On what date will Armageddon happen? What's the day on which the world will end? That is the question that this book examines, and answers. Not through religious prophecy. Not by astrology, tarot reading, psychic divination or any of the other predictive measures usually used.Then how? Through logical correlation of existing data from past examples of near nuclear tragedy and projecting from them an expected outcome at a specific time in the future. These events include the Cuban Missile Crisis, various military war game field exercises, faulty NORAD nuclear war computer programs, and power grid destroying coronal mass ejections, among other similar crises. Any of these could have resulted in the destruction of the world.There are 15 total events investigated over a 51 year period and they were selected because among all the world crises, only this group could have caused complete annihilation of the earth. The data from this study strongly suggests a recurrence factor among these events, meaning that they not only repeat but many do so on the same specific date of the year. Three dates in particular have been singled out as the most perilous during the year. The 3 dates on which the earth is most likely to be destroyed. They are revealed in this book.Is there a meaning behind the recurrence of these dates? This book proposes some form of coded warning being sent to us. But why and from whom? Have these crises been orchestrated by alien beings to provide a set of data points that are predictive of earth's possible future? Is this a code sent to us from a future earth civilization hoping to warn of specific perilous dates in history so as to keep us from blowing ourselves up and save the world for posterity? Or are these recurring dates a naturally occurring mechanism of some cosmic algorithm of repeated actions? Could these events even be prophetic omens from a divine source? All of these possibilities are considered in this book.
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