Om Honor Guard Manual
Perfect Bound. Now updated with more pictures, diagrams and text! The DrillMaster's fifth book and the only honor guard manual with extensive descriptions and photos of all honor guard movements for every honor guard ceremony: Pall Bearers, Firing Party, Color Team (Color Guard), 2- and 6-Man Flag Fold, Cordon procedures, Sword Manual, Rifle Manual, Flagstaff Manual and the only nationally published Manual of the Firefighter's Ceremonial Fire Axe and Ceremonial Pike Pole.
Based on the standards used by the American Military Presidential Honor Guard Units, this manual even contains a sample training plan, lesson plans and a complete training record for documenting honor guard member ceremonial training. Whether your honor guard team is military, law enforcement, firefighter, emergency medical, forest service, veteran or fraternal organization, this manual is the perfect training resource and a must-have!
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