Om Muramasa
A cursed blade; a legendary tale...At the bidding of his lord, master swordsman Taoka Yoshio follows the bloody trail of a murderer who is seemingly empowered by sorcery. As samurai, Yoshio acts as retainer to the beautiful and enigmatic Amaya, the daughter of his sworn liege, on their quest. Amaya, however, has ambitions and plans that are quite different from the tasks appointed by her father. Along their way, they meet and befriend a legendary swordsmith, with whose help they begin to uncover the terrifying truth of the mysterious killer and his demonic blade. As they all become entangled in the webs of the Ashikaga shogunate's schemes, they must each face the hard truths of their pasts to survive their trials and defeat evil.Danger, intrigue, bloody revenge, and demons await Yoshio, is he strong enough to survive?
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