sempre foi fascinado pela temporalidade e criou ficções sobre o tempo que lhe permitiram refletir sobre seu presente, seu passado ou imaginar o futuro. No mundo lusófono, em contextos históricos marcados pela colonialidade, violência ou trauma, a ficção literária e cinematográfica que os põe em cena desordena o tempo linear devido à complexidade de representação que implicam, e surgem desajustes temporais. Desta forma, e tendo como pano de fundo o conceito de destempo, as contribuições reunidas na presente coletânea refletem sobre diferentes representações do tempo, bem como sobre as camadas, entrecruzamentos e rupturas das temporalidades em textos literários e cinematográficos em língua portuguesa.Der Mensch war schon immer von der Zeitlichkeit fasziniert und hat Fiktionen über die Zeit geschaffen, die es ihm ermöglichten, über seine Gegenwart oder Vergangenheit nachzudenken bzw. die Zukunft zu imaginieren. In der portugiesischsprachigen Welt, in historischen Kontexten also, die von Kolonialität, Gewalt und Trauma geprägt sind, bringen die literarischen und filmischen Fiktionen, die diese Kontexte in Szene setzen, die lineare Zeit aufgrund der komplexen Darstellungsformen durcheinander; sie lösen sie nachgerade auf und es kommt zu zeitlichen Verwerfungen und Verschmelzungen. Vor dem Hintergrund des Konzepts des destempo reflektieren die in diesem Band versammelten Beiträge unterschiedliche Repräsentationen von Zeit sowie die zahlreichen Schichten, Überschneidungen und Brüche von Zeitlichkeiten in portugiesischsprachigen literarischen und filmischen Texten.

  • av Bo Yin
    1 047

    Focusing on the integration of the Chinese civilization over the last four millennia, this book outlines the history of clashes, interactions, and fusion between the Huaxia civilization and the Grassland civilization, the two major powers shaping the history of China, from multiple perspectives. It particularly emphasizes how the two regional civilizations adapted themselves in response to each other throughout their evolution, and how they eventually combined to reach the pinnacle of a unified shining Chinese civilization. This book is a macroscopic delineation of the Chinese civilization aiming at helping readers better understand the origin of the Chinese identity, the Chinese nation, and its future.

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