Om Missy's Fireballs
In celebration of Missy's birthday, Grandma takes her to buy a plant. Her favorites are the bromeliads, and the variety Missy chooses are called "Fireballs." The center of the plant is known as the "mother," while little sprouts-or "pups"-grow next to her. At home, Missy puts her Fireball in a sunny place, and soon, more pups begin to grow. Some of the pups need to be moved to other pots in order to grow properly. The pups and mother worry about the consequences of being separated, but it must be done for the good of the family. Enlisting the help of others in the garden, Mother Fireball and her pups cope with the distance. The kind community spreads love far and wide, proving that families can feel close even when not living together. By working as friends and trusting each other, all the creatures of the garden form a loving bond.
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