Om The Swine of Avon
Here is the story of Shankspeare - author of such theatre classics as Loins Labors Lost, King Porkrind the Third, A Midsummer Night's Pig Roast and MacBoar, and the creator of such unforgettable characters as Julius Razorback, Brute Chops, Katherina Pigiron, Swineo and Drooliet, and Hamhock, Prince of Denmark - as told by pigs! Blasphemy? More like a delightful farce with a large, flexible cast. And the play actually sheds light on the famous Swan of Avon. We follow Shankspeare from a humble birth in Fatsford-on-Avon, to fame in the city of Loin-don, and ending with the monument in Westhamster Abbey. This action-packed comedy is filled with puns, satire, silliness, and even brief scenes from Shakespeare given a new porcine twist!
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