Om The Properties of Gases and Liquids
A thoroughly revised edition of the go-to chemical engineering referenceFully updated for the latest advances, this must-have chemical engineering guide serves as a single source for up-to-date physical data, chemical data, and predictive and estimation methods. The Properties of Gases and Liquids, Sixth Edition provides the latest curated data on over 480 compounds and includes a special section devoted to the interpretation of uncertainty in physical property estimation. You will get new coverage of advanced EOSs, advanced computational methods, quantum density functional theory, and semi-empirical combinations. Clear explanations and sample calculations are provided throughout this all-inclusive resource.Coverage includes:Traditional and non-traditional estimation methodsUncertaintyCritical properties and related constantsIdeal gas propertiesSaturation properties and virial coefficientsEquations of state for pure compoundsEquations of state for mixture propertiesVapor-liquid, liquid-liquid, and solid-liquid equilibriaInfinite dilution activity coefficientsViscosity and thermal conductivityDiffusivity and surface tension
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