Om God I Know
This book is an illustration of Psalm23, "... Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me...". This book shows how God in His great love and infinite mercies took care of a fatherless child in Africa, protected her during the Biafran war, fought for her in the University and finally gave her a home in America!! God is still the great God of wonders who closed the mouth of lions. He is not only the God we read about on the pages of Scripture but the one who has shown up in many supernatural encounters in this book to prove His Name. Jesus is truly the Savior, who changed the author's life, rescued her from bullets in a jungle farm, sent heavenly messengers to her to bring several messages of hope and deliverance, and constantly gave her guidance. God comes through at His time and it wipes away the tears of waiting. We have to set our priorities right: "seeking first the kingdom of God...", walking with Jesus each day, reading the Word and praying regularly so as to be guided. We must invite others to Jesus as we travel to heaven. This book reminds the Body of the renewed call to prevailing prayer. Good success is not measured by how much wealth we amass, but by our faithfulness to Jesus, knowing that this world is not our home. The author also wants to share with the world, God's warning of "an impending doom", the need for sincere repentance and living in daily obedience to Him. In times of fears, Jesus always shows up to deliver even if it seems to delay. The many supernatural interventions in this book confirms this. Victoria Udo has been a born-again Christian for 50 years. She has served as Principal in Africa and America in Christian and Public schools. She is a poet, song writer to exalt Jesus, teacher trainer and motivational speaker. She founded Life Bridges International, a vehicle to bless school children worldwide. She is happily married to Dr Okon Udo and together they have five children with many grandchildren. They live in Southern California. She has studied in Nigeria and America and has a global understanding of children's needs. Her hobby is photography and believes in the power of prayer.
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