Om Foz
Yeah it's a funny name.The actual name is Foz do Iguacu.OK so that is also a weird name.Well at least in English.l have to tell you guys it just doesn't matter.
The way I see things.This is the most interesting place on Earth.You name it you got it.From Espionage to terrorism to smuggling to criminals to adventure.
Surrounded by Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, this place is just looking for trouble.
And don't I know it.
Chapter 1
My fascination with this place pretty much began on my first trip to Brazil.Yeah when I was younger and a lot more stupid.
Not that I am very smart now.I have learned a bit of stuff so that experience can hide my overall lack of knowledge in my little brain.
I was visiting Brazil to experience the period when the whole country goes crazy.The sex and the drugs and the drinking and the parties and the word orgy coming up a lot.
The women were hotter than the weather and you couldn't get away from the intense need for the locals to use their bodies for pleasure.
For a young guy like me the place was intoxicating.And coming from the city as New Yorkers call Manhattan it was an experience for the ages.
I wanted to see the falls so I bought a flight and found myself in Foz.And as the story often says that is how it all began.
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