Om The Birth of the Chaos Hybrid
Their faces were pale and it was as if you knew them from the past. You never saw them, but at the same time it felt like you had seen them all your life. It was an expression of magic, terror, enchantment. They messed with something deep inside you. They witnessed your birth and they will also see your death and in the past this has been repeated. They are the Eyewitnesses that Paul speaks of who observe everything and accuse us before the Lord of the Worlds. These beings accuse us without using words, just the expression of the mind, telepathy. When we sin, they rejoice even if they don't show it by facial expression. When we do good and follow Torah, they don't like it and cheer for our downfall.
They are the water people of the fourth dimension and have another experience of time and space. Their curse is to be trapped in the timeline and in the millennial realm they will no longer be able to torment humans, as they will be thrown from the fourth dimension to intraterrestrial dimensions.
We have beside the heart three Chakras above the Heart Chakra and three below. These Chakras connect us to parallel worlds and parallel dimensions. They are responsible for the free will of the human being where our sins accumulate forming a negative hexagon of chaos. These six worlds are ruled by the Capensis and when the millennial kingdom arrives these six worlds will be cleansed by the cherubs and these Chakras that are usually contaminated by the Capensis will be occupied by the sixth hierarchy of the Cherubs, by Anael, the archangel of divine love for that reason the millennial kingdom it will be the realm of divine love, the realm of the purity of love and no harm will be done to human beings and animals. Nature will enter into perfect harmony and human beings will be part of it, because today we are not part of nature, we are part of hell, because we breathe the hatred and evil of the Capensis. Today the human being destroys nature, because hell is inside him reverberating through the Chakras around the heart.
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