Om Doctrine 101
Learning and understanding what the Bible teaches is a daunting task, especially for those new to the faith or those who have not taken the necessary time to study. Furthermore, the typical theology book is thick and overloaded with unfamiliar words and concepts.As a book written by a layman for laymen and laywomen, Doctrine 101 will...ΓÇó Explain the truths of the Bible in simple terms so you can actually understand themΓÇó Give you real-life examples of how God''s word applies specifically to daily lifeΓÇó Equip you to identify false teachings so you are not living a life based on errorΓÇó Provide you a ready resource for key scriptures that support a biblical understanding of Christianity Written in a conversational format, Doctrine 101 will help you understand and apply the essentials truths of the Bible in a simple and understandable way. It shows how those truths correctly answer life''s questions, and it demonstrates how, once understood and embraced, those truths completely transform your life. Your thinking, behavior, focus, relationships, and priorities will all become more Christlike. You will be no longer conformed to this world but transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
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