Om The Book of the Weird World
Coppedge began collecting descriptions of weird things while working as a writer. In this volume are collected such unique writings (often in the form of bulleted lists of weird things), such as Possible Secrets and Scary Possibilities and Unexplained Oddities of Human Existence. It is one of those books that covers things you might consider very weird, like that phenomena where you think you were abducted by an alien dinosaur, or that phenomena where you thought you grew gigantic warts on the back of your neck, or Cargo Cults for instance, or the phenomenon where Leibniz lived close to a hundred years before the grandfather clock was invented. Those sorts of observations. You never know quite whether it was a hallucination, but years later you start to wonder if other people have had these experiences. Well, Nathan has had a number of them, and also situates the debate in the context of a vast stockpile of historical memories and singular experiences. This is not the worst book on weirdness.
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