Om The Wizard of the Sea
Hip, hurrah! Hip, hurrah! "Well, I declare; Mont Folsom, what is the matter with you?" "Matter? Nothing is the matter, Tom, only I'm going to a boarding school-just the best place on the face of the earth, too-Nautical Hall, on the seacoast." "Humph! I didn't know as how a boarding school was such a jolly place," grumbled old Tom Barnstable. "They'll cane ye well if ye git into mischief, lad." "Will they, Tom? What for? I never do any wrong," and Mont Folsom put on a very sober face. "Jest to hear the lad! Never do no mischief! Ha! ha! Why you're the wust boy in the town fer mischief, Mont-an' everybody knows it. A nautical school, did ye say. Maybe they'll take ye out in a ship some time in that case." "They do take the pupils out-every summer, so Carl Barnaby was telling me. He goes there, you know, and so does Link Harmer."
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