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Marknadsföring har gradvis blivit ett brett koncept som avser flera områden. Det finns många olika sätt att arbeta med marknadsföring, oavsett om det är digitalt eller analogt via skyltar eller liknande. Därför har vi ett varierat urval med böcker av experter på området. Vi har böcker skrivna av tidigare jättar på marknaden med olika syn på marknaden idag och om hur du kan säkra en bra position. Förutom dessa typer har vi också läroböcker som är gjorda med det specifika målet att lära läsaren så mycket som möjligt inom ämnet. Om du är i färd med att lära dig och förstå marknadsföring har vi bra böcker specifikt för detta. Kolla in vårt urval och se om du hittar någon inspiration för ditt kommande projekt!
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  • av Daria Maria Kluczewska

    Die Wirksamkeit als Begriff wurde von akademischen Forschern im Bereich der Werbung untersucht. Die fortschreitende Form der Disziplin bringt es jedoch mit sich, dass die Studien begrenzt sind und eine Reihe von wichtigen Elementen noch nicht zufriedenstellend erforscht wurde. Die Werbung generiert Daten, deren Untersuchung zu einer Verbesserung des Multi-Screen-Marketings führen könnte und es den Vermarktern ermöglicht, die Ergebnisse spezifischer Kampagnen besser zu verstehen und zu analysieren. Die genannten Aspekte sind entscheidende Komponenten, die für die Entwicklung und Durchführung einer wirksamen digitalen Kampagne erforderlich sind, bleiben jedoch unterentwickelt. Dieses Buch untersucht die Multi-Screen-Marketing-Kampagnen, um ihre Wirksamkeit in der digitalen Welt zu untersuchen. Es wurden eingehende Einzelinterviews geführt, um detaillierte Antworten auf komplexe Fragen zu erhalten, die den Denkprozess und die Logik der Experten widerspiegeln. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, eine Reihe von kontextuellen und konzeptionellen Einsichten in die neue digitale Werbedisziplin aufzuzeigen und die Effektivität von Multi-Channel-Kampagnen zu untersuchen, um Praktikern und Wissenschaftlern gleichermaßen einen Bezugspunkt für weitere Studien zu liefern.

  • av &#1088, &#1072, &#1077, m.fl.

    Эффективность как термин изучалась академическими исследователями в области рекламы. Однако развивающаяся форма этой дисциплины подразумевает, что исследования были ограничены, а ряд основных элементов остаются неудовлетворительно изученными. Реклама генерирует данные, изучение которых может привести к улучшению многоэкранного маркетинга и позволить маркетологам лучше понять и проанализировать результаты конкретных кампаний. Упомянутые вопросы являются важнейшими компонентами, необходимыми для разработки и запуска эффективной цифровой кампании, однако они остаются недостаточно разработанными. В этой книге исследуются многоэкранные маркетинговые кампании с целью изучения их эффективности в цифровом мире. Для получения подробных ответов на сложные вопросы были проведены глубокие индивидуальные интервью, отражающие процесс мышления и логику экспертов. Цель данного исследования - обозначить ряд контекстуальных и концептуальных моментов в новой дисциплине цифровой рекламы и изучить эффективность многоканальных кампаний, чтобы дать ориентир для дальнейших исследований как практикам, так и ученым.

  • av Roberto Guillermo Gomes

    Kostenloses Helfen ist die Lösung, die das Humanitäre Marketingprogramm bietet. Das heißt: Sie kaufen online im Internet auf den Seiten, die mit dem System der globalen Solidarität verbunden sind, Sie zahlen den gleichen Betrag wie in einem der mehr als 1 500 virtuellen Geschäfte, die mit dem System zusammenarbeiten, und 80 % der Provision für diesen Verkauf werden automatisch auf das elektronische Konto einer humanitären Organisation Ihrer Wahl überwiesen. Die verbleibenden 20 % dienen zur Deckung der Betriebskosten und der internen Entwicklungskosten des Programms. Mit anderen Worten: Mit jedem Kauf, den Sie online tätigen, tragen Sie automatisch dazu bei, ein gefährdetes Menschenleben zu retten, egal wo auf der Welt. Und das, ohne einen Pfennig zu viel auszugeben. Indem Sie sich angewöhnen, auf der Website von Global Solidarity einzukaufen, spenden Sie einen festen Prozentsatz Ihres Einkaufs, um anderen zu helfen. Und noch einmal: Diese Aktion erhöht nicht den End- und Gesamtpreis Ihres Einkaufs. Der Prozentsatz wird vom Online-Shop zugunsten von Global Solidarity verwendet, um seinen Verkauf zu fördern.

  • av Mostafa Maleki Tehrani

    Uncover the art of crafting irresistible social media content with this invaluable guide. Packed with actionable strategies and expert insights, this book equips you with the tools to amplify your online influence and captivate your audience. Delve into the psychology of consumer behaviour, harness the power of storytelling, and unlock the secrets to viral success. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just starting out, this book is your essential companion for conquering the ever-evolving landscape of social media. Ignite conversations, drive engagement and leave your digital footprint with confidence.

  • av Mostafa Maleki Tehrani

    In this captivating compilation, dive into the world of timeless branding masterpieces that have left an indelible mark on the fabric of modern marketing. From the iconic simplicity of Apple to the dynamic connectivity of Facebook, discover the art of persuasion distilled into 101 unforgettable slogans. With each turn of the page, journey through the realms of creativity and influence, where words wield the power to shape perceptions and ignite passions. Illustrated with insight and inspiration, this collection serves as a beacon for aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned marketers alike, guiding them towards crafting their own memorable brand narratives.*The market capitalisation and valuation data provided are as of early 2024.

  • - The Evolution of the Latino Consumer
    av Felipe Korzenny
    691 - 2 231

    Hispanic Marketing: The Evolution of the Latino Consumer focuses on using cultural insights to connect with Hispanic consumers. This fourth edition brings up to date the theories, concepts and practices that help readers understand Hispanic consumers and marketing communication campaigns across Hispanic segments.Written by leaders in the field of Hispanic marketing, this book uses theories of culture, acculturation, and social identification, among others, to explain Hispanic consumer reactions to products and advertising. It explores cross-cultural values and issues associated with branding, language and acculturation, and provides the consumer insights required to understand, plan for, and respond to differences between Hispanic and non-Hispanic markets and across segmentation. Each chapter includes real-life case studies and distils the key implications for marketers, to ensure students grasp the essential concepts. This fourth edition includes: The introduction of marketing theories that have developed through studies on new and current topics in Hispanic consumer behavior; New topics such as bilingualism, artificial intelligence, cause-related marketing, boycotting behavior and influencer marketing; 28 all-new case studies; Updated figures and tables, including examples of advertisements and conceptual models; Instructor material including an instructor manual, slide pack and a test bank. This is important reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying Hispanic marketing and consumer behaviour specifically, as well as those interested in cross-cultural consumer behaviour and multicultural marketing. Support materials for this book are available at

  • - How to Optimize Sales Funnels and Skyrocket Backend Profits
    av Caleb O'Dowd

    Direct Marketing Tactics That Make SalesFunnel Businesses More ProfitableThis book reveals three things...1. Frontend Optimization: Strategies that increase sales and Average Order Value (AOV).2. Backend Monetization: Campaigns that skyrocket backend profits and customer Lifetime Value (LTV).3. Market Domination: How to acquire more customers than top competitors at higher Returns On Ad Spend (ROAS).If your business uses sales funnels to generate revenue, this book is not a luxury. It's a necessity. You'll discover dozens of high-level ways to generate more sales and profits from your prospects and customers.So whether you need to optimize your sales funnel, increase backend profits, or scale frontend customer acquisition, Monetization is sure to become the most valuable marketing book you ever read.

  • - Meisterklasse
    av Julia Burger

    Tauche ein in die Welt des modernen Marketings! Mit unserer Meisterklasse 'Digitales Marketing für Einzelhandel verstehen' entfesselst du die Kraft der Online-Welten für deinen Einzelhandel. Lerne die Geheimnisse erfolgreicher digitaler Strategien, um deine Marke zu stärken und Kunden zu begeistern. Diese Meisterklasse ist der Schlüssel zu einem florierenden Geschäft in der digitalen Ära. Verpasse nicht die Chance, deinen Einzelhandel auf das nächste Level zu heben - werde ein Digital Marketing Experte!

  • - How to Grow Your Small Business
    av James Manson

    Are you ready to take your small business to soaring heights? Dive into "Dominate in Business" and unlock the secrets to explosive growth! In this must-read guide, you'll discover practical strategies and actionable insights tailored for small business owners like you. Say goodbye to uncertainty and hello to success as you navigate the dynamic world of entrepreneurship with confidence. From crafting a winning business plan to mastering effective marketing techniques, "Dominate in Business" equips you with the tools and knowledge needed to thrive in today's competitive landscape. Learn how to leverage your strengths, capitalize on opportunities, and overcome challenges with ease. Inside, you'll uncover: Proven methods for increasing sales and revenueInnovative approaches to building a strong brand identityInsider tips for attracting and retaining loyal customers Strategies for streamlining operations and maximizing efficiencyExpert advice on scaling your business for long-term successWhether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, "Dominate in Business" offers invaluable guidance to help you reach your full potential. With real-world examples and practical advice, this book is your roadmap to achieving greatness in the world of small business. Don't settle for mediocrity-embrace the power of "Dominate in Business" and watch your dreams become reality. Get your copy today and embark on a journey towards unparalleled success!

  • - Principles and Practice: A management-oriented approach
    av Svend Hollensen

    Marketing: Principles and Practice, 5th editionThe Standard Work of Holistic MarketingRanked among the best marketing management books in the world by Domendos.comThis updated and expanded 5th edition of this classic, voted one of the best marketing books in the world by, provides a comprehensive grounding in marketing and strategic marketing management. The book provides an easy-to-understand overview of the latest developments including metaverse and AI. This edition has also been enriched with up-to-date company case studies that show how tools and strategies are applied in practice. In addition, this standard work of holistic marketing is structured according to the marketing management process, giving both students and practitioners a holistic overview.The completely updated and once again expanded 5th edition has also been enriched with current marketing highlights and case studies from corporate practice, which highlight various aspects of marketing and show how corresponding tools and strategies are applied in practice.In line with the book's integrative approach and the triple bottom line concept with the pillars "People, Planet, Profit", each book donates 1 meal for 1 person in need through the "SharetheMeal" initiative of the United Nations World Food Programme."In one word: Unique. In two words: A milestone. In one sentence: This easy-to-read book demonstrates through case studies and practical examples as well as the holistic presentation why it is simply the standard work of holistic marketing."Christoph Schweizer, Managing Director, TraveKom GmbH"This thoroughly engaging textbook provides a concise introduction to the theory and practice of marketing management in the 21st century. It is systematically structured around the marketing planning process and written in a clear, lively and practical style. It is therefore perfect for students and practitioners alike."Univ.- Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Marko Sarstedt, Chair of Marketing, LMU MünchenThe authorsSvend Hollensen is an Associate Professor of International Marketing at the University of Southern Denmark. He is the author of globally published textbooks and several articles in well-recognised journals. Svend Hollensen has also worked as a consultant for several multinational companies, as well as global organizations like the World Bank.Marc Oliver Opresnik is a Distinguished Professor of Marketing at the Technische Hochschule Lübeck as well as a Member of the Board of Directors at SGMI Management Institute St. Gallen and TEDx Speaker. He is Chief Research Officer at Kotler Impact Inc. and a global co-author of marketing legend Philip Kotler. With his many years of international experience, Marc Opresnik is one of the world's most renowned marketing, management and negotiation experts.

  • - Navigating the Journey of Starting and Growing a Business
    av Isaac Wilson

    The subject matter examined the path of entrepreneurship, encompassing elements from its conception to its expansion, and ultimately, welcoming the spirit of entrepreneurship. It covered all the important bases: finding one's passion, studying the market, coming up with ideas, writing business plans, looking for investors, developing brands, starting companies, overcoming obstacles, growing, and maintaining success. Sustainability, social duty, leadership, creativity, and adaptability were emphasized. Aspiring entrepreneurs were encouraged and educated by the sharing of personal tales of success and failure, coupled with important lessons learned and guidance. The epilogue emphasized that the entrepreneurial spirit is fundamentally a creative, resilient, and determined mindset that inspires people to realize their own potential and positively influence the world.

  • - a digital business development framework
    av Angelo Casagrande

    In an era where digital transformation is not just a trend but a necessity, "Ignition" emerges as an essential guide for redefining business development. This book is not just another text on digital marketing strategies; it is a comprehensive compilation of mindsets, methodologies, and practical techniques tested and refined through real-life business scenarios."Ignition" is perfectly tailored for startups at various stages, as well as established companies and corporates looking to infuse agility and innovation into their business models. What sets this book apart is its focus on the symbiotic relationship between marketing and sales, presented through a modern lens. It delves into the principles of Lean Startup, Agile methodologies (with a focus on Scrum), and the Objective and Key Results (OKRs) framework used by industry giants like Google.This book demystifies digital marketing and sales, steering clear of buzzwords like "growth hacking" and instead providing a grounded, empirical approach to business development. With around 120 pages, "Ignition" offers a concise yet profound analysis of methods and practices essential for rapid business growth, especially in environments where traditional reference points are obsolete.Author Angelo Casagrande, with a rich background in digital business development, brings his firsthand experience to the fore. Unlike many authors who only write about the digital arena, Casagrande has been in the trenches, making his insights and advice not only credible but also immediately applicable."Ignition" is more than just a book; it's a toolkit for the modern entrepreneur and business leader. It's for those who are ready to challenge conventional approaches and embrace a new, dynamic way of thinking and executing business strategies. If you're looking to navigate the complexities of the digital marketplace and propel your business to new heights, "Ignition" is your roadmap to success.Get ready to turn the key and ignite your business's potential with this groundbreaking book.

  • - Building Wealth Through Video Content
    av Nathan Ferziger

    In "The YouTube Entrepreneur: Building Wealth Through Video Content," Nathan Ferziger offers a comprehensive guide to navigating the dynamic world of YouTube entrepreneurship. Packed with actionable insights, proven strategies, and real-world examples, this book equips aspiring creators and entrepreneurs with the tools they need to succeed in the competitive landscape of online video content creation. With YouTube emerging as a powerful platform for building wealth and influence, Ferziger explores the essential principles and practices for harnessing its potential to create a thriving business. From defining your niche and crafting compelling content to building an engaged audience, monetizing your channel, and scaling your business, this book covers every aspect of YouTube entrepreneurship in detail. Readers will discover how to identify their passions and interests, leverage their unique strengths, and carve out a niche in the vast and diverse ecosystem of online video content. Ferziger delves into content creation strategies, filming techniques, and editing tips for producing professional-quality videos that captivate and engage viewers. Moreover, the book explores various monetization methods, including advertising revenue, sponsored content, affiliate marketing, and merchandise sales, empowering readers to diversify their income streams and maximize their earning potential on YouTube. Beyond revenue generation, Ferziger delves into the importance of collaboration, networking, and brand partnerships in expanding one's reach and influence on YouTube. He also addresses key financial and legal considerations, such as tax obligations, copyright issues, and intellectual property rights, to help readers navigate the complexities of running a successful YouTube business. Furthermore, Ferziger offers insights into overcoming challenges, staying motivated, and embracing emerging trends and technologies in the ever-evolving landscape of online video content creation. With practical advice and inspirational anecdotes, he encourages readers to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams with confidence, resilience, and creativity. "The YouTube Entrepreneur: Building Wealth Through Video Content" is more than just a guide-it's a roadmap to success for anyone aspiring to build a profitable and fulfilling business on YouTube. Whether you're a seasoned content creator or a novice entrepreneur, this book provides the knowledge, strategies, and inspiration you need to thrive in the exciting world of YouTube entrepreneurship.

  • - Become the #1 Go-To ND in Your Area
    av Sherry Sbraccia

    As a Naturopathic Doctor, you possess a distinct chance to enhance your patients' health and position yourself as the foremost authority in your community.This book explores how to use a strategic and hands-on approach to marketing for Naturopathic Doctors. We look into pinpointing your ideal patient, fostering trust by highlighting your expertise in natural medicine, and prioritizing patient-centered care. Additionally, we'll dive into implementing marketing strategies centered around patient education.

  • - Mastering The Straight Line System
    av Jack Harmer

    "Cold Call Conversion: Mastering the Straight Line Technique" is your comprehensive guide to transforming cold calls into successful sales opportunities. Discover the secrets behind the Straight Line Technique, a proven approach that empowers sales professionals to navigate conversations with confidence and close deals effectively. From setting clear objectives to handling objections and building rapport, this book equips you with practical strategies and real-life examples to master the art of cold calling. Whether you're a seasoned sales veteran or new to the game, unlock the key to unlocking the potential of every call and achieving lasting sales success

  • av Samuel James

    Unlock the Hidden Psychology of Consumer Desire and Master the Art of Neuro-PersuasionAre you ready to crack the code of the consumer mind? "THE NEUROMARKETING BOOK OF SECRETS" is your master key to the cutting-edge field where neuroscience meets marketing. This comprehensive guide dives deep into the brain's decision-making processes, revealing the hidden triggers that drive purchasing behavior.Key Features and Benefits: Demystifying Neuromarketing: Understand the core principles and their practical applications, dispelling myths and clarifying ethical considerations.Brain-Based Strategies: Discover actionable strategies backed by real-world case studies, showing how companies influence choices.Tool Mastery: Explore in-depth the most advanced neuromarketing tools (fMRI, EEG, eye-tracking, etc.) and their uses.Social Media Dominance: Conquer the realm of viral marketing. Learn to engineer shareable content, craft contagious narratives, and foster powerful online communities.Branding Breakthroughs: Harness the power of sensory branding, build trust, and achieve unforgettable brand recognition.AI-Powered Advantage: Learn how to establish an AI-driven marketing agency in 2024 and beyond.Who Is This Book For?Marketers: Elevate your campaigns with neuroscience-backed tactics that capture attention, evoke emotion, and inspire action.Entrepreneurs: Tap into the psychology of potential customers to design products that sell and forge lasting brand loyalty.Sales Professionals: Develop persuasive pitches based on how the brain evaluates value and makes decisions.Academics & Students: Discover this rapidly-evolving field and apply research insights to the study of human behavior.Unleash the Secrets of Neuromarketing and Transform Your Marketing Strategy!

  • - Your Path to Digital Triumph
    av Ebony Azuri

    "Social Media Mastery: Crafting Your Blueprint for Success"Unlock the secrets to unparalleled success in the dynamic world of social media with "Social Media Mastery: Crafting Your Blueprint for Success." This comprehensive guide navigates the intricacies of digital engagement, empowering businesses and marketers to not only thrive but excel in the ever-evolving landscape of social media.Synopsis: In a world more connected than ever, social media has transcended mere platforms for communication; it has become an indispensable tool for businesses to build brand awareness, engage with their audience, and drive conversions. "Social Media Mastery" delves into the transformative impact of strategic social media marketing, guiding readers through the creation of their personalized Social Media Success Blueprint.From defining target audiences and crafting compelling content to mastering engagement strategies and interpreting analytics, this book offers a holistic approach to social media success. Each chapter unfolds strategic insights, actionable tips, and real-world examples, providing a roadmap for businesses to not only navigate but dominate the digital landscape.Key Features: Crafting Your Blueprint: Learn to create a customized Social Media Success Blueprint that aligns with goals, understands your audience intimately, and leverages compelling content and engagement strategies.Audience Understanding: Dive deep into the intricacies of audience personas, pain points, and desires, ensuring your strategies resonate authentically with your target demographic.Compelling Content: Uncover the power of storytelling, authentic content, and multimedia magic, transforming your brand into a captivating narrative that stands out in the digital clutter.Mastering Engagement: Explore the art of fostering meaningful conversations, leveraging user-generated content, and designing interactive campaigns that captivate your audience and foster brand advocacy.Analytics and Continuous Improvement: Navigate the metrics and analytics landscape, interpreting data to refine strategies, measure ROI, and ensure continuous improvement through A/B testing and adaptability.Putting It All Together: Conclude your journey with the implementation of strategies for long-term success. Embrace the dynamic principles of execution, consistency, community-centric approaches, and ongoing skill development."Social Media Mastery" is not just a guide; it's a transformative companion, equipping you with the tools, insights, and inspiration needed to propel your brand toward unparalleled success in the vibrant and ever-evolving world of social media. Ignite the spark of mastery and redefine your brand's digital narrative today."

  • - Etología Económica, Generador de Modelo de Negocio y Biología Conductual en la toma de decisiones.
    av Carlos Chávez Solis

    "Un manifiesto de las enseñanzas de dos profesores y consultores maravillosos que han ganado su reputación haciendo sencillo y práctico lo que puede parecer complicado. Este libro es un manual de instrucción fundamental que recomiendo a todo líder, comunicador y profesional." - RODRIGO RIVEROLL, Director General de Sports World y ex-Director General de Starbucks, Domino's Pizza y Elektra."Pasajes que se vuelven fascinantes por los descubrimientos que, poco a poco, se van desgranando ante los ojos y la mente del lector. Un documento al que les convendrá regresar, una y otra vez, a los directivos de empresas y dirigentes. Felicito a Juan Carlos Chávez y Carlos Chávez por crear este magnífico tratado científico, comercial y humano." - VICTOR M. REQUEJO, Fundador de Hipotecaria Nacional y Banco Inmobiliario Mexicano. "En este libro pionero, Chávez y Chávez contribuyen a abrir -o más bien, a redefinir y cuestionar- la "caja negra" de la toma de decisiones." - ROGER SCHWEIZER, Profesor de Negocios Internacionales en la Universidad de Gotemburgo, Suecia."En este apasionante y revelador libro, Juan Carlos Chávez y Carlos Chávez demuestran un profundo conocimiento de las complejidades de la mente humana y el proceso de toma de decisiones." - ALEJANDRO TAMAYO, Director General de Republic Cosmetics, licenciatario oficial en Latinoamérica de Disney, Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar, Revlon, Fisher Price y más. "Una guía fundamental para descubrir y conocer cómo opera la mente humana y lo increíblemente útil que resulta aplicarlo en la concepción de estrategias de Mercadotecnia." - EDDY BREACH, Director de Mercadotecnia de Avis México. "Para todos los que amamos la Creatividad y nos interesa entender cómo y por qué se pueden modificar los comportamientos, Biointeligencia Estratégica es una lectura inteligente y fresca en la que Carlos y Juan Carlos Chávez nos ayudan a comprender mejor cómo se disparan las emociones y los procesos de decisión en el fascinante y cambiante mundo de la Mercadotecnia." - CARLOS VACA, Ex CEO y Presidente de BBDO -reconocida como una de las agencias más creativas del mundo-.Descubre una colección de ideas sistematizadas con los avances de bases disciplinarias como la Etología, Biofísica, Genética, Neurofisiología, Psicología, Economía, Finanzas y Comercialización.Herramientas estratégicas contundentes y una visión privilegiada para procurar el desarrollo, permanencia y crecimiento de un modelo de negocio a través de la rentabilidad.Concebido para fomentar decisiones inteligentes, pensamiento crítico, flujo de información vital, creatividad, empatía, comprensión causal de los condicionamientos biológicos y, sobre todo, para defender la prevalencia de La Vida en todas sus manifestaciones.

  • - Strategy & Execution Bootcamp For Startups
    av Gaurav Sanjiv Kalangan

    "I know what my startup's goals are but I have no idea how to get there"In the field, the truth is most startups die from being unable to materialize their goals into actual results. Too much strategy and too little action. The fact is that goal seeking is an applied skill; it takes time, practice and mistakes to get really good at it and its nuances: 1. Whether a product already exists or not, how do you determine the path to reaching your goals? 2. How do you set goals? 3. What is the simplest way to gain a heuristic understanding of every moving piece contributing to your desired bottom line?After helping dozens of companies systemize their approach to growth through advisory engagements, accelerator mentorship and hands-on workshops, the Growth Models & Goalkeeping masterclass was created to help transfer those skills on-demand.The goal of this masterclass is to share my emotional, psychological and logical approach to designing growth systems with you so you can apply that approach to your use case.

  • - Strategies for Growth, Smart Pricing, and Effective Technology Management
    av Adam Howatson

    Unleash growth and customer loyalty with smart, usage-based billing strategies for your business.As a business leader, you know your markets are evolving faster than you can keep up. What worked before doesn't work for the new generation of consumers and companies. Those who latch on to outdated practices may find themselves left behind.This has never been more relevant than when it comes to traditional pricing and monetization models. One-size-fits-all subscription-based pricing leaves customers feeling frustrated with lack of value. Customers want to pay for what they use-period. Welcome to the usage economy; pricing and go-to-market strategies for an ever-evolving market and a data-driven, usage-based economy.From tech leader and CEO of LogiSense Adam Howatson comes the groundbreaking guide about the transformative shift from conventional subscription models to dynamic, usage-based go-to-market strategies. Usage-based economics are already being utilized by industry disruptors from Uber to OpenAI and AWS alongside other SaaS pioneers, and more leaders are making the shift every day. Join Howatson as he pulls back the curtain on the future to help your company stand apart and stay relevant in a crowded global marketplace.In The Usage Economy, learn: How to identify and calculate your company's unique value exchange and how to build an effective usage-based go-to-market.How shifting to a usage-based model enhances business flexibility and customer engagement, responding to the growing demand for personalized services and customer optionality.To interpret and analyze the valuable customer data generated by usage-based go-to-market models for insightful, data-driven business decisions and market trend predictions.The massive role that AI and machine learning will play for usage-based models and how to capitalize upon them for increased growth.Insightful breakdowns of disruptive usage-based monetization models and the right steps to take to diminish risk with a customer-first, usage-based go-to-market.Filled with real-world examples and case studies, The Usage Economy is a practical road map to redefine your company's approach to the way it thinks about pricing and product monetization. Billing shouldn't be painful. Use it to your advantage and transform your business strategy, enhance customer satisfaction, and secure a competitive edge in the ever-evolving business landscape.

  • - AI-Enhanced Marketing Strategies for Global Success
    av D Nathan Venture

    Chart the Course Through the AI Marketing FrontierEmbark on a transformative journey with "Intelligent Influence: AI-Enhanced Marketing Strategies for Global Success", the definitive guide that charts a bold new course through the dynamic interplay of artificial intelligence and marketing. In a world where understanding the synergy between technology and human behavior is paramount, this meticulously crafted tome is your compass, illuminating the path ahead with precision and acuity. Opening with an evocative Introduction: Navigating the AI Revolution in Global Marketing, the book whisks readers through the initial waves of change, inviting them to grapple with AI's expanding role in the consumer landscape. It equips you with foundational knowledge of AI's burgeoning capabilities and the seismic shift it brings, crafting a narrative that's both enlightening and actionable.Awaken your inner strategist in Chapter 1: The Dawn of AI in Marketing. Explore the chronicles of digital marketing's evolution and the integration of AI, which represents not only a change in tools but a revolution in thinking. Delve into Chapter 2: AI and Consumer Behavior Analysis and learn how predictive analytics and personalized marketing scales are tipping the scales in favor of those who harness their power while also considering the ethical implications of data usage.The adventure deepens with Chapter 3: AI-Driven Content Creation and Curation, revealing techniques that enhance human creativity and uncloak the secrets of programmatic advertising, social media dynamics, and ever-evolving search engine algorithms. Roam the digital realm of influencer identification, chatbots, and customized e-commerce experiences as new worlds of possibility unfold with each chapter.Brace for the nexus of privacy and personalization in Chapter 9: AI, Privacy, and Trust in Marketing, striving for the equilibrium that wins customer loyalty. And as your odyssey approaches its zenith, peer into the global landscape with Chapter 10: Global Marketing and Cross-Cultural AI Adaptation, mastering the art of localized strategies and maintaining brand consistency worldwide.Whether you're a marketing maven or a pioneering entrepreneur, "Intelligent Influence" is an essential ally, your beacon through the AI-enhanced marketing odyssey, steering you towards a future of intellectual empowerment and international triumph.

  • Spara 11%
    - How to Use Content Marketing, Podcasting, Social Media, AI, Live Video, and Newsjacking to Reach Buyers Directly
    av Scott David Meerman Scott

    The seventh edition of the pioneering guide to generating attention for your idea or business, packed with new and updated information In the Digital Age, marketing tactics seem to change on a day-to-day basis. As the ways we communicate continue to evolve, keeping pace with the latest trends in social media, the newest online videos, the latest mobile apps, and all the other high-tech influences can seem an almost impossible task. How can you keep your product or service from getting lost in the digital clutter? The seventh edition of The New Rules of Marketing and PR provides everything you need to speak directly to your audience, make a strong personal connection, and generate the best kind of attention for your business. An international bestseller with more than 400,000 copies sold in twenty-nine languages, this revolutionary guide gives you a proven, step-by-step plan for leveraging the power of technology to get your message seen and heard by the right people at the right time. You will learn the latest approaches for highly effective public relations, marketing, and customer communications all at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising! The latest edition of The New Rules of Marketing & PR has been completely revised and updated to present more innovative methods and cutting-edge strategies than ever. The new content shows you how to harness AI and machine learning to automate routine tasks so you can focus on marketing and PR strategy. Your life is already AI-assisted. Your marketing should be too! Still the definitive guide on the future of marketing, this must-have resource will help you: Incorporate the new rules that will keep you ahead of the digital marketing curve Make your marketing and public relations real-time by incorporating techniques like newsjacking to generate instant attention when your audience is eager to hear from you Use web-based communication technologies to their fullest potential Gain valuable insights through compelling case studies and real-world examples Take advantage of marketing opportunities on platforms like Facebook Live and Snapchat The seventh edition of The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use Content Marketing, Podcasting, Social Media, AI, Live Video, and Newsjacking to Reach Buyers Directly is the ideal resource for entrepreneurs, business owners, marketers, PR professionals, and managers in organizations of all types and sizes.

  • - From Likes to Income
    av Dahlia Baskin

    "Mastering the Art of Earning with Instagram: From Likes to Income" by Dahlia Baskin is a comprehensive guide designed to empower individuals and businesses to unlock the full earning potential of Instagram. In this book, Dahlia Baskin, an experienced social media strategist and entrepreneur, shares invaluable insights, strategies, and practical tips for leveraging Instagram as a powerful platform for generating income. With the rise of social media influencers and the growing importance of online branding and marketing, Instagram has emerged as a lucrative avenue for earning income. However, navigating the complexities of Instagram's algorithm, content creation, audience engagement, and monetization strategies can be daunting without the right guidance. Drawing from her own success and real-life case studies of top influencers and entrepreneurs, Dahlia Baskin demystifies the process of earning with Instagram, offering actionable advice and step-by-step instructions for achieving success on the platform. From building a strong personal brand and growing your follower base to monetizing your content through sponsored posts, brand collaborations, affiliate marketing, and product sales, this book covers all aspects of Instagram earning strategy. What sets "Mastering the Art of Earning with Instagram" apart is its emphasis on practical, actionable advice grounded in real-world experience. Dahlia Baskin provides readers with proven techniques and insider secrets for maximizing their earning potential on Instagram while maintaining authenticity, integrity, and transparency in their business practices. Whether you're an aspiring influencer, a small business owner, or a seasoned marketer looking to expand your online presence, this book equips you with the knowledge, tools, and strategies you need to succeed on Instagram. With its comprehensive coverage of Instagram marketing principles, advanced tactics, and case studies, "Mastering the Art of Earning with Instagram" is the ultimate guide for anyone looking to turn their Instagram likes into a sustainable income stream. Packed with actionable insights, practical advice, and inspiring success stories, this book is a must-read for anyone serious about harnessing the earning potential of Instagram. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your Instagram earning to the next level, "Mastering the Art of Earning with Instagram" provides the roadmap you need to achieve your goals and thrive in the competitive world of social media marketing.

  • - Affiliate Marketing - How to Make First $100 Online in 2024
    av S D Jas

    Are you ready to break free from the 9-to-5 grind and step into a world where your income is determined by your creativity and effort, not by the clock? "The Art of Affiliate Marketing 2024" is not just a book; it's your gateway to a life where financial freedom and work flexibility are your reality, not a distant dream.Unlock Your Path to Financial Freedom: Master Affiliate Marketing in 2024If you are tired of the endless cycle of the 9-to-5 grind and Do you wish for a life where your income isn't chained to the ticking of the clock? Welcome to "The Art of Affiliate Marketing 2024" - your ultimate guide to breaking free and building a prosperous future on your own terms.In today's digital age, the landscape of making money online is constantly evolving. But with the right guide, the path to success is clearer than you think. This book isn't just another collection of tips and tricks; it's a comprehensive blueprint designed to catapult you from beginner to affiliate marketing maestro in 2024 and beyond.Inside, You'll Uncover: The Core of Affiliate Marketing: Dive deep into what affiliate marketing really is. Cut through the jargon and get to grips with the mechanisms that make it tick.Niche Mastery: Discover how to pinpoint profitable niches that align with your passions. Learn the secrets to turning your interests into income.Website Wizardry: Follow a straightforward, step-by-step process to build a website that captivates and converts. No technical jargon, just clear actions.Content Creation Secrets: Master the art of crafting content that resonates. Whether it's compelling blog posts or engaging videos, learn to create material that draws audiences in.SEO & Social Media Domination: Propel your platform to the top of search engine rankings and become a social media marketing guru. Expand your digital footprint and watch your audience grow.Diverse Monetization Strategies: Look beyond basic affiliate links. Explore a variety of methods to maximize your earnings and ensure a steady income stream.Email Marketing Mastery: Develop a strategy to nurture your audience, fostering relationships that convert subscribers into sales effortlessly.Paid Advertising Tactics: Harness the power of paid traffic. From Google Ads to Facebook campaigns, learn to scale your business effectively.Future-Proof Strategies: Stay ahead with insights into the latest trends and innovations in affiliate marketing. Future-proof your business and keep growing.Why Choose This Guide?"The Art of Affiliate Marketing 2024" goes beyond the basics. It offers you a mentorship through the pages, drawing from the wisdom of those who've walked the path and succeeded. Tailored for beginners but rich with advanced insights, this book is your ticket to escaping the traditional work model.Embrace the OpportunityReady to seize control and build a life where financial freedom is your reality? With "The Art of Affiliate Marketing 2024," you're not just reading a book; you're stepping into a new chapter of your life. It's time to transform your dreams into tangible success. Dive in and discover how affiliate marketing can redefine your future, starting now.

  • - Success Is a Journey Not a Destination
    av Joy Martins

    "Success is Rented, Not Owned" unfolds as a guiding beacon in the complex landscape of personal achievement. In its introduction, the book challenges conventional paradigms by asserting that success is not a static possession but a dynamic, evolving process. The author encourages readers to redefine success beyond mere external markers, embracing a holistic perspective that encompasses personal growth, fulfillment, and the realization of one's potential.This metaphor invites readers to view success not as a one-time acquisition but as a living commitment demanding continuous effort. Much like a rented space requires ongoing attention; success thrives on dedication and regular investment.

  • - Stratégies Gagnantes pour les Startups du Divertissement Numérique
    av Lilly D Lorelei

    Dans un paysage entrepreneurial façonné par la numérisation, le livre électronique "Virtual Assistance: Winning Strategies for Digital Entertainment Start-ups" s'avère être une ressource inestimable pour les jeunes entreprises qui naviguent dans le secteur du divertissement numérique. Le livre vise à montrer comment l'évolution de l'internet et des technologies de communication a entraîné un changement profond dans la prestation de services, permettant une efficacité et une flexibilité sans précédent grâce à l'assistance virtuelle. Avec l'essor de l'intelligence artificielle, les capacités des assistants virtuels se sont élargies pour couvrir une gamme de services allant de l'assistance à la clientèle à la gestion de projets et au marketing numérique. Pour les jeunes entreprises de divertissement numérique, l'adoption de l'assistance virtuelle n'est pas seulement présentée comme un avantage concurrentiel, mais comme une nécessité stratégique, essentielle pour l'agilité et le rapport qualité-prix dans un marché en constante évolution. L'ouvrage explore les nombreux avantages de l'intégration de l'assistance virtuelle, tels que la flexibilité opérationnelle, la réduction des coûts d'exploitation et l'accès à une réserve mondiale de talents, tout en abordant les défis associés à cette approche, tels que la sélection d'un assistant virtuel compétent et la gestion de la collaboration à distance. Le guide analyse ensuite l'impact futur de l'assistance virtuelle dans le secteur du divertissement numérique, en soulignant les opportunités offertes par l'IA et les technologies d'apprentissage automatique pour redéfinir le travail et la collaboration. Il vise à doter les start-ups des connaissances et des stratégies nécessaires pour tirer pleinement parti de l'assistance virtuelle, en transformant les défis en opportunités pour un avenir où la technologie et l'humanité se rencontrent pour créer des expériences de divertissement exceptionnelles. L'eBook détaille ensuite la révolution des assistants virtuels, depuis ses débuts avec les premières formes de communication numérique jusqu'à sa place actuelle en tant que pilier de l'innovation commerciale, symbolisant l'impact transformateur de la technologie sur le monde des affaires. Il met en évidence la distinction entre les assistants virtuels humains, qui offrent flexibilité et compréhension humaine, et les assistants basés sur l'IA, qui excellent en termes de disponibilité et de cohérence, tout en soulignant les avantages et les inconvénients de chaque type. Enfin, le livre guide les jeunes entreprises tout au long du processus d'identification de leurs besoins en assistants virtuels, de la définition des tâches et des rôles à la planification des ressources et des budgets. Il souligne l'importance de choisir le bon type d'assistance, d'intégrer l'assistant virtuel dans l'écosystème de l'entreprise et de former les équipes à une collaboration efficace, et conclut sur l'impact positif de l'assistance virtuelle sur l'optimisation des opérations et l'accélération de la croissance des entreprises de divertissement numérique.

  • - A Millionaire's Blueprint To Six Figures
    av Genevieve Allan

    Introducing "Secrets to Making Millions with Affiliate Marketing: A Millionaire's Blueprint To Six Figures" by Genevieve Allan - an essential guide for achieving financial success through affiliate marketing. Discover the proven strategies and insider tips that will take your online business to millionaire levels with this comprehensive guide. - Increase your income and achieve financial freedom with affiliate marketing- Transform your mindset and unleash your full potential for success- Create a solid foundation for your affiliate marketing business- Learn how to effectively scale your business and reach six figures- Master the complexities of the digital landscape and stand out from the competition- Gain valuable insights and practical advice from a successful online business entrepreneur- Empower yourself to achieve your financial goals and live a life of abundance In "Secrets to Making Millions with Affiliate Marketing," Genevieve Allan shares her wealth of experience and proven strategies for achieving financial success through affiliate marketing. With her engaging writing style and commitment to empowering others, Genevieve presents clear and actionable advice to help readers navigate the complexities of online business. But this book isn't just for beginners - even seasoned marketers can benefit from the expert insights and strategies shared by Genevieve. Don't miss out on this valuable resource for achieving financial freedom and taking your affiliate marketing business to the next level. Order now and start your journey to financial abundance with the guidance of a true expert in the field. Don't wait, secure your copy today before the price changes.

  • - A 10-Step Beginner's Guide To Achieving Financial Freedom Through Passive Income With Affiliate Marketing
    av Anais Sawayn

    Affiliate marketing involves earning a commission by promoting and selling another person's or company's products. Affiliates find products they like, promote them, and earn a portion of the profits from each sale. This is tracked through special links between websites. Publishers earn commissions by endorsing products or services from retailers or advertisers through affiliate links. They receive payouts for specific actions, like generating sales, leads, clicks, or app downloads. Joining affiliate programs is often free, eliminating high startup expenses. With a successful strategy, affiliate marketing can evolve from a side gig to a lucrative online business, generating a substantial income.

  • - Navigating the world of social media touts
    av Geoffrey Ndula

    Geoffrey Ndula, a seasoned observer of the digital landscape, unveils the captivating exploration in "Unmasking the Influencer Illusion: Navigating the World of Social Media Touts." With a keen eye for the ever-evolving realm of social media, Ndula delves deep into the intricacies of the influencer culture, exposing the facades that often conceal the authentic stories behind the curated feeds.A thought leader in the intersection of technology and society, Geoffrey Ndula brings a unique perspective to the world of influencers, drawing from his extensive research and insightful analysis. As a writer, speaker, and social commentator, Ndula has carved a niche for himself in decoding the complexities of the online world and its impact on our perceptions. In this thought-provoking book, Ndula challenges the prevailing notions of influence and authenticity, providing readers with a roadmap to navigate the intricate web of social media touts. With a commitment to unraveling the layers of illusion, Ndula invites readers on a journey that goes beyond the filters and hashtags, exposing the realities that influencers often mask. Geoffrey Ndula is not just an author but a cultural critic who invites readers to question, analyze, and critically engage with the digital narratives that shape our perceptions. His work serves as a guiding light for those seeking a deeper understanding of the influencer phenomenon and its implications on contemporary society. "Unmasking the Influencer Illusion" is not merely a book; it is a manifesto for authenticity in a world where appearances often overshadow reality. Ndula's insights provide a compass for readers to navigate the complexities of social media, empowering them to separate the genuine from the illusory.

  • - Tips, Tricks and Helpful Websites
    av Jas S D

    Dive deep into the dynamic world of affiliate marketing with "The Art of Affiliate Marketing for Beginners." Whether you're just starting out or looking to refresh your understanding, this guide provides a comprehensive overview of the affiliate marketing landscape tailored specifically for novices.Starting with the basics, the book breaks down the intricate mechanics of affiliate marketing, from understanding the lingo to the nuts and bolts of setting up your first campaign. It sheds light on the common pitfalls that newcomers face and provides actionable strategies to navigate the competitive affiliate ecosystem effectively.Key Features: Foundational Knowledge: Grasp the fundamental concepts and terminologies to build a solid affiliate marketing foundation.Step-by-Step Guidance: Detailed walkthroughs on selecting the right niche, choosing the best affiliate programs, and setting up a robust online platform.Monetization Techniques: Discover the secrets of earning passive income, scaling your efforts, and maximizing your returns.Ethical Practices: Learn to succeed while maintaining integrity, fostering trust, and adding genuine value to your audience.Real-world Case Studies: Gain insights from real affiliate marketing campaigns, understanding both the successes and failures of seasoned marketers.Designed with easy-to-follow tutorials, practical examples, and insights from industry experts, "The Art of Affiliate Marketing for Beginners" is your go-to guide to jumpstarting your affiliate journey and transforming your passion into profit.Equip yourself with the tools, techniques, and knowledge to make a mark in the digital world. Unlock the potential of affiliate marketing and turn your dreams into digital dividends!

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