Om The Simple Gospel
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is Simple; But It's Not Simplistic!
"Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me." John 5:39
Although The Simple Gospel is a compilation of articles and essays written by Jon Cardwell while serving as a missionary-pastor in remote bush Alaska (2002-2008), the hope behind this little book is to exhort earnest Bible reading, study and meditations among Christians in these dark times; and further, to encourage an eye upon the scriptures from a perspective that is gospel honoring, Christ exalting, and God glorifying.
Jon has often said from the pulpit, "The gospel of Jesus Christ is simple; but it's not simplistic." In other words...
The gospel is easy enough for a child to understand; nevertheless, the propositions of the gospel are eternal truths and, therefore, infinitely glorious.
As fallen men, even those redeemed by God's grace in Jesus Christ, have a propensity toward sin and a tendency toward good works accomplished in the flesh, the only remedy for today's Christian is to stay rooted and grounded in gospel faith, drawing nearer to God in the revelation of Jesus Christ from the scriptures. The entire Bible is about the Person and work of Jesus Christ: who He is and what He has done, is doing, and will do, unto God's great glory.
This treatise is something of a sequel to the bestseller, Christ and Him Crucified.
It begins with "The Simple Gospel," explaining the Incarnation, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension, and Restitution in Christ's return.Next is an exposition of Romans 3:21-27 in a chapter titled, "Propitiation through Faith."The third chapter, "The Sign of Jonah," may be a little edgy for some as it explains a Wednesday crucifixion from scriptural proofs."The Shroud of Turin" is the fourth chapter, an article that expresses, from the scriptures, why the Turin shroud could not be the burial cloth of Jesus Christ.The fifth chapter, "The Chief End of Man," may step on a few toes as it not only provides a brief lesson in Biblical hermeneutics while presenting man's true and Biblical purpose, but it also presents the "felt needs" approach to church growth as unbiblical and logically unsound."The Trouble with Traditions of Men" refutes some modern "Christian traditions" while presenting the importance of clinging to the truth of Christ crucified from the scriptures.Next, "The Mystery of God," presents the gospel of Jesus Christ through some oft overlooked prophetic scriptures in Genesis."You Must Be Born Again," springing from Christ's comment to Nicodemus in John 3:3, presents the reality of regeneration in the soul saved by grace through faith.Finally, the book is capped off with "A Glimpse of Eternity."Artistic paintings and photographs have also been included in this work to aid you in understanding some of the points presented. MAKE YOUR PURCHASE TODAY!
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