Om Zizzle Selects
Zizzle Selects is an anthology for teens featuring fifteen stories previously published in *Zizzle Literary. We especially wanted to share the nuanced sensibility, humor, suspense, and dark fantasy you’ll find in these tales. The title showcases paintings by Janas Lau, a Hong Kong artist whose works in watercolor and ink celebrate the little joys and wonders of life in a turbulent city.
Contributors' notes and a discussion guide for reading groups are included.
*Zizzle Literary is an international anthology book series that aims to foster a lifelong love of reading. Our very short fiction will appeal to those who already love literary fiction and will spark an interest in newer readers.
“Well-wrought, unusual, and memorable fiction beautifully illustrated—a keepsake.”
— Kirkus Reviews
Sudha Balagopal
Amy Aves Challenger
Nicole Crucial
Kate Felix
David Galef
Karen Heuler
Kimberly Huebner
Blake Johnson
Gargi Mehra
Wendy Nikel
Melissa Ostrom
Cheryl Pappas
Karen Rigby
Jeremy Schnee
Ryan Thorpe
Janas Lau
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