Om Knot
Doctor Alexander Edge parked outside the Georgia Lunatic Asylum. The emerald gemstone amulet over his heart pulses a warning-this patient is too dangerous! Dr. Edge reaches up and presses down on the gemstone reminding her that only an intensely felt fear could break their bond. Absolutely no fear can be allowed in this moment. Since Kaitlin, their patient, is waiting for them inside. And only while together-will they have a chance of saving her.
Kaitlin's twenty-year-old daughter Fiona called Dr. Edge a few days ago seeking help. All conventional treatment methods have failed Kaitlin. And her insane rantings about a centuries old black-magic witch spreading an ancient curse are quickly becoming a reality. Strange people sent by the witch are confronting Fiona-wearing outdated black clothes, reeking of perfume, grinning madly- saying; Oh, what a beautiful bonfire of energy you've become. An Oracle of pure sight you'll be, once given over to the pure light, to see.
While searching for clues about Kaitlin's condition in old hospital records, Dr. Edge sees that someone has tried to remove Dr. Karanza's name. Her name recalls horror stories of bizarre psychiatric treatments administered under her care. She was renowned for using unorthodox methods that crossed over to magic and mysticism. Everyone believed she was a witch, of sorts, including Dr. Edge. Even her handwritten notes in those records were laced with enticing breadcrumbs-seducing Dr. Edge into taking Kaitlin's case. When he realized that Dr. Karanza had stumbled onto something extraordinary-right before she disappeared.
Subject is reacting to my treatment slowing overall cell division impacting aging process while experiencing unexpected deep tissue necrosis, a 1000-year death. Genetic code for extended life?
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