Om Batting Doctors Cricket Team Wisdom
Many years ago I was lucky enough to meet well known cricket Sports Psychologist Sandy Gordon. At that meeting Sandy indicated that it was important for all teams and team members to continue to look to improve in all they do.
Later I was fortunate to attend a Junior Cricket meeting where Mike Hussey spoke. Mike indicated that Sandy Gordon had impressed on the West Australian Team there was a genuine need for all to work together as a team.
Sandy had suggested to Mike that he and the team needed to remember the following acronym:
The WISE quickly understand that there is a genuine need for all to continue to work to improve in all that is done. The WISE also better understand that so much more can be achieved when all in a TEAM work together.
Over many centuries of human existence, the WISE have used these important ideals to achieve unbelievable and sustained SUCCESS. Many examples of these outstanding achievements have been included to provide impetus for the reader to apply WISDOM in all that is done.
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