Om Imei prisoner of Pleidian aliens
In fact they have a lot of control over our world today having created dimensional portals in various worlds parallel to our world to monitor us. As a fifth dimension they control many religions and many believe they are worshiping the light, when in fact they worship these beings from the White Lodge. They created a real lie claiming to be Father and Son worship, but in fact they are fallen angels who control these average religions. And so they control the world with power. The fleets of the goddess Ishtar monitor the world for them and bring our world under the rule of the Dajjal or Antichrist. The Pleiadians claim to want to return to the Creator, but their actions will not allow them to return to the light, as the spirit of prostitution is in them. They are not ready to worship the Creator as they created their worlds and their deities on various planets. Billions and billions of Pleiadians are not ready to dive into the void by accepting the CREATOR, because when they do, they will lose everything they conquered by deceiving the worlds. They will lose everything to regain the Creator's side, but they don't have the courage to take that leap towards the one true light. Their fleets have already killed many innocents in many worlds, even though they claim to be of the peace, of the white shop. Of course, they aren't as terrible as the draconians, but they do war against the worlds that rise up against their control. I mentioned now the Pleiadians in general, not just the browns, because the browns do not differ in behavior with the other Pleiadians, they act together and of course the browns have their particularity which is the study of humans as guinea pigs and the creation of the race hybrid. We should also point out that the Pleiades have many followers of the light. We are not talking about them in this book, but they have many followers of the light as there is duality all over the world, the side that follows the light and the side that follows chaos. Proportionally in the Pleiades system there is more light than chaos, but in this work we are only working with dark beings.
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