Om Penny Stocks
Have you ever imagined yourself or your company completely debt-free, and profitable to the extent that you could afford every luxury that you put your mind to? I'm sure you have. Financial liberty is the privilege of a few but it doesn't mean it's something you only get if you are born to it. What if you could make the life you have dreamed of for all these years starting from where you are right now? By the end of this book, you will understand: - Why invest in penny stocks- How the over-the-counter (otc) stock market works- Analyze financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement)- Use important financial ratios- Effective penny stock strategies to make money- How to find penny stocks with "hidden assets"- Portfolio management strategies- Strategies to sell shares to maximize profitThrough this book, you will have in your arsenal the most effective method of depending yourself from these scammers and frauds. By giving you only the most relevant and most useful information about penny stocks, what they are, the risks and benefits involving them, the rules that you have to know, and how to start making transactions, you can be sure of a safe penny stock venture.
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