Om The Misunderstanding and Misinterpretation and Manipulation of the Bible by Man.
From a layman''s point of view the author attempts to interpret some of the most misunderstood and misinterpreted Scriptures of the Bible in a layman''s language so that they may be easily understood by those who seek to know the Word of God and so that they may not be misinterpreted by those who seek to preach the Word of God.He also attempts to show how the Scriptures are manipulated by those who seek to make personal and material gain from the Word of God at the expense of their own flock. This is in order that the readers of this book may understand some of the most important Scriptures of the Bible, teach them within the Scriprures own accord and for all believers to be aware of the manipulators of the Word of God hiding in the church of God exploiting the very souls they are supposed to save.
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