Om One Armed Bandit
One Armed Bandit is an action drama set in the future, in a world divided, where all traces of history have been lost. Where superhuman abilities are created by the wealthy, fueled by their greed, their lust for power and their thirst for everlasting life. One man, Jayden Wright, fights to restore balance to the world, whilst others fight to destroy it. In the Genesis Arc, Jayden was one of many Arclights, training to become an Elite. Until all that was destroyed. Torn between justice or revenge, he is destined to face many challenges along his journey. But before Jayden can bring balance to the world, he will have to conquer the demons within - or be taken over by them. See which path Jayden will follow in One Armed Bandit.In Chapter 6, The Risk of a Lifetime, amidst the raging battle, Asic reflects back on her and Jayden's shared past, where one key event changed everything and altered the path of the rest of their lives...
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