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    Dazzle è il contributo di Patek V Phil al mondo della letteratura per bambini. Dazzle, la bellissima, dolce e compassionevole libellula gigante, porta i bambini solitari a visitare città esotiche e paesi, aprendo loro gli occhi sul mondo del viaggio e dell'avventura.


    Fivel Doherty is the Midnight Witch. She activates her powers bychanting a spell one evening in the attic. Her energy shifts as sheends up on a whirlwind adventure with Winnie and Buffy Doherty.Her magic is gifted to her by the Nephilim Gods, fueled by the moon.She'll reconnect with erased memories, rekindling an old flame in theform of Angel Vasquez, but can things stay the same or will she loseit all?


    When Love is in the Air!


    Love is the gentle whisper of the heart, weaving a tapestry of emotions thattranscends time and space.


    인간의 존재에 대한 중재, 이 소설은 법, 정치, 종교, 그리고 신에 대한 무서운 얼굴을 강조하며, 이것들은 그 결과로 처형을 이끌어내는 주요 억압의 원천이다. 권력은 인간적이든 신성한이든, 폭력과 복종에서 나 타나며 아침으로 번창하고 복종을 통해 신성함을 얻는다. 심오한 철학 적인 측면, 예리한 심리학적인 분석, 매혹적으로 인간적이면서 보편적 으로 사회적인 이 책은 인류의 속박, 갈등, 소외, 그리고 기대의 개요이 다. 이야기는 토마 쿤지의 것으로, 그는 11년 동안의 유죄 판결을 받은 죄수로, 한 번도 본 적이 없는 소녀의 강간과 살인으로 비난받았다. 그 는 정치인의 아들의 희생양이었다는 것을 알지 못했다. 라자크는 다르다; 토마 군지는 그를 감옥에서 만났다. 13세 때 라자크는 케랄라에서 아라비아로 도망쳤고, 아킴의 천등 소작농의 첩들을 섬기기 위해 하렘 으로 데려갔다. 거세 라자크는 지옥을 겪었고, 19년 후에 서라길에서 탈 출해 케랄라로 돌아갔다. 무력한 라자크는 결혼하고 곧 아내와 그녀의 연인을 살해했다. 다른 의미에서 그 또한 무죄였다. 처형대에서 가려진 토마 군지는 라자크의 연약한 울음소리, 인간의 고뇌를 들었다.


    Questa è una raccolta di antologie di 10 racconti brevi, ognuno dei quali promette di farti venire i brividi e far correre freddo lungo la tua spina dorsale. This is the Italian version of Chillz & Shivers.


    Love: the universal language spoken by the heart, understood by the soul.


    In questo libro, le poesie di Rhodesia mostrano le esperienze, isentimenti, i desideri, i sogni e i desideri di un bambino, narrati dallasua prospettiva e lingua uniche. Esplora anche le domande di unbambino e la sua curiosità su temi comuni e oggetti visti nella natura.Oltre a ciò, le sue poesie sono espressioni di esperienze divertenti edemozionanti del suo amore e della sua preoccupazione per gli altri, soprattutto i suoi genitori. "Natura ed Esperienze di Vita del Bambino"è il desiderio di un bambino di condividere i suoi pensieri, emozioni eobiettivi con tutti i suoi lettori.


    Are you crying?Why?Do you feel anything so sad? Why and why?Your tears, making the flood of urges. Ouch! How pathetic!Pls don't lose your strength, sense, as the tears. There's the Mirror.Stand up right now. And look at this hub carefully. What can you see?Who is there? Not clear?It's you. The real one! Reflection of your dearself, to make the desiredway, for moving proudly onward.That's right. Go ahead without losing faith on yourself.*MIRROR* is here-


    Love: the art of finding beauty in the simplest moments.


    Love is the poetry of the soul, written with the ink of passion and bound bythe pages of connection.


    People think I'm blue. My poems were blue but I'm purple. Mypoems take you nowhere. I want you to read Woolf before readingmy poems. I'm a liar. My Poems are blue lies and I live purple. Mypoems are claustrophobic and waiting for Godot who never comes.My Poems are waiting and I'm waiting, and we do not have a placeto go. Please lend me your head and brains; let's live there blue andpurple. I name my puppy Blue. My boyfriend calls me sky. He knowsnothing of purple and the long lucid dream I rent to write my poems.You cannot wake me from sleep because I know I'm dreaming andmy poems are lucid dreams.


    כמו תאוריית היחסות של איינשטין, עקרון האי וודאות של הייזנברג, משוואת הגלים של שרדינגר מרתקת את דמיונם של פרקליטים ואהבי פיזיקה כבר למשך זמן רב. ככל שהפיזיקה הולכת ומתעמקת, מתעוררות שאלות נוספות. האנרגיה האפלה, אנטימטר, יחידות דמויות, קוונטום מתירגש וכדומה הם פיזיקה מורכבת לכל אדם רגיל.אך הפיזיקה והשירה, שניהם הם תיאור פנימי ועמוק של הטבע.הפיזיקה והשירה משלימים זו לזו. לא פיזיקה יכולה להסביר הכל על טבע, אמת ומציאות ולא שירה יכולה לתאר טבע, אמת ומציאות דרך רגשותינו. מאז התחלת השירה המודרנית, כמה מדענים ותלמידי מדע כותבים שירה כדי להעשיר את עולם הספרות. כאשר פרס נובל לפיזיקה לשנת 2022 הוענק לפיזיקאים על ניסויים בפיזיקת הקוונטים, זה עודף אותי למזוג של פיזיקה ושירה ולכתוב את הספר הזה "פלאי שרדינגר".עזיבתה התקרבה של רעייתי האהובה מן הכדור הזה דחפה אותי גם אני לגבהים רגשיים וכפתה אותי למצוא מקלט בשירה. אנו מקווים, יום אחד, שהפיזיקה תגלה משוואת אלוהים ואמיתת היסוד למה ואיך היקום התפשט, מהו המטרה של קיומו של יקום המכיל אותנו ואת חיינו. בין אם היקום התפשט ממשהו או מאובדן, הפיצוץ הגדול או לא הפצצה גדולה, והאמיתותיה או ההפלגה בתחום הזמן, כל האמת תגלה, אך אני אולי לא אהיה בתחום הזמן.הספר הזה נכתב כדי להסביר את הטבע והפיזיקה בדרך פואטית ופשוטה לכולם, מכיוון שרוב האנשים חושבים, גם פיזיקה וגם שירה לא הם הכוס שלהם. כאשר הפיזיקה מטשטשת, השירה יכולה לדבר בדרכה על הטבע והמציאות. הספר הזה הוא גם ניסיון למזג בין פיזיקה ושירה או מזג בין שירה ופיזיקה


    Francis Edwards brings his love of storytelling to children's imagination with instilling a moral value not to lie. He leads the reader into spellbound adventures with his fairies.This technique came from gaining a Master's aDegree in the Science of Learning. He has redesigned the concept of the Victorian Tunnel Book into a modern day 3D presentation.


    Francis Edwards brings his love of storytelling to children's imagination with instilling a moral value not to lie. He leads the reader into spellbound adventures with his fairies.This technique came from gaining a Master's aDegree in the Science of Learning. He has redesigned the concept of the Victorian Tunnel Book into a modern day 3D presentation.

  • av Pabitra Adhikary

    'Creacions' is a Comic Compilation created from few of the best short stories written by authors around the World.For publishing opportunities write to us at


    La vida no se mide por los momentos que respiras, sino por losmomentos que te dejan sin aliento.Fly on..... es uno de esos momentos. Cuando dos extraños desprevenidosse encuentran y convergen en un viaje en autobús de Goa a Mumbai, su encuentro abre los esqueletos ocultos en sus armarios, lo que siguees una conversación que les hace revelar sus almas el uno al otro entoda su desnudez. Y, por si fuera poco, una reunión que los lanzaal océano del amor, sin expectativas, sin condiciones, sin ataduras.¿Qué ocurre cuando has cerrado las puertas del amor y alguien llamaa la puerta, pero no busca amor?¿Qué ocurre cuando crees que te vas a pasar el viaje en autobústerminando un libro que no has leído, pero no eres capaz de leerni una línea? ¿Y qué ocurre cuando revelas tu parte más frágil a undesconocido?


    This book talks about the pain and beauty that lingers when we've been left behindby the people we love, the pain of losing all of our childhood dreams, the sorrowof feeling lost and not knowing where to go and the feeling of being left behind byall the people around us. This book talks about the phases of breaking and hurtingand the self-blames of being insufficient, of losing the things we thought werepermanent, of learning to forgive yet creating boundaries to protect oneself andthe acceptance of things that happened despite the pain.For all the pain we inflicted on ourselves, for all the blames we never deserved, thelove we had to let go, the dreams we failed to grasp. For the time we wasted onthe things that don't even matter today, the people we tried to please until we lostourselves, for all the regrets, the insufficiencies, the mistakes, the mess, the wastedmoments and tears, may this book give you the peace and serve as your home onthe days you feel like the universe is not working for you.


    In this comprehensive guide to cybersecurity, Archana K takes readers on a journeyfrom the foundational principles of digital defense to cutting-edge strategies fornavigating the ever-evolving cyber landscape. From historical context and emergingthreats to ethical considerations, the book provides a holistic view of cybersecurity.Offering practical insights and emphasizing collaboration, it empowers bothseasoned professionals and newcomers to fortify their digital defenses. With a focuson adaptability and shared responsibility, "Securing the Digital Horizon" serves as avaluable resource for those dedicated to safeguarding our interconnected world.


    The year is 2132, Earth is nothing but a distant memory, and thenext destination for humanity is out there ready to be explored.Command One's exploration program is yet to be successful aftersending dozens of men and women to countless planets. The duoof young hotshot Theo Bentega and veteran Benjamin Smith findthemselves on one of these missions to planet Eden in the Euphoriasystem. What looks like paradise at first, is soon discovered to besomething much worse. Even with the highest grade technology, the adventures that lay ahead of the men are nothing that theyhave experienced. From the perspective of Theo, the thoughts, memories, and flashbacks build the world around him and pavehis actions onward. Connections are established, mysteries are tobe uncovered, and threats are suspiciously around them, the duosticks to the mission, but sooner rather than later the question isasked, at what cost?


    This book is about the corona virus and all the events that have taken place. It helps to unfold the truth and lies involved. The hidden agenda of the elites and all what is going on under the carpet. It is a controversial book about the conspiracy theory going on behind the mask and those responsible. The dangers ahead, how to escape it. It tells the dark secret behind the covid-19 scenario. Read and be enlightened.


    Ang mensaheng "pag-asa" na hatid ng unang Pasko ay tila nababalot na ng dag-im ng kabagabagan. Bagamat naroon pa rin ang kakaibang damdamin tuwing nagsisimula nang magtugtugan ang mga awiting pamasko, hindi maikukubli na mayroong mga kabalisahang nararamdaman ang marami sa atin tuwing sasapit ang Pasko.Ang pagpasok ng ika-21 siglo ay tila nagkaroon ng pagbabago ng paradigma at naging masyadong komersiyalisado na ang pagdiriwang ng Pasko kompara sa mga naunang panahon. Kung kaya't sa halip na magsaya ang ilan nating kababayan ay nagiging kalungkutan ang dulot ng kapaskuhan. Kaya nga'y hindi maiwasang mapabuntong-hininga at sambitin ang "Hay Naku!" sa araw ng Pasko.


    লেখক ধৃতিমান নিয়োগী তার সাম্প্রতিকতম উপন্যাসে সমকামী সম্পর্কের আইনি পরিবর্তন নিয়ে আক্রমণ করেছেন যেটা তার বইয়ের বিক্রি অনেক বাড়িয়েছে আবার LGBT সম্প্রদায়ের মধ্যে তার বিরুদ্ধে ক্ষোভের সঞ্চার করেছে, একাধিক প্রতিবাদ মিছিল, ডেমনস্ট্রেশন হয়েছে তার বিরুদ্ধে। কিন্তু তিনি যার এত বিরুদ্ধে সেই আগুন কি বাড়ির খুব কাছেই জ্বলছে? তার একমাত্র পুত্র নীল তার কলেজের সন্তানহীন বন্ধু রিককে নিয়ে তার বাড়িতে এসেছে, তার নাকি তার নিজের বিয়ে নিয়ে অনেক অসন্তোষ। একটি সোসিয়াল মিডিয়া পোস্টে দেখা যায় যে তারা সমকামী সম্পর্কের মধ্যে দিয়ে সারোগেট মা খুঁজছে। আরেকটি পোস্ট দেখে রিকের স্ত্রী শ্রেয়া এসে পৌঁছায় লেখকের বাগোরা পাহাড়ে অবস্থিত লেখকের ছবির মত সুন্দর কটেজ, হুইস্পেরিং পাইনে।কিছুদিন পর সে নিখোঁজ হয় এবং সন্দেহ এসে পড়ে নীল আর রিকের ওপর। এমন একটি তদন্ত যেখানে কয়েকটি মাত্র পচনশীল হাড় থাকে ফরেনসিক বিশেষজ্ঞ রায়ান রায় আর ইন্সপেক্টর নরবু শেরপাকে বহু প্রতারণার জাল ভেদ করে সত্যের সন্ধান করতে হবে, তারা কি পারবেন সত্য চিহ্নিত করতে নাকি শয়তান বা ডেভিল কারোর মনের বিষণ্ণতার সুযোগ নিয়ে তার প্রতিনিধিকে দিয়ে এই কাজ করিয়েছে?


    In diesem Gedichtband geht es um die Reise einer Seele in einermenschlichen Gestalt. Der Zweck unserer Geburt ist nicht, Erfolg zuhaben und materialistische Gewinne zu genießen. Das endgültige Zielund die Errungenschaft einer Seele sollte Weisheit, Fortschritt undEvolution sein. Karma" zu meiden, ist für den Menschen jedoch nichtvorstellbar. Je mehr eine Seele durch Erfahrungen und Nöte geht, desto mehr verfeinert und entwickelt sie sich. Daher werden in diesemBuch alle Phasen eines menschlichen Lebens wie Geburt, Jugendund Alter behandelt. Sonette mit Emotionen und Erinnerungen andie Kindheit, den Überschwang der Jugend, das Liebesleben, diefleischlichen Begierden und den Verrat sowie Lebensphilosophienwurden in lyrischer Form niedergeschrieben, damit Sie sie lesenkönnen. Der Dichter hat versucht, die Tatsache zu unterstreichen, dassjede Erfahrung in diesem Leben, ob positiv oder negativ, ein Gewinnist. Ein großer Verlust bringt manchmal mehr ein als ein kleinerGewinn. Unsere Seele wird sich mit jedem Tag weiterentwickelnmit jedem Tag weiterentwickelt und ihr Ziel ist es, Positivität indiesem Universum zu verbreiten. Begeben wir uns also auf dieemotionale und philosophische Reise des Lebens mit Hilfe einigerzum Nachdenken anregender Gedichte in diesem Buch.

  • av Omkar Bhatkar

    Qu'est-ce que c'est que de rencontrer quelqu'un que l'on a aimé, aprèsquatorze ans, de parler du temps passé et de revisiter le temps passé àl'université à faire de la philosophie ?Qu'est-ce que c'est que de rencontrer cette personne avec laquelle on peutparler de son amour pour Terrence Malick et Abbas Kiarostami ?Ce que c'est que de parler de cinéma, de vie, d'art et du pathos des choses ?

  • av Sapna Manoj

    Anandi wakes up to see a crowd in her living room, mourning overa dead body. She isn't shocked to see that the body is hers, onlysurprised that she is still able to see, hear and smell the world sheleft behind. Amidst the trauma, her loved ones remember Anandi asa daughter, sister, mother, wife, daughter-in-law, friend, teacher andlover. And they wonder what actually killed her at the age of fortyfive. In each role she was a different person altogether, and now inher ninth manifestation as a spirit, Anandi begins to discover herself.When the God of death, Yama arrives on his buffalo, Anandi is giventhe option to come back to life. The question is, does she want to?

  • av Rinnah Ramirez

    It's an irresistible journey of self-discovery, compassion, and empowerment. You are reminded that embracing vulnerabilities and advocating for well-being is an enduring adventure.This book narrates stories from dlinical cases, internships, candid dialogues, and personal insights unveiling mental health through the author's life and clinical encounters, all while emphasizing the inseparable link between mental health and social justice. It serves as a clarion call to embrace the wisdom that self-care is not a solitary endeavor commitment. but a collectiveAs the book nears its end, a lingering question arises: What secrets lie beyond? Stand on the precipice, ready to explore, learn, and challenge an enigmatic answer. like the journey itself, From advocacy to everyday application, this book envelops you in warmth and hope. Get ready for a journey that's not just read but lived.

  • av Rhodesia

    In this book, Rhodesia's poems show the experiences, feelings, desires,dreams, and wishes of a child, as narrated from her unique perspectiveand language. It also explores a child's questions and curiosity aboutcommonplace themes and objects seen in nature. More than that,her poems are expressions of funny and exciting experiences of herlove and concern for others, most especially her parents. Nature andChild's Life Experiences is a child's desire to share her thoughts,emotions, and goals to all her readers.

  • av Prateep V Philip

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  • av Anindita Bose

    "In a meditative and stoic language, suffused with sensual allusions and allegories mergedtogether like 'musical notes', Anindita's poems are intimately cathartic and redemptive,nurturing a reality and that will leave you stunned!"- Poet, Author & Professor Ashwani Kumar, Mumbai"Anindita Bose belongs to that long line of debut poets discovered by Writers Workshop.I Know the Truth of a Broken Mirror had impressed me enough with its raw evocationsof pain, to decide to publish it. So it pleases me now to see that she continues her poeticjourney with her second book."- Professor Ananda Lal, Kolkata"Anindita Bose's second book of poetry is a collection of 35 poems titled 'illuminatingdarkness - the mystic fireflies' are finely crafted poems that fuse sense and sensibility withintensity and insight."- Poet, Author, Academician Dr. Sanjukta Dasgupta, Kolkata"Percy Bysshe Shelley in his poem "Ode to the West Wind" desires the west wind to carryhim like a leaf, a cloud, a wave and then in a moment of poetic dissociation writes the line"I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!" Anindita Bose has experienced the thorns of life andhence she bleeds poetry - poetry that is full of hope to be carried away like a leaf, a cloud, awave.Be it as a poet, be it as the co-founder of Rhythm Divine Poets, be it as an editor of EKLReview, be it as a verbal skills trainer, be it as a painter or be it as a friend, a daughter, asister, she is attached emotionally and has hopes to fly and be the blithe spirit, a skylark.Her poems emanate from nostalgia, memories almost like a fairy tale filled with hope.She is the firefly who can illuminate darkness."- Poet, Author, Editor & Professor Dr. Amit Shankar Saha, Kolkata

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