Om NEW YORK CITY and the Coming Babylon Calamity
Compelling evidence is given to show that the sudden destruction of the great city "Babylon" -portrayed in the Bible's book of Revelation as a seductive prostitute -is a veiled prophecy of the impending annihilation of modern-day New York City. As a combination of Bible study and personal testimony, this book recounts the author's seemingly mundane personal experience and follow-up events that triggered this alarming view over fifty-five years ago. The investigation uncovers solid scriptural evidence that "Babylon" symbolizes a real physical city, and that New York City uniquely matches the identifying clues. A chapter is devoted to the question-among all the cities of the world-why would New York City be singled out for destruction? Additionally, an analysis of historical and contemporary world events, viewed in the light of relevant Old and New Testament Bible prophecies, is used to formulate an end-time scenario that could lead to the shocking destruction of New York City. The scenario identifies three presently existing powers that will likely form the unprecedented confederacy that will eventually carry out the deadly attack. Readers are invited to evaluate the evidence and draw their own conclusions. Regardless of a reader's conclusion, the study should produce increased assurance that our Heavenly Father, who sacrificed his divine Son so that all might have eternal life, sees the end from the beginning and still has everything in His ultimate control. WILLIAM A. (Bo) GRISSOM holds the PhD in mechanical engineering from the University of Cincinnati and professor emeritus status at Central State University in southwestern Ohio, where he served as professor for thirty years before retiring in 2006. Dr. Grissom was a licensed professional engineer for 35 years and gained industrial experience with IBM, GE, NASA Lewis, Baldwin Piano Company, and Chrysler Corporation. This is his second book following his retirement from engineering education. His first book entitled, Hath God Said ... Remember the Sabbath Day? - the Gospel in Both Testaments, addresses conflicting doctrinal views advocated by major Christian factions. Both books apply the same logical, detailed approach required in the field of engineering to the study of the Bible. Dr. Grissom and his wife, Sandi, reside in Xenia, Ohio and have been blessed with six grown children.
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