Om Korrupcija V Rossii
Studenty Tichookeanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta iz Chabarovska rassu¿dajut v svoich stat'jach na temu, möno ili net preodolet' korrupciju v Rossii. Oni opisyvajut aktual'nuju situaciju, obrä¿ajutsja k istorii, somnevajutsja, no, tem ne menee, predlagajut svoi sposoby re¿enija problemy i pytajutsja prognozirovat'.
In their articles, students from the Pacific National University (Khabarovsk, Russia) discuss whether or not it is possible to overcome corruption in Russia. They describe the current situation, refer to its roots, and despite some doubts, provide innovative solutions and attempt to forecast the outcomes.
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