Om My Journey Continues
Let me introduce myself. My name is Larry Moffat, an American expatriate. In my mind, I think of myself as an adventurer, seeking excitement in an exotic foreign land, more precisely, in the Philippines. A few years earlier, this was a true assessment of my life. Presently, at thirty-nine years old, I find myself settled into the commonplace existence of a workaday and a married man with a wife and two small children. Although I am still in the Philippines, employed by the same worldwide engineering company-Richardson, Schellinberger, and Haas Inc. (RSHI)-my life has been altered under new circumstances. It was while with this firm that I found myself constantly involved with devious plots of miscreants that continually endangered my life. But in time, as my duties evolved with RSHI, I became more settled. I no longer am cast into intriguing events that characterized my life in earlier years. Even travel within the country has been curtailed by added demands on my time resulting from responsibilities as manager of RSHI's regional office comprising all of Southeast Asia. This greatly limits my access to sources for adventure.
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