Om Immorality through the Ages
Homosexuality, along with all other sorts of sexual and moral perversion is on the rise at an alarming rate. Rightfully so, many Christians are shocked beyond belief. "Just a few short years ago," we complain, "homosexuals were in the closet, and their behavior was scorned and derided by the majority of society."
This is where we tend to find ourselves a bit short-sighted. Most often, we think of the past in terms of earlier in our own lives, or perhaps as far back as a couple of generations. It is true, that just a few decades ago, our society was largely based upon moral principles, and homosexuality was generally frowned upon. What we fail to understand however, is that levels of immorality have been cyclical since the beginning of time.
Immorality always has been, and always will be, a problem on this sinful earth. That is a given. However, God will not allow wide-spread immorality to exist for long periods of time. What sort of events in the past have led to declines of wide-spread immorality, and a return to acceptable levels of morality? It appears that most every historical period of wide-spread immorality ended with severe judgments by God, perhaps even total destruction. This book provides us with a glimpse at some historical examples of these societal corrections.
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